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Tue Dec 3rd, 2024 @ 5:26am

Group Leader Connor McLean

Name Connor Francis McLean

Position Survivor

Rank Group Leader

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 35
Birthday 23 Sept 1975

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 199 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue (right) white (left)
Physical Description Built like a brawler, his body carries many scars that he has acquired during his life of crime. Most notably, his destroyed left eye, for which he wears a patch.

He wears his hair long, to his shoulders, and is never clean-shaven, choosing to always have a heavy five-o'clock shadow of beard growth.

Has several tattoos, the most prominent one being the Chinese dragon, which starts at his right hip, crosses up his abdomen, wraps around his left ribs, across his upper back and shoulder blades, then over his right shoulder, the head on his chest, with his heart in its mouth.


Spouse None
Children D - Samantha Killian (15) (status unknown)
S - Maximus Dimitri Borgus (10) (status unknown)
Father Frederick Spencer McLean (55)(Crime Boss)(status unknown)
Mother Rebecca Anne McLean (deceased)
Brother(s) Edward Thomas McLean (twin)(Deceased)
Sister(s) None
Other Family Elizabeth Rose McLean (Paternal Grandmother)(72)(status unknown)

Personality & Traits

General Overview He is a man of two worlds. While he is able to hold his own among the upper class snobs, he can also get down in the dirt and be a savage beast when he needs to he.

He respects loyalty above all else.

He is a fair leader of those working in his growing criminal empire. He is also known to be unforgiving when wronged in any way. Word of how he personally deals with both his enemies, and traitors, is well known in the criminal underworld.

Before the collapse, he was working steadily towards earning his place at the head of his father's own empire, when the time came for him to step down arrived.

Now, he is simply fighting to stay alive, try to rebuild a new kingdom for him to rule.
Strengths & Weaknesses +highly intelligent. Holds a Masters in Economics and Psychology

+well trained in small arms weapons

+has studied Muy Thai since he was a boy

+very charismatic

+loyal to those he trusts

-has a quick, dangerous temper

-sometimes drinks too much

-blind in left eye

Back Pack Contents -change of clothes (brown leather jacket, black sleeveless shirt, jeans, leather combat boots, black leather gloves)
-toiletry kit
-black, full length duster
-Police gear belt
-bulletproof vest
Weapon -Smith and Wesson Model 629 Performance Center
(.44 Magnum revolver, equipped with Aimpoint red dot scope.)

-hand made bowie knife with walnut-carved handle.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies: staying alive and rebuilding his empire

Interests: guns, women, power

Personal History Born on the 23rd of September, 1975, at the Manhasset Hospital, in Manhasset, New York, on Long Island. His parents were Frederick and Rebecca McLean, wealthy residents of the famed Gold Coast region of Long Island.

Rebecca's family made their wealth in textiles, starting in the late 1800's, and Frederick's made millions in precious metals and stones, from around the world, starting in the California Gold Rush of 1848. While Rebecca's family was considered "old money", Frederick's was not. His family, in the beginning, was looked down on as being "new money". However, after several years of dedicated philanthropic enterprises, and offering a portion of the funding to build both the Brooklyn Bridge (1869) and the Metropolitan Musuem of Art (The MET, 1870), his family was finally accepted into the upper class society.

Of course, Frederick's personal wealth was also bolstered by his, less-than-legal pursuits.

Frederick McLean was an arm's dealer and he made his money selling weapons to everyone, even if it was to both sides of a conflict. If the money was good, he would provide his services.

When Frederick and Rebecca met, during the 1960's, she had just come home from attending UC Berkley. While she opposed the war in Vietnam, she never protested it, as her baby brother was serving in the Army, having volunteered before he was drafted.

At first, she didn't know what Frederick did for money, thinking he was just living off his family's constant income. Theirs was a mutual instant attraction, and within a year, they were wed.

After the war ended, her brother came home to a hero's welcome. Regrettably, a week later, he was shot and killed during a robbery, the suspect escaping before the police arrived. Rebecca was beyond distraught, not coming out of their bedroom for a week, barely eating anything. Frederick put out the word to his crew...he want the shooter found and brought to him. Alive.

Two days after the funeral, Frederick brought Rebecca down to the cellar of their mansion, located in Manorville, NY. There, he revealed both who he really was, and that he had found her brother's killer. He opened one of the storeroom doors, and she saw the man, beaten, nude and hanging from the ceiling by his wrists. Frederick asked his wife, what she wanted done with him. Without a word, she walked over, grabbing a large kitchen knife that was on a nearby table, and proceeded to cut the man's heart out while hung there, screaming, his blood spraying all over her.

When it was done, she put the knife down and melted into her husband's arms, thanking him for the gift. That night, they conceived their first children, Connor and Edward.

Connor was born a few minutes before his identical twin brother, Edward. After they came into the world, they were showered with love and affection, never wanting for anything. However, as they grew, they did have a hard working mentality instilled in them. While their parents would support them, they were required to fight for their own as well.

