
  • 16 Mission Posts

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Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 9:29pm

Survivor Edward Harrison

Name Edward Reilly Harrison Jr

Position Survivor

Rank Survivor

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 40
Birthday 4 August 1970

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3"
Weight 245 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description From his years working on cars and trucks, plus working out for amateur body building competitions and side work as a bouncer, Edward looks like he could almost walk through a wall without feeling it.

He has the eyes of someone who is always thinking, even if he seems like he is all muscle. The sheer bulk that he carries is almost a weapon in and of itself.


Spouse Rebecca-Anne (Deceased)
Children (Unborn son - six months gestation before death)
Father LCpl Edward Reilly Harrison Sr (USMC Retired)(fate unknown)
Mother Mary-Rose Harrison (fate unknown)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Despite how his size and bulk make him look, Edward dies not like to fight. During his time as a bouncer, as he was usually the largest one there, he would allow his deep voice and sheer size to diffuse any situation.

He chose to stay away from physical violence after he hurt someone very badly, while performing his duties as a bouncer.
Strengths & Weaknesses + holds ASE Certifications in:
-suspension and steering
-maintenance and light repair
-A8 engine performance
-collision repair
-engine repair
+physically strong

+/- nonviolent

-doubts himself
-afraid of snakes
Back Pack Contents In an US Army surplus duffelbag:

1. Full change of clothes
2. Toiletry bag
3. Poncho
4. Mechanic's headband flashlight
5. Guitar
Weapon Meter-long iron prybar
Hobbies & Interests Working on vehicles, collecting tools, was rebuilding a 1969 Chevrolet Camero, reading, playing chess, playing his guitar

Personal History Born to Edward and Mary-Rose, in Winter Garden, Florida. Edward Sr, was an over-the-road truck driver and Mary-Rose was a housewife. Much of Edward Jr's childhood was spent running around the neighborhoods surrounding his home. From the very beginning, he was always the largest boy in his class. So much so that sometimes the smaller children would avoid him, afraid that he would hurt them.

In high-school, he was quickly sought after for the football team, and did well on the field as center tackle during his time playing, the quarterback was never sacked, a feat that is very difficult to attain in a span of four seasons.

After high-school, he earned an athletic scholarship to Florida State University. While there, when he wasn't playing football, he studied automobile mechanics, earning the first two ASE Certifications that he would display proudly later on, in his own shop. He also got into amateur body building, going so far as to compete in championships, earning a few wins here and there.

During one such contest, he met the woman who who be his wife. Rebecca-Anne Peterson was one of the event nurses and after the competition ended, he asked her out to dinner. What started off as a nice evening, turning into the love affair of his life.

They dated exclusively for nearly twelve months, when Edward proposed and she accepted happily. After planning their wedding for the next six months, they finally wed and left for their honeymoon.

Afterwards, Rebecca-Anne finished her continuing nursing education and was offered a job at one of the medical centers in the Bangor, Maine area. So, when they had everything packed up in a u-haul, the happy couple moved from the southernmost state in the lower 48, to the northernmost.

After they moved into their first home, and Rebecca-Anne got to work, Edward found work at one of the local auto mechanic shops. He worked quickly and performed excellently for his customers, that soon, he had earned a reputation as being good with his hands.

Sometimes, when times were a bit lean, Edward would take jobs at some of the local bars, as a bouncer. Most of the time, his nights were spent quietly. Though sometimes, there would be a disagreement that required his attention.

Unfortunately, one night, in early 2004, while he was working at one of the bars, a particularly violent drunk man started some trouble, over a spilled drink of all things. He was being very loud and obnoxious about things, and when Edward stepped in, the guy pulled a knife. Edward, not really knowing how to fight, tried to disarm the guy, like he had seen on T.V., and ended up both breaking the guy's arm in two places, but shattered his shoulderblade.

After the Ambulance and Police arrived. The evidence pointed to Edward just simply doing his job and acting in self defense, do no charges were ever filed against him.

Tragedy would strike him again, eight months later, when Rebecca-Anne was driving home, after a long shift at the hospital. When a drunk driver ran a red light and t-boned the driver's side of her car. By the time she had been taken to the hospital, both she, and their unborn son, were dead from heavy trauma injuries. They were later buried, side by side, in the local cemetery.

As Edward tried to rebuild his life, the world came to a crashing halt, when a mystery virus seemed to suddenly start spreading quickly. He did what he could to stay away from anyone who had become ill.

On the morning of the bombing, he was in the shop, working on his work truck, replacing some worn parts. Suddenly, he heard the sound of two large planes flying overhead. When he looked out the widow, he saw the two planes slowly fly over the center of the city, then two large objects fell out of both of them. While he had no experience in the military, he knew, from all the military shows and movies he had seen, that those items were bombs!

He managed to get inside and under cover, a few beats before the explosions rocked the shop. Afterwards, he collected what tools he could and started driving around, looking for any other survivors who might need help.
Service Record None