Survivor Keola Malia
Name Keola Malia
Position Survivor
Rank Survivor
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Age | 39 | |
Birthday | 16th October 1971 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6' 4" | |
Weight | 250 lbs | |
Hair Color | Dark Brown | |
Eye Color | Green | |
Physical Description | Keo is a tall, muscular and well proportioned man. His skin is tanned due to having been born in Hawaii to two Hawaiian parents. He has hair that flows slightly beyond his shoulders and at times he can often wear it up in a style that keeps it off his face. Often he sports a beard as he prefers this to being clean shaven. His eyes are a deep shade of green that can often capture his mischievous side. Wears dogs tags from his time in the marines with the following information: Malia Keola 213188988 A POS Polytheistic Keo has a variety of tattoos on his body, most notably the shark teeth tattoo on his left forearm which is his family's 'aumakua, a guardian or god in Hawaiian mythology. He has a similar tattoo on the outside of his left thigh and up to his hip and on the left side of his head within his hairline and just beneath. This is harder to see when his hair is longer but when cut short or shaved is easy to see, a prominent sight. |
Spouse | Alyssa Malia (ne Cortez) - Ex-wife (Deceased) | |
Father | Hiaop Malia | |
Mother | Anela Malia | |
Brother(s) | Lanakila Malia | |
Sister(s) | Kapua Malia Lukia Malia |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Keola has always had a strong sense of right and wrong. His father had instilled this in his children from a young age being a police officer, then detective. He has a quick mouth which unfortunately has led him into trouble, and also has a quirky and often wild personality. Often seen as a man without fear in his youth often ran into situations, or volunteered to be the first to try new things, without much thought for his own safety. He has mellowed over the years but still has that streak in him. A strong sense of justice, of doing what matters, led him to join the US Marine Corps and then later the Miami Police department once getting his honourable discharge. He will fight for you, he will be there for you, and is someone you’d want on your side. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths *Former US Marine having fought overseas in the Gulf War, Somalia and Rwanda as well as tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. *Survival skills, can live in most environments. *Black belt in jiu jitsu. *Leadership capabilities from rising through enlisted ranks of marines. *Strong, athletic, intelligent, focussed. Weaknesses *Still has the leap before you look quality in him. *Can often speak before thinking things through. *His laid back attitude in certain circumstances. |
Positions Held | Formerly: Gunnery Sergeant, United States Marine Corps, Marine Corps Forces, Central Command, Tampa, Florida. Honourable discharge in 2005. Homicide Detective, Miami Police Department, Miami, Florida. |
Back Pack Contents | Flashlight Canteen First aid kit Toiletries bag (toothbrush/toothpaste, scissors, razor, body wash, nail clippers) Police shield/badge Powered down cellphone Sleeping bag Change of clothes and boots |
Weapon | Beretta M9 handgun. M9 Bayonet. |
Hobbies & Interests | Likes to surf, keep fit and work out. Likes rugby over American football. Is a keen musician and plays guitar, bass guitar, ukulele and mandolin. Goes rock climbing and tries to get outdoors as much as possible. |
Personal History | Keola was born in Honolulu, Hawaii to parents Hiaop and and Anelia Malia. His father was a police officer, later making detective, and his mother a nurse at one of the local hospitals. He was the second born of four with an older brother and two younger sisters. Life in Hawaii could be described as a paradise and they wouldn’t be far wrong. Sandy beaches, chilled out people and waves that just wanted to be tamed. They lived a modest life and his parents' jobs lended them the ability to live somewhat comfortably. A family of six could be hard to keep going but somehow they did it and there were only a few times where they had to tighten their belts or struggled. Growing up Keola would spend a lot of his time on the beach, catching waves and as he grew older getting into mischief with girls and trouble with other boys. Often his mouth would get him in trouble long before any action but he could disarm people often with his charm. His father taught him right and wrong, often beating the boys if they fell on the wrong side, but still it made Keo want to rebel and push back. His school