
  • 23 Mission Posts

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Fri Mar 7th, 2025 @ 5:14am

Survivor Timothy Cotton

Name Timothy James Cotton

Position Survivor

Rank Survivor

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 31
Birthday January 19, 1979

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Chocolate Brown
Physical Description Alert and deadly, like a spring ready to pop or a like a coiled snake ready to strike. Well- proportioned. physically fit and able to take care of himself.


Spouse Engaged to Kelly Cardona
Children N/A
Father Colonel Kyle Cotton ret,
Mother Devon Cotton, survival expert
Brother(s) Morgan Cotton
Sister(s) Denise "De" Cotton
Other Family Various aunts and uncles.

Personality & Traits

General Overview When one looks at TJ, the last thing you think of is that he is a marine. He takes laid back to a whole new level. Until it is time for business, then TJ becomes highly focused and deadly. Jokes and games can wait until he takes care of business.

It is said that the only thing TJ ever missed was the first bell for breakfast.
Strengths & Weaknesses (S) Dead shot
(S) Strong will
(S) Loyal to the corps. his CO and fellow marines.
(S) Spending time with Kelly
(W) Speaks his mind, is still learning the art of diplomacy
(W) Has little respect and use for those who do not give their all.
Back Pack Contents Change of clothes, boots and hat
survival kit
canteen full of water
survival knife
44 caliber pistol
Weapon M14- 7.62 rifle
Hobbies & Interests Boxing
Being outdoors
Playing cards

Personal History TJ was born in Macon Georgia. His father was a marine and his mother was an extreme weather expert, teaching extreme weather training to recruits, so TJ learned very early on about discipline and what it took to be a marine.

He attended high school in Macon, where he ran cross country with Kelly Cardona and played baseball. After graduating he went to a junior college and got a degree in business. He was hired to work for a small electronics firm. A job he held for two years. While good at it, he wasn't happy. He longed to do more. So, at his father's encouragement he joined the marines.

He did his basic training. at Parris Island. It was at Parris Island where he was reunited with Kelly. It was discovered he was not only a good marksman, but he was also exceptional! It was as if the rifle was an extension of himself. After shattering marksmanship records and upon graduation he was sent to various sniper schools to hone his remarkable talent.

Through all his assignments he has never failed to make a shot.

He is dating medic Kelly Cardona who he knew in high school and was reunited with again at Parris Island.

Service Record March 1, 1997-June 7, 1997: Basic Training, Parris Island, South Carolina

June 8, 1997 to October 7, 1998 Parris Island, South Carolina
> Completed Marine Corps Institute (MCI) courses for Land Navigation, Patrolling, Calling and Adjusting Supporting Arms, and Reconnaissance Marine. Also conducted basic Scout Sniper field skills: stalks, concealment, field sketches, range cards, range estimations, and firing of the M40A1 rifle.
> Designated for assignment to a Scout Sniper Billet

October 7, 1998 to January 14, 1998: Marine Corps Scout/Sniper Basic Course, Marine Corps Base Camp LeJeune, North Carolina (Lance Corporal)
> Completed swim qualification. 500 meter swim using side or breast stroke, 50 meter swim holding a weight out of water, treat water for 30 seconds holding a weight out of water, no signs of panic.
> Completed three-phase training: Marksmanship and Basic Fields Craft Phase, Unknown Distance and Stalking Phase, and Advanced Field Skills and Mission Employment Phase

January 20, 1998 October 16, 2002: Scout/Sniper, 8th Rifles, 2nd Battalion

January 20, 1998 to present: Scout/Sniper - 8th Rifles, 2nt Battalion, Alpha Company, Camp LeJeune, North Carolina
> Promoted to Corporal, October 16, 2002
> Promoted to Sergeant, April 18, 2005