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Sat Jul 22nd, 2023 @ 1:56am

Civilian Victoria Lancaster

Name Victoria Edwin Lancaster

Position Former Friend

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Gender Female
Age 23
Birthday 25 March, 1987

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 150 lbs
Hair Color dark brown
Eye Color dark brown
Physical Description Victoria is a young woman in higher-than-average physical condition with long dark brown hair that she keeps tied in a braid. The gaze of her dark brown eyes is often serious, and when she does smile, it's often in a mischievous smirk. Victoria wears a black motorcycle jacket with a red scarf, a grey miniskirt and matching grey jeans tucked into riding boots.


Spouse Vladimir Sukharev (boyfriend, deceased)
Children none
Father Robert Lancaster (status unknown)
Mother Elisabeth Lancaster (status unknown)
Brother(s) Henry Lancaster (status unknown)
Other Family George Lancaster (paternal uncle - status unknown)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Victoria is a charismatic woman who grew up as the younger sister competing against her older brother for their parents' attention. As such, Victoria knows how to "project" herself, coming off as a confident individual, but not too cocky. She also knows how to use her assets to manipulate men who don't know any better into doing her bidding.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Charismatic
+Leadership skills
+Competent in basic mechanics

-Doesn't like driving "on the wrong side"
-Only familiar with rifles, as pistols are banned in the UK
Back Pack Contents -Wrench set
-Screwdriver, standard
-Screwdriver, Philips head
-Can of WD40
-Scavenged Sony Walkman and scavenged cassette tapes
-Toiletries set (containing: Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, soap, and Bacitracin Zinc Ointment)
Weapon Baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, nicknamed 'Vlad'

Utility knife
Hobbies & Interests -Mechanics
-Long distance lorry driving
-Eddie Stobart Group (British logistics company)
-Playing Banjo
-English Cooking

Personal History Victoria Lancaster was born and raised in Liverpool, home of the Beatles and port of registry of the RMS Titanic. Victoria grew up the younger of two children, often competing with her brother for her parents' attention. From a young age, Victoria understood the importance of 'projecting' herself: A valuable skillset which would only grow as Victoria grew older.

When Victoria turned 18, she decided she wanted to become a long distance lorry driver. After obtaining her CPC and HGV, Victoria joined the Eddie Stobart Group. It was while working for "Eddie" that Victoria met Vladimir Sukharev: A Russian immigrant and fellow driver who taught her basic mechanics. Victoria came to like Sukharev for more than just the money she saved the company in maintenance, and eventually began dating him.

Sukharev had always wanted to see America, but in 2007, a cancer diagnosis prevented him from travelling long distances. Victoria supported Sukharev throughout his battle which he fought in silence, with Victoria being one of his few confidantes.

In late 2009, Sukharev won tickets to the Trail's End Festival the next year in Millinocket, Maine, as part of a Christmas raffle at Eddie Stobart. However, by then his condition had started to deteriorate, and so he gave the tickets to Victoria, asking her to promise him to see America on his behalf.

Vladimir Sukharev passed away on March 29, 2010. Shortly after Victoria's 23rd birthday. Sukharev's loss hit Victoria pretty hard, and she vowed to make good on the promise she'd made to him the previous Christmas.

And so, as late August rolled around, Victoria bought plane tickets and travelled to Maine, unaware of the impending global pandemic that would leave her stranded on the other side of the pond.