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Fri Jan 24th, 2025 @ 6:08am

Survivor Chloe Rouen

Name Chloe Sabine Rouen

Position Survivor

Rank Survivor

Character Information

Gender Female
Age 15
Birthday May 7th, 1995

Physical Appearance

Height 159cm/5'2."
Weight 46kg/101.5
Hair Color Light brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Chloe is a slim young woman in the early stages of womanhood. She is a teenager with their rampant emotions and ideals.


Father Pierre Rouen - Status unknown
Mother Gabrielle Rouen - Status unknown
Brother(s) Louis Rouen - Status unknown
René Rouen - Status unknown
Other Family Grandfather: Henri Rouen

Personality & Traits

General Overview Chloe has a compassionate nature and believes that most people are good. She wants to believe that there is good in everyone.
Strengths & Weaknesses Accomplished horse back rider
Superb singer and musician
Natural affinity with most domesticated animals

Too trusting
Back Pack Contents Suitcase:

3x shorts
2x black tights.
2x black jeans
4x tee shirts
2x button down shirts
1x purple dress
A pair of purple sandals.
6 pairs of underwear
5 bras
2 sports bras
Three hair feather strands,  in rainbow colours.
A jumper, oversized in her favourite colour purple.
2 pairs of sneakers, one in purple, one in teal green.


Her personal Diary.

A small travel Toiletry pack.
Feminine hygiene products.
Hairbrush and hairbands
her passport
Small over the shoulder purse with money and IDs. 

Normally she wears Black Jeans, purple doc martins, dark purple tee shirt under a black leather jacket. Around her neck she wears a necklace with a small gold cross. She has purple star stud's in her ears. 

Weapon None as yet.
Hobbies & Interests Horse back riding

She speaks French and has a secondary school level of English.

Personal History Chloe Sabine Rouen was born to Pierre and Gabrielle Rouen on the May 7th, 1995 in the city of Paris. She is the youngest of three, with two older brothers. She was raised in a devote Roman Catholic home.

Chloe loved spending time in the French countryside at the family's ancestral estate in the Province of Normandy. She would spend hours riding horses with her grandfather, riding since she was 8 and competing in equestrian riding tournaments since she was 10.

Chloe's mother instilled a love for music and encouraged the young girl to sing in choir. She was discovered in early 2010 by a recording executive who helped her start a career in the music industry.

Chloe recorded and released a hit single in June of 2010 with LaCouveuse recording label that made the top 10 in Paris it's first week.

Chloe missed René when he left for the United States in mid August of 2010 and asked her parents if she could use some of her income to visit. Chloe's parents agreed on the stipulation that her grandfather accompanied her.

Chloe and her grandfather arrived in Bangor on the last flight before the world crumbled. The declaration of a state of emergency, travel restrictions and loss of communications meant Chloe and her grandfather were cut off. The grandfather and granddaughter have been trying to survive and stay sheltered since the Fall and were in one of the first groups evacuated out of Bangor.

They met up with the group in Maine and then when Rene and Henri vanished, Chloe stayed with the group.