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Sun Jan 21st, 2024 @ 8:36pm

Civilian Steffan Wolff

Name Steffan Wolff

Position Former Friend

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 44
Birthday 10/11/65

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 70kg
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Steffan has kept himself in reasonable shape in recent years, having a toned body with board shoulders.

He is always clean shaven, and has his hair trimmed weekly.


Spouse Klara Wolff (Died 2009)
Children Johanna Wolff
Oskar Wolff
Father Oskar Wolff
Mother Hanna Wolff

Personality & Traits

General Overview Steffan was brought up in a decent family and had a very good education. He was regarded as one of the best business minds of his time and was rumoured to be a future leader of his political party. However, Steffan changed after his wife's death. He became arrogant, self-obsessed and rude.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Physically fit

- Arrogant
- Self-obsessed
- Rude
Hobbies & Interests Keeping fit

Personal History Steffan was born in 1965 to Oskar and Hanna Wolff. They lived in Augsburg, South German, where Oskar worked at the local bank and Hanna was a housewife.

He had a fairly normal upbringing, he worked hard at school and had a stable loving family. During high school he met a girl called Klara, they made an instant connection and became childhood sweethearts. 

When they were both 18 they wanted to go to university, Steffan was accepted into Durham University in England to study Business, while Klara was accepted into the University of Munich. They both decided to end the relationship as they knew a long distance relationship would be to stressful but chose to remain friends.

In 1988, Steffan returned home with his business degree. He’d already set up a small business, Wolff Verkehr, which he wanted to expand.

One fateful night while out with friends, Steffan bumped into Klara and instantly hit it off again. They decided to get back together. 

In 1992, Steffan and Klara got married in a small but beautiful ceremony. A year later they had their first child together, Johanna. 

Life was good in the Wolff household, Steffan’s company was building up well and Klara had decided to go part time from her job as a Business Lawyer to look after Johanna.

In 1997, they had their second child, Oskar, named after Steffan’s father. They also moved to Munich in this year so Steffan could be closer to work.

In 2002, they moved to Berlin as Steffan had gained a seat in the Bundestag.

At the start of 2009, Klara suddenly fell ill. She was rushed to hospital where they ran numerous tests. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer and given two months to live. Six weeks later she died with her husband and children by her side. Steffan took some time away from politics to look after his children and morn the loss of his wife.

After his wife's passing, Steffan became arrogant and self important. At first this was put down to grief for the loss of his wife. But his rudeness and arrogant attitude became wildly known. 

He was once considered a firm favourite to lead the CSU but his standing within the political party began to spiral downwards. Especially with a very public falling out with the current Chancellor.

Rumours where circulating that he was going to be removed from his position within the next few weeks after his fall out with Chancellor.

However, he was still allowed to travel to the United States as planned as part of a Transportation state visit to see how different areas used public transport.
Service Record Business History

Steffan studied Business in the UK at Durham university. His parents wanted him to study law but Steffan wasn’t interested in Law and representing bad people. He wanted to go into business and wanted to study in the UK. Durham University is one of the leading academic body’s for business degrees and Steffan was accepted on his final grades from high school.

It’s during his time at university that Steffan started his first business. He was always commuting to and from the UK during university breaks and long weekends. This is where he noticed a gap in the German transport market. 

He was always seeing Taxi’s full of people with lots of luggage and the idea came to him of buying several minibuses and running them especially for larger groups of people. His father, who was a banker in Augsburg agreed that this could pick up and pick up quickly. 

So with financial support from his father, he took out a small business loan and bought 2 minibuses and hired two drivers. 

The business, which he named Wolff Verkehr, took off and over the course of Steffan’s five year university course in the UK, he managed to expand his minibus fleet to 15, acquired land, first store, then to built a workshop to maintain the fleet. 

When Steffan graduated from University in 1988, he began planning a five year business plan for his business. He wanted to expand into private hire with coaches and start looking at bus route tenders.

By 1993, his company had grown rapidly within the transport industry. He now owned multiple pieces of land, which housed extensive workshop facilities to keep his ever growing fleet of vehicles on the road. His company was spread across the south of Germany in various locations. He had won numerous bus tender contracts and had begun his own commercial routes using buses for local routes linking minor villages and towns to bigger cities like Augsburg, Stuttgart, Munich and Regensburg.

Wolff Verkehr also grew into the coach travel market, creating commercial routes linking south Germany with its European neighbours. Those links included East France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria and the Czech Republic.

In 1996, Wolff Verkehr was considered the third largest transport company in Germany and the largest operator in Southern Germany. Steffan appointed a Managing Director of his company and took a step back from company business. This allowed him to take on a new position as he gained a seat in the Landtag for the CSU.

After a successful 4 years in the Landtag, Steffan decided to move into politics. He sold Wolff Verkehr for 375 million euros. He then invested the money wisely to provide him with a decent amount of income.

Political History

Steffan’s father dabbled in Politics as a younger man and this also interested him. He decided to officially join the Christian Social Union in Bavaria like his father in 1993.

In 1996, Steffan gained a seat in the Landtag for the CSU.

In 2000, Steffan regained his seat in the Landtag.

2002 saw Steffan gaining a seat in the Bundestag.

In 2008, Steffan was given a position in the cabinet, he was made the Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure.