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Tue Sep 24th, 2024 @ 8:09pm

Roman Quinn

Name Roman Michael Quinn M.D.

Position Survivor

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 28
Birthday December 12, 1982

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 180 lbs.
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Gray
Physical Description As a resident, always on his feet and on the move, he's lean. Who has time to gain weight? Blonde hair that generally doesn't go too long without being styled and gray eyes. He pretty much lives in scrubs and casual clothes but like any doctor, he's got a good suit hanging in his closet.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Andrew Quinn (Deceased)
Mother Deanna Quinn (Deceased)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Vienna Quinn
Other Family They're out there - he's out of touch with most of them

Personality & Traits

General Overview Roman is focused and dedicated - 8 years of college and medical school completed, he's in his second year of seven, E.R. residency and then a fellowship. He's made a lot of sacrifices to get as far as he did. He's intelligent, ambitious, and works well under pressure. He gets along well with others and had a wide circle of friends before everything fell apart. He dates casually but has no interest in starting a family or settling down. There's too much to do.

Since the wildfire virus hit, work has become his soul focus. There are just so many in need. While he's not a risk taker, at least where his personal safety is concerned, he will always put the needs of the patient first -- and yes, sometimes, that has caused problems.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
Back Pack Contents > Laptop with Charger
> Medical Journal
> Journal with pen
> Flashlight
> Toiletry kit
> Energy Bars
> Wallet, Medical ID, Car keys (drives a Jeep Liberty)
> Cellphone with charger
Weapon > Cross-body medical kit
Hobbies & Interests > Darts, Pool, hanging out with friends
> Reading - but its mostly medical journals these days
> Music - plays guitar and while he's never had the ambition to form a band, he's pretty good
> Basketball

Personal History Because he had no interest in hunting or fishing, he and his mechanic father didn't get along well. To his father, Vienna was really the son he always wanted and while that was never said aloud, Roman got the message well enough. He's always been a good student and has been away from home for the last ten years.

Vienna was five when he left but before that, he used to spend time playing with her -- tea parties and hide and seek, playing in the park, and the like. Once he left home, with his father ready to lock the door behind him, they kept in touch by cellphone but it wasn't the same. Not really.