Survivor Joshua MacCallan
Name Joshua Steven MacCallan
Position Survivor
Rank Survivor
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Age | 32 | |
Birthday | 1978 born, June 4th |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6f2 | |
Weight | 175 lbs | |
Hair Color | Brown | |
Eye Color | Blue | |
Physical Description | Joshua is tall and well built from his years of playing Baseball and Basketball. He ran daily in Central park. He wears his hair short and trims his moustache and beard close. He is not above using his looks against his opponents in the courtroom. When not in court or at work, he wears jeans, Tee Shirts and Sneakers. He has brought with him two pairs of walking boots. |
Spouse | Jasmine MacCallan- Deceased | |
Children | None | |
Father | Edward MacCallan – Deceased | |
Mother | Arianna MacCallan – Deceased | |
Sister(s) | Serena Reynolds - Status Unknown | |
Other Family | Brother in law Timothy Reynolds - Status Unknown Nephew Patrick Joshua Reynolds - Status unknown |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Serious, and studious for the most part Joshua, was the overprotective older brother and had to give that up when his sister was moved away by their mother. He channelled that into studying to become a lawyer, at first he thought to focus on Family Law but as he progressed through school he found himself being intrigued with criminal law. When he finished his studies he threw himself into his work, which often hindered his relationship with his wife. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | A good runner Very diplomatic Speaks Fluent Italian due to growing up in NYC and living next to an Italian family. Not good at camping, hence the trailer. No Hand to Hand combat While he owns a gun, he has very little training with it. |
Back Pack Contents | Full change of clothes and boots Toiletry kit Sleeping bag Waterproof jacket. Water Bottle Cellphone and charger Axe His personal Wallet - Which contains photos of his family. |
Weapon | M9 Beretta (Beretta 92FS) A baseball bat. |
Hobbies & Interests | Baseball, Reading, Swimming, riding his motorbike. |
Personal History | Born in 1978, in NYC, the eldest of two children, Joshua had a normal childhood. Where his sister had dance lessons and Gymnastics, he had little league and athletics. Living in the Upper West Side was just a part of life, until the age of 18, when he was applying to college his parents divorced, and his mother took his sister to Tennessee. His sister tried to stay with their father, an investment banker but the court gave their mother, an Avon Consultant, full custody of her. He was sad to see his sister go and on holidays he would travel out to see her or she would visit NYC and their family home. In 1996 he went to the University of NYC where he studied a bachelor of Humanities with a minor in political science. His father had always expressed to him and Serena that Education was important. When he graduated he sat his LSAT’s and completed his acceptance requirements to attend Cornell Law School. After three years of study he graduated in the top 15% of his class. He took the MPR exam and the Bar, and accepted a job at the Law Firm of Kirks, Morgan and Sons. During his tenure at the Law Firm of Kirks, Morgan and Sons, he met his wife Jasmine. They would marry in 2005, when he left the firm to join the Manhattan District Attorney’s office’s VICE division. He kept contact with his sister, and came to their mother’s funeral when she passed away and he accepts her choice to marry Timothy and likes his brother-in-law. When the pandemic started, his wife moved to live with her parents in Brooklyn, it was not that much of a surprise as their relationship had begun to change due to their working hours but she and they passed in the initial stages of the virus. His father shot himself a short time later, not wanting to become a victim. Josh knew things were going to get worse, so he packed up his Camper with essentials and such, which could be attached to his Motorcycle. He purchased a handgun and after making sure he had food, spare fuel, clothes, his baseball bat and pulling on his leather jacket and helmet, he headed west, leaving New York on the 3rd of September, aiming for Tennessee because he was hoping to find his sister. He would never make it to Tennessee due to the fact that on the 6th, all major cities were bombed. Vehicle: 2009 Kawasaki Vulcan® 1700 Nomad with a teardrop camper in tow. |
Service Record | 1996-2000 - University of NYC - Bachelor of Humanities with a minor in Political science 2000 - LSAT exams 2000-2003 - Cornell Law School 2003 -Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam 2003 - New York Bar exam 2003-2005 - Law Firm of Kirks, Morgan and Sons. - met his late wife during this time. 2005-Current - ADA in Manhattan District Attorney's Office - VICE Division 2010 - Surviving end of world |