
Manifest Changes

Posted on Sun Jul 28th, 2024 @ 3:10am by Dante

Hello, Survivors!

Thanks to the efforts of Ray (who writes for Alonzo Blazevic), we have a new and improved manifest that better fits the needs of our particular sim.

We're organized by families and those who are single are listed under 'The Unattached'. If your situation changes and you become part of someone's family, then we'll switch you around.

Military designations are no longer going to be shown on the manifest and you'll see that they've been removed for you -- we're doing that for two reasons. One, it's no longer a part of our reality and two, it's part of the great manifest cleanup.

But that information is part of our history and so, it's all going to be contained in a field where you can enter information about positions held -- and what do you know, it's called "Positions Held". Here's what Hale's would look like:

*Leader, Wisconsin Survivors
*Council Member

*Major, United States Army Rangers, 5th Special Forces Group, Fort Campbell, Kentucky

Location is a good thing to add in the former positions part because that will give other writers ideas about how to make connections with your character(s).

And yes, I know that the Council hasn't been formed as yet but I wanted to put it there to give everyone the idea of how it would look.

Currently, there are only four ranks.
> Survivor (which is plain with a silver border)
> Committee Chair (one arrow with a silver border). Note that only the one in charge of the committee will be designated.
> Council Member (two arrows with a silver border). Once we're in Wisconsin and setting things up, Committee members will be elected with some rules involved. Hale as Leader would automatically be appointed.
> Leader (one circled arrow with a silver border) and that's Hale.

Only ONE position will be noted by rank on the Manifest. All positions held will be outlined in that Positions Held field in your bio. (So again, Hale's highest position is "Leader" so that's the one noted by 'rank'. His other position is Council Member and that won't be shown on the Manifest. Clear?

NOTE: Serena's rank is displaying incorrectly. That's a Nova thing that should straighten itself out over the next day or so.

Currently, there's only one committee and that's Logistics with Serena Reynolds as the Chair. And Serena's writer has been doing an amazing job with keeping track of what we have, what we need, and who is driving with who.
> NOTE: You cannot hold the Chair position for more than one committee at a time.

Other committees, which haven't been established as yet, will probably include:
> Medicine
> Motor Pool
> Construction and Maintenance
> Agriculture
> Hunting and Fishing
> Security
> Food Preparation
> Laundry and Clothing Repair
> School

Currently, there is a cap of eight NPCs per player-character and those are limited to active NPCs -- that's to keep the manifest under control. An NPC who shows up as three words in a JP now and again is not considered active and you will be contacted about your plans for that character.

Current Episode
Our new episode, The Road Ahead, will be done as a series of vignettes. The narrator (me in italics) will set the scene and then everyone can write about it to their heart's content. The episode concludes when we reach Wisconsin.

New York Survivors
The New York group is open to anyone who wants to write a different view of the apocalypse.I'll probably set up separate episodes for them (so NY writers, keep that in mind when you're doing a post).

And Finally
Okay, so that's it. Thank you for your patience while Ray did his magic in the background. As he just said to me, and I quote: "changing ranksets and positions and departments takes time my friends. Sometimes, things get tucked into places and need pulled back out."

See you in the apocalypse,




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