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Mon Nov 18th, 2024 @ 10:51pm

Survivor Ragnar Jørgensen

Name Ragnar Jørgensen

Position Survivor

Rank Survivor

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 34
Birthday March 27, 1976

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 3"
Weight 290 lb
Hair Color Platinum
Eye Color Ice Blue
Physical Description Being built like the ancient ancestors in his Norwegian and Danish lineage Ragnar is large and intimidating at first appearances. His face holds a stern, impassive countenance that is betrayed only by kind eyes and gentle lines around them and his gaze seems to be able to pierce right through into a person's being. His platinum hair is kept braided into the Viking style, complete with small metal beads that are hand-made while he sports well trimmed but scruffy facial hair that gives him a rugged look; one that is not helped by the fact that he is often kitted out in a doeskin tunic and leather breeches paired with sturdy boots.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Ragnar is a kind but also stern person with an unyielding will built by countless hours working a forge; he is also patient, as one must be when unyielding metal is their medium. He is also resourceful and adaptive which grants him the ability to find ways through most situations.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
- Strong and well-built
- Adaptive
- Resourceful
- Creative
- Survivalist

- Antisocial
- Sometimes too Stern
- Unyielding
Back Pack Contents - Forging Tools
- Flashlight
- Portable Anvil
- Survival Pack
- Rope
- Sketchbook and Charcoal Pencils
- Dremel with a Solar-Powered Battery Charger
Weapon Bastard Sword (self forged)
Hobbies & Interests - Blacksmithing
- SCA Worker/Vendor
- Camping/Living off Grid
- Historical Research

Personal History From a young age he learned blacksmithing and survival skills from his uncle and he practically grew up in the circuit of Renaissance Festivals. He made annual trips to his grandparents in Denmark where he was immersed in his heritage and found his personal identity in that. As he got older he took over his uncles forge and spent a 6-7 month period each year travelling to different Renaissance Festivals, both in the United States and in Europe.

Outside of the Renaissance circuit he maintains a property in the Colorado Rockies that he calls home though when he was 26 his grandparents passed due to natural causes and left him their property which he visits regularly.
Service Record - Born March 27, 1976
- Age 22: Takes over uncles Forge in the SCA and Renaissance Circuit
- Age 26: Grandparents Die, Inherits land in Denmark
- Age 30: Uncle passes