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Mon Nov 18th, 2024 @ 10:51pm

Survivor Alonzo Blazevic

Name Alonzo Blazevic

Position Survivor

Rank Survivor

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 26
Birthday Janurary, 7th, 1984

Physical Appearance

Height 6′ 2"
Weight 170 lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Tall and lean, Alonzo Blazevic has darker features. His hair and eyes are both dark brown. His hair especially when wet or with a gel product looks borderline black. He has a scruffy outcast type of look to him that may tend to cause him to be viewed as sleazy or disheveled, but he genuinely smells nice. His "puppy dog" eyes can sometimes be used to lower peoples' guard and let him in. He has concealed his boyish looks by growing out his facial hair. Sometimes, a little stubble and sometimes a little more depending on how he feels. He's of Central and Eastern European heritage, primarily Serbian-Croatian.


Father Leon Blazevic (Deceased)
Mother Chef Stefani Blazevic
Brother(s) Luka Blazevic - Mechanic

Personality & Traits

General Overview Somewhere between the thin line separating an introvert and extrovert, Alonzo (or Lonnie) could be considered an omnivert. He has somewhat extreme cases of being introverted or extroverted which can throw people for a loop. He has trouble balancing his outgoing nature with his tendecy to display shyness. As a result, he can seem like he has a dual personality which is not really the case. Which "side" of him you get to see actually depends on the situation that he's in and how well he knows you.

Alonzo has been described as being very practical, self reliant, stoic and at times overly ambitious. He tends to be someone that you will want in your corner; however, it is probably better not to have them at a party as too many people can cause them to clam up. He prefers to keep associates plentiful and at a distance, but friends on the other hand, he will keep only a few and those few will be kept closely.

Although his circle of friends will always be kept small, Alonzo is good friend to have. He is loyal and supportive to his friends and loved ones. He expresses his creativity by creating secure, luxurious 'nests' and living a comfortable, enviable lifestyle. Living well is important to them, but having his own space to call his own is even more important.

Driven to do their utmost best, Alonzo will never let himself off the hook. He is completely determined to show other people what he is made of to the point that he is a little bit obsessed with status and the trappings of success. He wants to prove everyone that has ever doubted him, including his deceased father, that he was right and that he can be a success at what he chose to do.

He will unlikely ever be the most talented individual in a room, but that won't stop him from utilizing his strengths and capitalizing on what he is good at. Alonzo is hardworking and determined. If he feels like he's being pushed aside or written off as being dead weight, he will find a way to make himself stand out as valuable to a team. He is tenacious and relentless with a never give up attitude.
Back Pack Contents Sony Alpha DSLR-A230
Spare SD Card
USB Thumb Drive
Small First Aid Kit
Can of Bear Mace
Samsung N150 Plus with charger
Samsung Vibrant with charger
Extra change of clothes with boots
Weapon Ruger LCR on side holster
Hobbies & Interests Photography
Socially Awkward Drinking or Smoking

Personal History

Born on the 7th of January in 1984, Alonzo Blazevic and his parents immigrated to the United States in the 1990s due to political conflict back home. They settled in Maine where both his parents worked hard to adapt to a new country and new culture. They did not speak much English when they fled Europe, but over the years they assimilated the language well enough to get by and for Alonzo's father, Leon to start his own business doing what he had done for years, be a reasonable and dependable mechanic.

His mother was a stay-at-home parent for most of his childhood, and when Alonzo was a child, his parents had his younger brother, Luka. His parents still maintained a lot of their culture from back home while the two brothers became more 'Americanized' to the point that Alonzo became fairly fluent with English and started to lose some of his original tongue.

As he grew, his mother sought opportunities that were not present to her back home. She became a restaurateur, opening up Blazevic's. She eventually put herself through culinary school and had encouraged Alonzo to follow in her footsteps after he had a bit of a falling out with his father. Luka, was more interested in becoming a mechanic like his father. Alonzo's interests in cars was illegally racing them at night for some extra cash.

A culinary school dropout, Alonzo found himself more attracted to becoming a writer, more specifically a reporter. He left Culinary school and enrolled at the University of Maine in Orono, majoring in Journalism and minoring in Photography. In his downtime, he has started building a portfolio for himself as a freelancer.

In August 2010, Alonzo Blazevic had chosen to travel for the Trail's End Festival. Though the festival itself was interesting enough to draw Alonzo's attention, his intentions were to go with his camera to grab some shots that he could sell to local or national newspapers and outlets for extra cash. If he were lucky enough, he'd be able to sell some photos and perhaps get an offer to pen an article about the festival.