Survivor Roman Quinn
Name Roman Quinn
Position Survivor
Rank Survivor
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Age | 29 | |
Birthday | July 15th, 1981 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'11" | |
Weight | 180 lbs | |
Hair Color | Sandy Brown | |
Eye Color | Chocolate brown | |
Physical Description | Roman is well built, with alert, observant eyes and a helpful manner. He is ready and willing to assist anyone, especially Vienna now that the world has been turned upside down. |
Spouse | N/A | |
Children | N/A | |
Father | Andrew Quinn | |
Mother | Deanna Quinn | |
Brother(s) | N/A | |
Sister(s) | Vienna 17 | |
Other Family | various aunts and uncles |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Roman is a well-liked, popular young man. He’s happy to be friends with everyone. He’s well mannered, kind hearted, and isn’t afraid of hard work when the need arises. Which he gets plenty of being an emergency room intern. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths: Has excellent communication skills Is physically fit due to running and playing sports Highly observant Trustworthy, keeps promises and always tells the truth Like Vienna can skin and fillet meat and fish Weaknesses: Far too trusting. Tender hearted, sees the good in everyone |
Positions Held | 2nd year emergency room intern at Maine Medical Center in Bangor, Maine. | |
Back Pack Contents | Medium sized backpack with; One change of clothes One toiletries kit (Toothbrush, toothpaste, bar of soap, deodorant) Pocket Torch 1-litre canteen First aid kit (Bandages, gauze pads, medical tape and disinfectant wipes) Smartphone (95% charged) Thin waterproof jacket Selection of energy bars |
Weapon | Baseball Bat Survival knife |
Hobbies & Interests | Roman loves to run. He runs every day. In fact, if you see him, he probably running. When not running or playing in some pickup basketball or baseball game. Roman likes to camp and fish in a nearby river or stream. Loves to read mysteries, sci-fi and medical journals. |
Personal History | Roman was born in Bangor, Maine on the 15th of July 1981. The youngest child of Andrew and Deanna, he has a younger sister who is twelve years his junior Roman followed in his mother’s footsteps in the medical field, and currently a emergency room resident at the Maine Medical Center in Augusta, Maine. His father is a mechanic. Being a excellent student at college and graduating with honors, Roman joined the staff of Maine Medical Center specializing in emergency/trauma injuries. Where he is in his second year of residency. |
Service Record | N/A |