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Last Post
Fri Jan 24th, 2025 @ 6:08am
Group Leader Serena Reynolds
Name Serena Marie Reynolds M.D.
Position Survivor
Rank Group Leader
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Age | 29 | |
Birthday | July 23rd 1981 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5f7 | |
Weight | 125lbs | |
Hair Color | Brown | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | Of slender build, which often tricks people into thinking she is weak, Serena is very fit. She runs whenever she can to keep fit and has taken up boxing when the weather is bad. It helps in the ER when patients are strung out on drugs. Her normal outfit when not working is jeans, teeshirt and a jacket or sweater when it was cold, with sneakers. She often wears her hair in a ponytail with the odd braid when she is feeling up to taking that much effort. |
Spouse | Timothy Reynolds | |
Children | Patrick Joshua Reynolds | |
Father | Edward MacCallan – Status unknown | |
Mother | Arianna MacCallan – Deceased | |
Brother(s) | Joshua MacCallan – Status Unknown |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | As a trauma surgeon, Serena does not take any crap. She is straight talking and does not beat around the bush. She is used to being in charge of emergencies but she is facing new things and it is taking a lot of getting used to. Serena grew up happy until her 15th birthday when her parents divorced. She took that pain and fed it into her goals of being a trauma surgeon |
Strengths & Weaknesses | + Fit and Healthy + Is a trained Medical Doctor + Speaks Fluent Italian due to growing up in NYC and living next to an Italian family. - Has not got any training with Guns. - Has limited hand to hand, mainly boxing. - Her family is her main weakness, she would do anything to keep her son and husband safe, anything which can be an issue. |
Positions Held | *Logistics Committee Chair *Medical Team |
Back Pack Contents | Full change of clothes and boots Toiletry kit Sleeping bag Her medical bag which she had stocked with medicines and a book on plants and herbs. Waterproof jacket. Water Bottle Cellphone and charger A lock box with their important documents, some cash and such. |
Weapon | A knife that she keeps in her boot. It is her husband’s army knife. He also gave her a shotgun which she carries slung across her backpack while she carries Patrick in a child harness on her front. She cannot use it but carries it for her husband. |
Hobbies & Interests | Reading, Swimming, Gymnastics, learning about new medical practices |
Personal History | Born in 1981, in NYC, the youngest of two children, Serena had a normal childhood. Where her brother had little league and athletics, she had dance lessons and Gymnastics. But for Serena, she had other goals even while she took cheerleading to please her mother. Living in the Upper West Side was just a part of life, until the age of 15 when her mother and father divorced, and her mother took her to Tennessee. Her brother and Father, an investment banker remained in NYC. She had not had a choice in the divorce regardless of wanting to stay with her father and despite telling the judge that, her mother, an Avon consultant got full custody of her but not her brother. Heartbroken Serena ignored her mother's pressure to get back into cheerleading and threw herself into her studies. She was going to become a doctor and then go back to New York. She went to a State university saving her funds and the college fund her father gave her for her medical school which she got into a year early. The funds went to her Medical Degree. Serena applied for and was accepted to Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and did her four years there eagerly. However when she put out Her residency applications her mother fell ill and was at the time living in Clarksville TN, so she applied to the hospital there for her residency. It was then she met Timothy Reynolds.They met at a local bar, When he and a few of his friends went to one of the local bars. For him, it was love at first sight, though he had had to win her over, which he did over the next several weeks. Finally, seven months into their relationship, he proposed and she accepted. Not wanting a big To-do, they went to one the Chaplins on base and had a simple ceremony. Shortly after their wedding, her mother passed away. They settled into married life happily, enjoying their time together to the fullest, when he wasn't deployed somewhere in the world for either training or actual combat mission. Serena continued to do her residency settling into Emergency Medicine, becoming an ER Surgeon. Her mother passed away a year into her residency, and Serena sold the home she had lived in, putting the money into savings. As she finished her residency she fell pregnant, giving birth 2 weeks early while on duty in the ER to their son Patrick Joseph Reynolds. Their Son was born on the 18th November 2009. In August 2010, Timothy suggested they go away for a vacation to his family's hunting cabin in Maine. Serena, noting the alarming rise in illnesses and being alarmed, agreed so they headed to Maine. Serena also suggested that she start looking for work in more remote locales. That's where they were when the pandemic got worse and the world went to hell. When Timothy came home from hunting and told her that the needed to leave as he had seen a Walker, she didn’t argue, she merely got to work gathering things so they could survive. |
Service Record | 1998-2001 - University of Tennessee 2001-2005 - Medical School -Vanderbilt University School of Medicine 2005-2009 - Residency - Clarksville Hospital 2009 - 2010 - Emergency Room Trauma Specialist 2010 - Surviving end of world |