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Posted on Sun Aug 25th, 2024 @ 9:45pm by Chloé Rouen & René Rouen

567 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Road Ahead
Location: Quinn Hunting Cabin, Augusta, GA
Timeline: MD7 I think

René was sitting in a chair on the second floor balcony of the roadside inn the group had stopped at for the night. He was taking a shift on guard duty to give the others some much needed rest. He took a sip of coffee and grimaced at the taste. He had never been a big fan of coffee, but it was usually tolerable with some sugar. He looked to his right as the door to the room Vienna and Chloé shared quietly opened.

Chloé slipped out and looked around as she shrugged her jacket on. She paused when she saw her brother. "Salut" she said as she walked over to him.

René gestured to the chair next to him with a brief smile. "Asseyez-vous s'il vous plaît." He studied Chloé's expression for a moment and switched to English. "Can't sleep?"

She shot him a look when he told her to sit, he maybe her brother but she would do as she pleased. She stood and she leaned against the wall. "No. Sleep is difficult."

René nodded. He knew exactly what she meant. Dealing with the Soulless, concerns about his family and trying to sort out his feelings for Vienna had all made falling asleep quickly a thing of the past. He glanced at the door to Chloé's room. "So, uh, how are you and Vienna getting along?"

His sister shrugged "she is nice." Chloé replied. "Why?"

René's thoughts traveled over the last month since his arrival in the United States. Particularly on how his relationship with Vienna had been progressing. "She is important to me."

"Vraiment? Après un mois?" Chloé's incredulity was clear. "Vous la connaissez depuis moins d'un mois René, et elle est importante?" she threw her hands up as she spoke. And she gave him a look that only a younger sister could give. Total sibling disgust.

René shrugged. "What would you have me do Chloé?"

"Utilise ta tête! Ne sois pas stupide et pense avec ton pénis" She shot back in French.

René gave a sigh. "Est-ce que tu penses vraiment si peu à moi ? Elle et moi n'avons partagé un baiser que quelques fois. Je ne ferais jamais quelque chose comme ça avant que nous soyons tous les deux prêts à le faire."

"la façon dont vous agissez donne l’impression que vous dormez ensemble." His sister replied. "You need to tell Grand-pere."

René nodded, his expression thoughtful. He took a deep breath and released it slowly. "Vienna’s brother as well. No secrets amongst family. Agreed?"

"Agreed." his sister replied. "But it might be best to allow Vienna to tell her brother. A broken nose would damage your face."

René chuckled as he nodded. "Agreed." He looked into the night for a few minutes. He finally turned to his sister. "You should try and get some rest."

"Yes, but it is hard." She said softly. Chloé have her standard shrug. "We do not know what is happening at home."

René slowly nodded. He knew exactly how Chloé felt. He had many sleepless nights wondering if his family was still alive. "Father is one of the finest swordsman in all of France, possibly in all of Europe. He can keep mother safe."

His sister gave a shrug. " we will never know let's be honest about it." She was not going to have false hope.


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