Survivor Kelly Cardona
Name Kelly Cardona
Position Survivor
Rank Survivor
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Age | 30 | |
Birthday | February 2nd, 1980 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5’ 5” | |
Weight | 126 lbs | |
Hair Color | Mousey Blonde | |
Eye Color | Green | |
Physical Description | Kelly is an attractive young woman, she’s physically fit and able to take care of herself. |
Spouse | Engaged to Timothy Cotton | |
Children | None | |
Father | David Cardona - General (US Marines) | |
Mother | Christina Cardona - Doctor (US Marines) | |
Brother(s) | Robert Cardona (Deceased) | |
Sister(s) | Carrie Cardona (Deceased) | |
Other Family | Extended family overseas, unknown as to whether they’re alive or dead. |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Kelly is a military kid, born on a military base and raised on various others as dragged around with her parents. She’s good fun to be around, doesn’t take herself too seriously but she’s deadly serious when it comes down to the business of survival. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | (S) Strong willed (S) Loyal to the corps. and fellow marines. (S) Spending time with TJ (W) Speaks her mind when she needs to. (W) TJ will always be her greatest weakness |
Back Pack Contents | Change of clothes, boots, hat and gloves survival kit canteen full of water survival knife 44 magnum firearm and some spare ammunition matches compass |
Weapon | Ka-bar knife | |
Hobbies & Interests | Swimming Playing cards Reading Cooking |
Personal History | Kelly was born at a military base in England, her arrival was earlier than planned but came in handy as it gave her dual citizenship to both England and America. Not that she’s spent hardly any time in the country of her birth. Her father is a General, and her mother is a Doctor both with the US Military. They moved to Macon, Georgia when Kelly was young, it was during her school years that she first met Timothy (TJ) Cotton. Raised as part of a military family it was no surprise that Kelly would choose to join the medical side of the marine corps. Training for a woman was hard in a career dominated by men, but she proved herself to be more than up for the task. It was at Parris Island when visiting her parents that she and TJ met again, her mother’s influence having guided her to the career of medic. She maybe medical personnel but she can be deadly if you’re on the wrong side. |
Service Record | September 1998-June 2002: Georgia State University, Atlanta Georgia > Nursing Major > Enrolled in NROTC > Graduated NROTC as a Second Lieutenant > Received Bachelor of Science in Nursing June 2002 to July 2002: Passed National Licensure Examination (NCLEX) and became certified as a registered nurse July 2002 to September 2002: Marine Corps Officer Candidate School (OCS) September 2002 - September 2010: Base Hospital, Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina |