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Fri Nov 24th, 2023 @ 9:55pm

Civilian Bao Shi Hong

Name Bao Shi Hong

Position Former Friend

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 39
Birthday July 4th 1971

Physical Appearance

Height 5'0"
Weight 120 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Brown


Father Mr. Hong
Mother Mrs. Hong

Personality & Traits

General Overview Bao is an amicable and broad minded individual, a fourth generation Chinese-American and the only son of his parents. He works hard each day in one of his father’s restaurants to hopefully one day take over the family business, but Bao has always felt his father views him as a bit of a disappointment. He values personal and family loyalty very highly, which is one reason he never went too far for schooling and has not ‘used his education’ to better himself. He simply earned his degrees and continued to help his parents with their businesses.

He is not exactly a good luck charm as he does sometimes make questionable choices and mistakes that often result in him trying to clean up a lot of his own messes while profusely apologizing. Bai can be very nurturing and caring to the point that his uncle used to tease him by referring to him as ‘little mother’ which has always caused a bit of family tension. He can sometimes be overly protective of friends and family. When he is comfortable with those around him, a goofier side surfaces and he will crack jokes with them.

His intuitive nature is sharp almost as if Bao has a sixth sense about things, but there’s nothing mystical or supernatural about it. He simply has a keen eye for detail, remembers the smallest of things, and studies people and situations thoroughly. His fight or flight response leans heavily towards flight. However, this can sometimes make him a bit paranoid and flighty.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
Strong intuition – He has a “sixth sense” about things. When something doesn’t feel right, he tends to feel it strongly. He’s one to really listen to his gut feelings about things including people. It has served him well in the past.

Steadfast - He is dutiful and hardworking. Bao puts in all the work and does not expect much in return though he appreciates recognition. He is someone that will stay true and loyal to anyone that befriends him or takes him in, and he will not betray them.

A sleeve of emptions – Bao is the embodiment of the expression ‘wearing their emotions on their sleeves’ as he had a wide range of them and they are almost always on full display for everyone to see. Generally, he is pleasant and kind, but when he is angry or frustrated, there is no concealing it.

Brooding and steaming – Sometimes, Bao just cannot let things go and his negative emotions are left simmering or stewing. He needs a healthy outlet for these situations before they boil over and he lashes out at people.
Hobbies & Interests ▪ Singing and humming – Bao has always enjoyed music and as a child and teenager he was in choir at school. Singing or humming is something he does to cope with stress, but he will sometimes just do it as he works on something.

▪ Reading – An avid reader, Bao often unwinds after a long day by sitting in a chair with a good book. He likes to keep his mind sharp and expand his knowledge and vocabulary.

▪ Gardening – Being one with nature and having a green thumb, Bao was taught from an early age the importance of plants and how to have a successful garden. Getting ingredients fresh was always key to his mother’s home cooking.

Personal History Born and raised in Maine’s “biggest small town” of Millinocket, Bao Shi Hong is the only child of the Hong’s a husband and wife who own The Rainbow Dragon, an Americanized Chinese restaurant in Millinocket and part of a larger conglomerate of Chinese dine in and take out businesses owned by relatives of the Hong’s across the northeastern United States. Bao began working at the age of fourteen outside of school hours and only for a small bit each week, bussing tables at the restaurant.

Family has always come first for Bao and the family restaurant means everything to him, especially as his parents have gotten older and are no longer able to run it with as much energy as they once had. Bao has done everything to try and make his father proud of him and see that he is ready to take the reigns of The Rainbow Dragon, but Bao’s father has done little to show that faith in his son. Bao still works at his parents’ restaurant, but he no longer is bussing tables. Instead, he serves as host on nights his mother takes off and occasionally manages the restaurant when his parents permit it; however, he primarily makes the delivery runs.

A graduate of Husson University in Bangor, Maine, Bao earned his Bachelors of Science in Financial Planning and went on to earn a Masters of Business Administration. He tries his best to make use of his degrees believing that he is ready to take over the family business. His father, however, thinks that Bao should not be handed to business and that his son needs to find his own fortune.