life was average, he wasn’t an excellent pupil but not so bad either. He excelled at more physical activities such as wrestling, football and at an early age had taken up jiu jitsu. After gaining his high school diploma he enlisted in the marines in 1988 and did his basic training before being assigned to the 5th Marine Regiment, ‘The Fighting Fifth’, of the 1st Marine Division in Pendleton, California. It was during his time in California he met who was to become his wife, Alyssa Cortez. Both young and in love they had a whirlwind romance which ended in them getting married once Keola returned from the Gulf War. Their marriage lasted 7 years before a divorce was granted and they went their separate ways. Keo kept in touch for a while but sadly Alyssa perished in one of the World Trade buildings in September 2001. Never settling down again, not really, Keola devoted his life to the marine corp for 16 or so years before receiving an honourable discharge in 2004 at the rank of Gunnery Sergeant. Leaving the corp was hard and he found he missed structure and meaning to his life. Shortly after his discharge he moved to Miami, Florida and after a couple of months beach-bumming it decided he needed to do ‘something’. Due to his military service he was accepted to the Miami Police Academy and still found that he was as fit, if not fitter, than some of the candidates. He may have slowed down a little compared to those in their early 20’s but he still gave a good account of himself both fitness and intelligence wise. He spent a few years as a police officer before being encouraged to take on training to become a detective. Agreeing with those that offered him the chance he passed the training and became a rookie detective in the vice department of Miami Dade Police Department in 2008. In April 2009 took the sergeants exam and passed. With that came a transfer to become a Homicide Detective. It was a fresh morning on October 19th 2009 when Keo was called to what would become the first victim of a serial killer called ‘The Zombie’. It was a young woman, a prostitute, tied up, abused and very much deceased. However, that was not the worst thing about the scene. Her leg had been amputated beneath the knee, it had then been cooked and laid out as if for expectant dinner guests. One plate clearly had been used as scraps littered the plate, cutlery dirty and a note that simply said. “How rude of you to stand me up.” This pattern would continue as the kill count had racked up to 11 bodies of varying degrees of cannibalistic brutality by August 2010 .Keo had been tracking them ever since that first case, that first poor soul. So much so the killer had taken an interest and had left personalised notes for Keola from kill 4 onwards. Most of the kills were in Florida but he was working his way up the coast, as from kill 9 he was out of state. Keo, very much the expert on him, was allowed special dispensation to follow him and he struck through Atlanta, Nashville, Cincinnati and eventually was tracked to Chicago. Keo’s tireless work with the FBI, NYPD and other agencies had left him at the bottom of a bottle many a night but soon it wouldn’t matter as the world turned upside down and now he finds himself back fighting in the trenches trying to survive. |
Service Record | 1988 - Basic Training. August 1990 to April 1991 - Takes part in Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm during the Gulf War. Received commendations for heroism and courage after saving fellow marines from an ambush in Kuwait. Purple heart also awarded for suffering wounds during a firefight in Iraq. Promotion to Corporal (E-4). May 1991 - Operation Sea Angel, Bangladesh. Assists in relief efforts after a large tropical cyclone hits southeast Bangladesh causing many deaths and great destruction. 1992 - 1995 - Operations in Rwanda and Somalia. Promoted to Sergeant (E-5). 1998 - Promoted to Staff Sergeant (E-6). From 2001 to 2005 - Deployed to both Afghanistan and Iraq, several tours as part of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Promoted to Gunnery Sergeant (E0-7) during this time. Early 2004 - Honourable discharge from US Marine Corps aged 32. June 2004 - Enrolled in Miami Police Training Center (6-month course) December 2004 - Graduated Training Center and became a rookie police officer June 2005 - Completed rookie training, assigned as a patrol officer June 2008 - Applied to and was accepted for detective training (one month) July 2008 - Became a rookie detective in the Vice department. April 2009 - Took the sergeant's exam and passed. Transferred to the homicide department. 2010 - World stops. |