Survivor Thea Matthews
Name Thea Matthews
Position Survivor
Rank Survivor
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Age | 26 | |
Birthday | 29th August 1984 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5’ 6” | |
Weight | 130 lbs | |
Hair Color | Mousey Blonde | |
Eye Color | Blue | |
Physical Description | Thea (pronounced Thee-a) is an attractive young woman. She has an old scar that runs along her neckline from where she was once attacked by a patient, which flares up from time to time. |
Spouse | Andrew Winchester (deceased) | |
Children | Expecting her first (daughter - 5 months) | |
Father | Michael Matthews | |
Mother | Bianca Matthews | |
Brother(s) | None | |
Other Family | Aunts, uncles, and cousins unknown if they’re alive or dead. |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Thea is a warm, and friendly young woman. Being a nurse she has a wonderful bedside manner, making patients feel at ease. She’s very kind and caring, she’ll do anything for anyone. Having recently lost her fiancé she’s alone, trying to survive in a world that’s changing for the worst. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths: Kind and Caring Qualified Nurse Will do anything for anyone Dedicated Cookery skills Weaknesses: Claustrophobic Careless when she's angry Adores chocolate |
Back Pack Contents | Fully stocked Medical Kit Vitamins (for pregnancy) Food rations including cereal bars. Wash bag including toiletries Changes of clothing Mobile phone and charger Canteen of water Waterproof jacket Also has a U.S. Military 4 piece Modular Sleeping Bag System with Gortex Bivy Cover and Carry Sack. |
Weapon | Small hand gun for self defence | |
Hobbies & Interests | Thea enjoys reading, listening to music, walks in the countryside, running (long distance & track), and plenty more besides. |
Personal History | Thea was born in England to parents who migrated from America several years earlier. Raised between England and America she was used to travelling from an early age. Being an only child she was used to having her parents attention lavished on her, but missed not having any siblings. Thea followed in her mother’s footsteps taking an interest in the medical field from a relatively young age. As soon as she was old enough she started her medical studies and has become a wonderful nurse. Thea lost her parents in an aircraft disaster just after her 18th birthday. Thea met her future fiancé Andrew when he was a patient at the hospital she worked in. A recovering soldier she fell in love with his drive and determination to recover from serious injuries he received in the field. The two becoming very close, they eventually admitted their love for one another and eventually got engaged. Having tried for a long time for a baby, it wasn’t until after Andrew was killed, and Thea thought she’d lost everything that she discovered she was pregnant. With the changes in the world and the threat of the wildfire virus, Thea is trying to survive and protect her unborn baby daughter from a world that’s changing for the worst. |