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Fri Aug 16th, 2024 @ 12:26am


Name Amythyst

Position Member

Character Information

Gender Female
Age 15
Birthday May 3rd 1995

Physical Appearance

Height 5f3
Weight 98 LBS
Hair Color Brown with Purple streaks
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Slender, with long brown hair which has purple highlights through it. She wears it down and often wears an army green jacket, which is oversized and belonged to someone she knew as a child.She is a runner so she is very fit. Her normal outfit is jeans, teeshirt and the army jacket.


Mother Miranda Morrison

Personality & Traits

General Overview Amy, as she calls herself, is a loner. Her mother raised her in East Harlem, a white girl in a primarily Hispanic neighbourhood. She enjoys sketching and on weekends made money in Central park, doing sketches of Tourists for cash.
Strengths & Weaknesses (s) Artistic
(s) Observant
(s) A fast runner
(w) extremely wary of others
(w) Shy
Back Pack Contents · Sketchbook with Charcoal
· Sleeping bag
· 2 Change of clothes
· Toiletries bag
· Boots
· Small first aide kit
Weapon A Machete, found in the dumpster near her apartment.
Hobbies & Interests Drawing, Painting, Reading

Personal History Amy, as she calls herself, is a loner. Her mother, who had her at 16, raised her in East Harlem, a white girl in a primarily Hispanic neighbourhood. She enjoys sketching and on weekends made money in Central Park, doing sketches of Tourists for cash. Her mother was a street walker, occasionally getting cash jobs in diners. Amy kept to herself in the small two-bedroom apartment, and often had to blockade her bedroom when her mother brought men home.
She attended PS102 Jacques Cartier up to Year 5, then PS 79 Horan School until the world went to hell. Her mother who rarely came home, came home drunk and died by falling down the stairs in Late August. She was taken away by the police. Amy lied that she had an older brother would was at work so she had a guardian. She was a track athlete at her school and often won distance races.

When the pandemic became too much she knew East Harlem was not safe so she packed a backpack and headed out. She found a machete near a dumpster and kept it close. She made her way to Central Park hoping it would be safe but it was not. So, she began keeping to the alleys.