Both boys did well very well, early on in school. However, Connor started to lash out and began getting in trouble with the law.

His criminal career started small, with shoplifting candy and small toys when he was ten years old. Later, whe he was twelve, he was arrested for petty theft and vandalism, having spraypainted a few cars in town, after he snuck out of the house one night. Thankfully, his father's lawyers convinced the judge, both times, to drop the charges.

The next year, however, his exploits increased to more serious crimes, when he started to break into stores after hours, stealing items here and there and vandel7sing the stores. This time, his father decided that he needed to learn some lessons. So, Connor was sentenced to probation and community service, with the hopes that he would learn from his mistakes.

Sadly, Connor did not learn. Shortly after his fifteenth birthday, he, and his little gang of friends, broke into a clothing store, their goal to steal the wares and sell them themselves. Unfortunately, this time, there was an individual in the store, the owner, and in the process of trying to escape, Connor and the owner, got into a struggle. Connor got away after breaking the older man's arm. For these latest crimes, he was sentenced to two years in Juvenile detention. However, between his good behavior while in detention, and his father greasing the required hands, he was released after only three months.

For the next several years, he kept his nose clean, and studied hard, alongside his brother, as they went through high school together. He managed to salvage himself enough to actually achieve salutatorian of his class. His parents felt that he had finally turned a corner.

Unfortunately, the day after their high-school graduation, Edward was killed in a drive by shooting, executed by a rival gang, the Gotham Kings. Shortly after receiving the news, Rebecca, beset with complete heartache, took her own life.

Losing both his twin brother and, more painfully, his loving mother, broke something inside of Connor. Though his father had those responsible captured, then slowly and painfully executed, Connor no longer cared about doing good. He told his father that he would, one say, sit around the head of the family dynasty. He just needed to go out and work his way up to it.

So, he resumed his criminal activities, sometimes getting away with it, other times getting caught and doing time. Each time he was incarcerated, he did so like the proper gang member that he was. He remained strong, taking charge of the various detention wings ge was assigned to, slowly growing his power and followers, by keeping to theold rules of criminal honor. In all his offenses, ge never targeted the young or the elderly. He also kept quite about any knowledge of crimes done by others, whenever the law questioned him. Most importantly, he showed respect to those that deserved it, and demanded the same level of respect from those below him. He would ensure those loyal to him were treated well, while those that weren't were dealt with quickly and quietly.

When he turned 21, he finally found the crime that he would become known for, weapons smuggling, the same venture that his father was in. He carefully started to build his network and, even when he would be arrested and went to prison, was careful enough to keep his fingerprints off any of the more serious charges associated with that articular crime.

By the time he was 35, his empire was a very strong and profitable one. He had homes in several different countries and enough money, in his various offshore accounts, to even buy a small country.

Unfortunately, as he was awaiting his latest arraignment, while in a holding cell in One Police Plaza, in New York City, the world ended, following that rampant pandemic and then the military dropping the bombs. When the bridges connecting Manhatten Island to the outside world were destroyed, the resulting chaos gave him the opportunity to escape his cell. During which, he helped another inmate, Roxy Santiago, who was a very powerful and sexy enforcer for the Kings of Gotham gang.

Though she was part of the gang that killed his brother, Connor knew of her, both from her exploits and his own network of contacts. Like him, she seemed to operate under the 'Old Code', so she had a modicum of respect from him already.

After the pair was free, they quickly acquired their personal gear and weapons, then some police gear, like bulletproof vests, to add to their survival.

During their escape from the NYPD Headquarters, they were surprised by a group of the undead. Connor manage to dispatch three if them, before ge was overwhelmed by a large individual, wearing a police Captain's badge. As he struggled to keep the undead cop from biting him, Roxy stepped in and saved his life. This simple deed gained hwe his complete trust. He told her that, right then, he was making her his number one lieutenant, in his goal to rebuild his gang and empire.

Together, they fought their way to safety, gaining needed supplies along the way.

What happens next, is up to Fate...

Service Record (Criminal record)

Juvenile record:

1. Age 10: shoplifting (charges dropped)

2. Age 12: petty theft and vandalism (charges dropped)

3. Age 13: breaking and entering, trespassing, vandalism (probation, 1 year, 50 hours community service)

4. Age 15: battery, B&E, theft (sentenced 2 years, Juvenile detention, served 3 months)

Adult record:

1. Age 19, Battery, B&E, theft (sentenced three years, served 18 months)

2. Age 21, grand theft auto, criminal trespass, B&E, illegal wrapon possession. (Sentenced five years, served 2 years)

3. Age 23, criminal trespass, weapon smuggling, illegal weapon possession. (Charges dropped)

4. Age 24, racketeering, money laundering, battery. (Case dismissed on lack of witness testimony.)

5. Age 26, weapon smuggling, assault (charges dropped on lack of evidence.)

6. Age 35, assault and battery, illegal weapons charges, weapon smuggling (arraignment pending)