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Fri Jan 24th, 2025 @ 6:08am

Survivor Timothy Reynolds

Name Timothy Johnston Reynolds

Position Survivor

Rank Survivor

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 30
Birthday 16 Dec 1980

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 192 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Honey-Brown
Physical Description His years of military service has given him a toned and trimmed physique. He isn't bulky, but is stronger than he looks.

His eyes seem to notice everything around him, and always seem to light up when he is around his wife, Serena.

He has two tattoos. The first is the American flag, in a wind-blown image, on his upper right arm. The second is his Air Assault Wings, which was on his upper back, over his shoulder blade.

He usually keeps his facial hair short, about a quarter inch in length. However, since the world ended, it has been more and more difficult to keep it short. So, he will usually clean shave himself once or twice a month, then allow the beard to grown between shavings.

His usual choice of dress is jeans, his boots, a flannel button up shirt with a black tank top underneath, and a ballcap with the 101st Airborne Division patch on it.


Spouse Serena Reynolds (29)(ER Resident)
Children S- Patrick Joshua Reynolds (10 months)
Father SSgt Douglas Reynolds (retired US Army)(deceased)
Mother Samantha Reynolds (ER Nurse)(deceased)
Brother(s) Patrick Reynolds (twin)(deceased)
Sister(s) Mary-Anne Parker (25)(fate unknown)
Other Family George Jones Parker (28)(brother-in-law)(California Highway Patrol)(fate unknown)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Timothy is an honorable man. He has a strong sense of right and wrong and, even in this current world, will not take advantage of others. He tends to be quiet, unless provoked. If his wife is in danger, he can become a very dangerous man. If his eyes go dead, one should back away and leave him alone, as it means he is about to attack.

Timothy has the uncanny ability to be able to switch his mindset from one setting (Army), to another (Home life), with seemingly relative ease. When he is out in the weeds, with his target in his crosshairs, he does not have stray thoughts about Serena. On the other side of the coin, as soon as he is home with his wife, all of the battlefields just fade away on the other side of the door.

He sees the world as one that can be survived, so long as people band together and work towards a common goal. If he sees someone in distress, he will help them. The only primary goal he has is to keep Serena and their child safe.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Avid bow hunter
+highly trained survivalist
+expert Sniper
-holds the distance shooting record of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), at 1.01 mile
+highly proficient in Unarmed Close Quarters Combat (Learned from Army)
+Brown Belt in Aikido

-hates spiders
-once angered, takes a long time to calm

Positions Held *Second-in Command, Wisconsin Survivors
*Security Committee
Back Pack Contents In a large A.L.I.C.E. rucksack:

Full change of clothes
Toiletry kit
Sleeping bag
Hand-crank powered flashlight/lantern
Combat Lifesaver medic bag
Weapon M24 Sniper Rifle System (Remington Model 700)(twenty-three rounds on hand)
M9 Beretta (Beretta 92FS)(Three full mags on hand)
Bear Black Bear (60 lb pull) bow (four aluminium arrows on hand)
M9 bayonet
Hobbies & Interests Fishing, camping, hunting, horseback riding

Learning about new weapons and survival skills

Serena, guns, mojitos, cigars, Serena

Personal History Born, 16 Dec, 1980, at Ft Hood, TX. His father, (then) Sgt Douglas Reynolds, was a combat engineer in the US Army, And his mother was a (then) junior ER Nurse. He was born two minutes before his identical brother, Patrick. Regrettably, his brother was born with a massive defect to his heart, and passed away moments after his birth. Understandably, the day was a mixture of joy and pain.

After his birth, his father received transfer orders to West Germany, to serve with the 3rd Armored Division, located at Fligahurst Kasern, which was a small army base, outside Hanau. five years later, joy came to his family again, when his sister, Mary-Anne, was born. Timothy was the perfect big brother, helping his parents with raising Mary-Anne in every way he could.

A year after the Berlin Wall fell, his father was transferred again, this time to Fort Polk, Louisiana. He would finish out his military career here. Timothy finished his schooling there, graduating from high-school in June of 1998. The very next day, he applied to West Point, and was accepted. For the next four years, he trained to be an infantry officer. He quickly showed his instructors his natural talent as a marksman, and was trained to be a Sniper. Upon his graduation, his first duty station was at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, home of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). Given his overall physical fitness and his range scores, he was invited to try out for the US Army Rangers, in the 5th Special Forces Group.

While there, he met the woman who would become the love of his life, Serena MacCallan, who was a doctor with the small hospital in Clarksville, TN, which was right outside gate four. They met at a local bar, When he and a few of his friends went to one of the local bars. For him, it was love at first sight, though he had had to win her over, which he did over the next several weeks. Finally, seven months into their relationship, he proposed and she accepted. Not wanting a big To-do, they went to one the Chaplins on base and had a simple ceremony. Shortly after their wedding, her mother passed away.

They settled in to married life happily, enjoying their time together to the fullest, when he wasn't deployed somewhere in the world for either training or actual combat mission.

Their son, whom they named Patrick Joseph, after both of their brothers, was born on the 18th of November, 2009.

In August 2010, Timothy suggested they go away for a vacation to his family's hunting cabin in Maine. Serena, noting the alarming rise in illnesses and being alarmed, she agreed so they headed to Maine. Serena also suggested that she start looking for work in more remote locals.

A few days before his leave was going to end, Timothy was out hunting, when a walker stepped out of the brush near him. After he dispatched it, he knew it was only a matter of time before more staggered by. He moved quickly back to the cabin and told his wife to get their baby ready to travel And start packing the bags. He knew that the cabin was not strong enough to withstand a horde determined to get inside.

He loaded everything that he could into their Blazer, then helped Serena get their son secured. They then left the cabin and started to head south. He remembered that he had a cousin, down in Newport News, who had a yacht, big enough for the three of them to get on board and sail away from the danger.

However, as they are driving south, he notices two military cargo planes flying over Bangor, Maine, then drop two large objects over the center of the city. Knowing what they were immediately, he pulled the truck over and covered his family to protect them from the shockwave of the impending explosions.

Thankfully, they were far enough away that the truck was only gently rocked.

What happens next, is up to Fateā€¦
Service Record 10 June 1998: Applied To West Point

10 June 1998 - 4 May 2002: Attends, West Point military academy. Following his ASVAB test, he chose to go 11B (Infantryman)

-Attended and passed Airborne School, during training rotation to Ft Benning, GA

-Earned Expert Badge for the M16-A2, M24 Sniper Rifle System and Grenades

-Earned Sharpshooter Badge for the M249 Crew served weapon system

-Earned Marksman Badge for the M9 Beretta

10 May 2002 - 10 Sept 2010: Assigned, 5th Special Forces Group, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)
Assigned to 3rd Ranger Battalion, Bravo Company, 2nd Platoon (Platoon Leader)

-Attended and graduated the Sabolaski Air Assault School

-Deployed to Middle East during Operation Enduring Freedom. (Three eparate, six month tours, 2002 through 2004)(promoted to 1st Lieutenant)

-Deployed to Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom (two seperate, six month tours, 2004 through 2006)

-Deployed to Africa during Operation Enduring Freedom - Trans Sahara, one six month tour in the end of 2007)

-Promoted to Captain, made Company Commander of Bravo Company.

-Deployed to Caribbean during Operation Enduring Freedom - Caribbean and Central America, one six month tour, middle of 2008)

10 Sept 2010 - PRESENT: Surviving the end of the world.