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Sat Jun 29th, 2024 @ 4:11pm

Ethan Thompson

Name Ethan Thompson

Position Runner

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 15
Birthday 7 November 1995

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 94 lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown/Curly
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Lean, due for another growth spurt, with brown, curly hair and kind, expressive green eyes. Originally dressed in a black t-shirt with a motorcycle on the front, worn jeans and sneaks, and a red hoodie.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Harvey Thompson (deceased)
Mother Alice Thompson (deceased)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Many

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ethan's a good kid, willing to help when its needed, but persistent in the pursuit of things that interest him to the point where he's snuck out of the house a few times and even forged his dad's signature so that he could go on the field trip.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
> Good at sneaking (especially out of his parents' house at night)
> Runs Track (fast)
> Knows a bit about working on motorcycles
> Smart. Good in school. Loves science.

> Slow to trust. His life has turned upside down/inside out in a matter of a day. Takes time to accept that life is never going to be the same again.
> Stubborn. No and 'cause I said so are not phrases that Ethan accepts easily.
> Loves burgers.
Back Pack Contents > iPhone with charger
> Change of clothes
> Bottle of water
> Couple of protein bars
> Book -- The Vast Unknown
Weapon Doesn't know how to use them
Hobbies & Interests * Loves motorcycles and street racing
* Loves horror films

Personal History The murder of his parents' in Bangor, Maine made the news. Ethan, entirely freaked out by what happened, forged his dad's signature and went on the school trip. Since then, he's hooked up with Hale Stratton and Alonzo Blazevic; they are becoming a family.