Survivor Jackson Dalton
Name Jackson Dalton
Position Survivor
Rank Survivor
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Age | 28 | |
Birthday | March 3rd 1982 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6'2" | |
Weight | 170 | |
Hair Color | Sandy Brown | |
Eye Color | Light Brown | |
Physical Description | Jackson is a lithe physically fit man who regularly works out and it stronger than he appears from his work and regular running/swimming. |
Spouse | Mackenzie Ellis | |
Children | None | |
Father | Samuel Dalton | |
Mother | Emily | |
Brother(s) | Joshua Dalton Michael Lincoln - Brother in Law |
Sister(s) | Shannon Dalton-Lincoln Honor Dalton Elle Dalton - Sister in Law |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Jackson is an odd case he is very organized and methodical when he needs to be, but he is also fun loving, and tends to see things that others does not. For all that he has done with the military he is a very easy going guy. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strength - work ethic, attention to detail, and on occasion thinking outside the box Weakness - Mackenzie he will put her safety above his own regardless |
Positions Held | US Coast Guard member cutter crew US Coast Guard HITRON member US Navy US Navy Construction Battalion |
Back Pack Contents | GMC Silverado crew cab holding extra fuel, an SR-25 with scope and suppressor stored in gun holder, a Glock 17 a Walther P99, several boxes of ammunition regular and subsonic, and two aluminum baseball bats. Connected to the truck is a 2009 Keystone RV Sprinter 299BHS holding various clothes, hiking boots winter gear water, food and his tools which have been moved from the truck to the camper including a hatchet. | |
Weapon | Glock 17 in his belt holster, Aluminum Louisville Slugger, and his USCG Rescue and Survival Knife | |
Hobbies & Interests | Running, Building Mackenzie's dream house, swimming, some sailing, camping, and going with Mackenzie to some music festivals, learning cooking from Mackenzie... |
Personal History | 1982- Born to Samuel and Emily Dalton 3rd child second son. 1984 2nd sister Honor is born September 1988 - June 1989 Grade One Started Elementary School. Classes were separated by Last Name Alphabetical. He met Mackenzie in his class. They are mere acquaintances and classmates at this time. September 1992 - June 1993 Grade Five Jackson Commences Middle School with same children from his elementary School. His brother is in his senior year of high school. In June Older brother Joseph graduates from High School and is accepted to the United States Naval Academy to commence in September. His goal was to be a submariner. September 1994 - June 1995 Grade Seven Several of the football players and several of the Cheerleaders form a group of friends that’s lasts to graduation. Among them is Jackson Dalton and Mackenzie Ellis. His sister Shannon Graduates from High School and is accepted into the United States Military Academy where she focuses on Medicine. September 1996 - June 1997 Grade Nine Mackenzie and Jackson became closer in this year as they and their group of friends navigated their freshman year of High School. September 1997 - June 1998 Grade Ten Starts dating Mackenzie Ellis in grade 10. Having known Mackenzie for years, his parents are accepting of the relationship, with rules in place which focuses on both of them concentrating on the future. September 1998-June 1999 Grade Eleven Jackson joins the school Varsity squad as a wide receiver. Mackenzie is a cheerleader and their group of friends is pretty solid with little conflict. Mackenzie is spending most weekends with Jackson and his family and is rarely at her own home during the week due to her school commitments and spending time with him. September 1999 - June 2000 Grade Twelve Jackson and Mackenzie consummated their relationship in their senior of High School. He is a starting wide receiver for the football team. July 2000 - April 2003 Joins the Us Coast Guard and starts serving out of Portsmouth Virginia on the USCGC Tampa. Mackenzie and Jackson manage to catch up at Christmas time, and continue their correspondence by letter. Jackson volunteers for HITRON (Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron) in early 2001 and serves for just over 2 years in the team. May 2003 - June 2005 Jackson transfers to the US Navy thus bringing his USCG duty to an end. September 2005 - June 2009 After two overseas deployments Jackson requests to joint the US Navy’s Construction Battalion (SeaBees). After advanced basic he is stationed in Gulfport Mississippi, with Battalion 7, before being transferred to Battalion 26 at Naval Air Facility, Detroit, Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Mount Clemens, Michigan September 2009 - June 2010 After serving his country for 9 years Jackson resigns his commission and starts working for Wieland construction. Jackson moves up the ranks relatively quickly, and starts building a home for Mac and himself in Grand Haven Michigan right on Lake Michigan. 2010 The world goes to shit, and Jackson focuses on protecting Mac, as they flee across Lake Michigan towards Sheboygan Wisconsin. |