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Fri Aug 16th, 2024 @ 12:26am


Name Dante

Position Leader

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 16
Birthday March 23, 1994

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 160 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Lean, underfed, with a naturally tanned complexion and a lattice-work of old scars on his back. His hair is black and somewhat shaggy, and his eyes, warm brown in color, have a guarded look as though you're being assessed.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Deceased
Mother Deceased
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family The Infernals

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dante was living on the streets for over a year before the wildfire virus. He has a well-justified mistrust of adults. He is fiercely independent with keen observational skills and a thirst for knowledge. He takes what he needs and protects what he's got. He's gifted when it comes to getting into and out of places unseen; if the world hadn't gone to hell, he'd have been on track to be an accomplished thief. Not that he wanted a life of crime particularly but when you're living on the streets and unable to get work, you do what you have to do. He's a natural leader and takes care of a group of younger kids, that he calls "The Infernals". He's a strong believer in the adage 'knowledge is power' and gives away very little.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
> Clever/voracious reader
> Highly observant/not easily fooled
> Makings of an exceptional thief
> Natural born leader

> Very mistrustful of adults
> Doesn't take orders well
> Not violent by nature but he knows how to protect himself and yes, he fights dirty
Back Pack Contents Sketchbook with maps, codes, building layouts, and lots of information such as who owes him what favor, etc.
Weapon Carries a knife
Hobbies & Interests Doesn't have time for hobbies. But he does love to read.

Personal History Dante's parents died when he was six and he's been in and out of foster homes ever since. Before the virus, he had a network of contacts and a system whereby he traded favors. He found that working with the elderly was especially lucrative. He would run errands and in return they fed him or gave him a bit of cash. Those people, he never stole from. Now, a time or two, the concerned citizen would turn him in and those, when he ran away again, would face his own brand of justice. Usually theft of pawnable valuables.