
  • 18 Mission Posts

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Fri Nov 24th, 2023 @ 9:55pm

Civilian Father Dominic Stephens

Name Father Dominic Stephens

Position Former Friend

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 36
Birthday June 2, 1974

Physical Appearance

Height 178cm / 5'10"
Weight 75kg / 165lbs.
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Dominic is rather fit for a middle-aged man. He keeps his hair on the short side and wears dark clothes with a priest collar.


Spouse Charlotte Stephens (deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dominic is a deeply spiritual man, but he can fall into depressions in November (the anniversary of Charlotte's death from cancer)
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Knowledgeable theologian, comforting presence, good endurance due to his fondness for outdoor wilderness activities

Weaknesses: Suffers from depression from time to time, recovering alcoholic
Back Pack Contents Spare change of clothes and boots
Sleeping bag
Small mountain tent
Weapon Wood are & Survival knife
Hobbies & Interests Camping, backpacking and hiking

Personal History JUN 1974 - JUL 1992
Dominic grew up in Webster Groves, Missouri. His family was always heavily involved in the Episcopal Church, attending services at Emmanuel Episcopal. The family attended Church every Sunday and on all religious holidays. The kids were involved in youth fellowship while they parents participated in the lay ministry.

JUL 1992 - JUN 1996
It came as no surprise when Dominic told his family that he wished to enter the priesthood shortly before his graduation from high school. He left for St. Augustine College in Chicago, Illinois and spent four years working on his undergraduate degree in religion. It was there he met Charlotte Warner, a woman three years his senior, during his final year of study. They were engaged after his graduation, staying in Chicago for another year so Charlotte could complete medical school.

JUL 1996 - JUN 2000
Dominic and Charlotte moved to New York City where he attended seminary studies at Episcopal Divinity School and Charlotte could start residency at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital. The couple was married in Trinity Church after Charlotte completed her two year residency and joined the hospital staff as a fully accredited physician. Dominic completed his seminary studies two years later and applied to the Episcopal Church for an assistant rector position at St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church.

JUN 2000 - MAR 2001
Dominic and Charlotte were a happy couple, both growing in their chosen professions. Despite very busy schedules they always made time for one another. They finally came to the decision to start their own family. Dominic and Charlotte tried for six months without success.

MAR 2001 - APR 2001
They sought out a specialist who diagnosed Charlotte with an aggressive form of ovarian cancer. She went in to cancer treatment to save her life though it was a very tough year. Charlotte was constantly sick from the treatments and Dominic found his Faith wavering. Charlotte's cancer went into remission which helped Dominic's crisis in Faith. The two promised one another to never take a single day for granted.

APR 2002 - JUN 2002
The couple began taking vacations whenever possible, mostly groups hiking excursions along the Appalachian Trail. Dominic fell in love with the upper portion of the trail and the many quiet towns and villages that were along the Northern most portions of the Appalachian Trail.

JUN 2007 - NOV 2007
Charlotte's cancer returned after five years of remission, this time more aggressively. She was told that little could be done the second time. She and Dominic decided that they would take one last excursion. They reached Millinocket and stayed there, renting a house as they sold their NYC condo. Dominic joined the St. Andrew's Church and served as assistant rector there until after Charlotte's death. He sought solace in drink for several months following Charlotte's death, but received help from Father Tanner, the Rector. The rector at the time was getting on in years and decided to finally retire. A petition from him and the entire congregation was sent to the archdiocese to have Dominic take over as rector. The congregation, now under Father Dominic raised money and bought a small house for the outgoing rector in Millinocket.

NOV 2007 - AUG 2010
Dominic has led the flock at St. Andrew's for several years now, quite often visiting his old mentor for guidance on theological and secular matters to best help the congregation at St. Andrew's.