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Fri Sep 6th, 2024 @ 11:14pm

Enrique Duarte Casal

Name Enrique Duarte Casal

Position Survivor

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 130 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Blue
Physical Description He has a muscular yet elegant physique with a low percentage of body fat. Straight black hair and dark blue, expressive eyes. He's always clean shaven, well-groomed right down to manicured nails. Indifferent to clothes, unless its for a performance, and prefers jeans and t-shirts with slip-on shoes. He's emotionally expressive with a lot of hand gestures.


Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths

Editor's Note: Male ballet dancers focus on muscle strength, soaring jumps and different turn varieties. A male ballet dancer is required to lift and assist a ballerina as one of their main purposes on stage. They lift around 110 pounds repeatedly in entrees, adagios, and codas in the many rehearsal and practice hours that lead up to a single performance.

> Highly disciplined and an extreme work ethic
> Athletic and strong/can leap six feet in the air
> High degree of flexibility, coordination, mental focus and endurance
> Speaks English and Spanish fluently. Started to learn German.


> Strong-willed, sometimes argumentative - especially when people start making assumptions about him
> Misses his family and now, is worried about them, and that can keep him up at night.
> No ability with weapons, camping, hunting, etc.
Positions Held Formerly:
> Recently joined the Stattsballet in Berlin, Germany

> Making his way out of Chicago and trying not to die
Back Pack Contents > Dance belt, tights, sleeveless t-shirt, slippers
> Small medical kit - for minor injuries - cuts, etc.
> Water bottle (filled)
> Bag of trail mix and three apples
> Text book on basic German
> Journal and pen (entries written in Spanish)
> Compass and Map

Personal History 1988: Born in Barcelona, Spain
1991-2006: Escuela Perez Iborra, Barcelona Spain
> Escola Ballet David Campos, Pre-Ballet Classes, Iniciado I and II, and Programma Pre-Professional
2006-2010: Joffrey Ballet School, New York, NY
> Taking German lessons
> Invited to join the Stattsballet in Berlin, Germany