After Dinner Meeting
Posted on Fri Jul 26th, 2024 @ 3:23am by Survivor John ("Dodger") Smith
1,879 words; about a 9 minute read
Winter is Coming
Location: Track 61 Underneath the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, Manhattan
Timeline: September 6, 2010 - 8:00 p.m.
Boxcars, stored at Track 61, had become a home for the Infernals but Dante had become to think that, considering the safety it had once afforded from the police was no longer an issue, it might be time to find a better solution. Money was no longer an option which meant that the whole of the city was open to them and there were things he wanted to do for them, especially the younger ones, that just wasn't possible where they were.
And so, while the younger ones ran around and the others did their chores, Dante found a spot on top of a boxcar, his favorite perch, and settled in to do some serious thinking.
Dodger had directed and assigned tasks for the Infernals and taken care of his chores and only then did he join Dante atop the box car. "I know that look. What's on your mind Dante," he asked his friend.
One hand resting on a raised knee, Dante gestured at the collection of boxcars that had been home for him since before the virus. Back when he was a runaway determined to stay clear of beatings and abuse. "Been thinking about changing our location," he said. He kept his gaze, brown eyes that acted as gatekeepers for emotions he had a hard time displaying, trained on the group. It might be his thinking spot, but it was also the best place to keep watch. "Got a couple of options in mind."
Dodger sat quietly and listened ad Dante spoke about moving them from here to a new home. When he had finished, Dodger spoke up. "A new location where Dante? It has to be accessible for us not only in reaching but bringing supplies to, As well as offering safety and protection for us." Dodger pointed out. "But you know that. So, what are these locations you are thinking about? Don't keep me in suspense Dante." He grinned at his friend.
Dante ran a hand through his shaggy black hair and turned his attention to the barred metal gate, the one they had long ago opened, that led into the depths of the Waldorf-Astoria. The hotel had been boarded over, forgotten in lieu of places frequented by the wealthy. Upper end brownstones and mansions. The gangs had taken them over but the Waldorf remained untouched.
"My first thought," Dante said. "We take over a floor or two." He turned hesitant, almost shy, because the idea of betraying a weakness was against the defenses he'd built over his sixteen year lifetime. "Maybe move Old Auntie in and a few of her friends. They can grow food on the roof and barbecue to their hearts' content. And the little ones, they'll get sunlight and actual beds to sleep in."
Dodger listened as Dante hesitated before telling him of his idea of moving the Infernals into the hotel along with Auntie and some of her friends. Dodger despite his young years was an excellent listener as well as being a good tactition. "Dante." He began, I think moving us to the hotel is a great idea. It gives us more room for supplies which makes supply runs less frequent along with us being able to better watch the young ones as well as watch over Auntie and her friends. It is also a more defensible position if it ever comes to that."
"There's the hotel proper where they have suites." Dante said, nodding thoughtfully as he talked the idea through. "And then there's the residences. I knew one of the porters. Did favors for him from time to time. Like apartments only fancier with ... what they call a secured loading facility ... but what I call another way to exit if things go bad. The thing is, it means breaking us a bit. We won't all be in the same room any more. We'll be more spread out."
Dodger listened in thoughtful silence as Dante talked and laid out his idea for the Infernals. When he had finished, Dodger took a moment before he replied. "The hotel would probably be the best route, Dante. It is the closest to us. We wouldn't be exposed for long periods of time in moving. The room or residences would be better as they have beds, closets to put stuff and other things we don't have here. We could move Auntie here; she would be closer, and still grow her plants and vegetables on the roof, she could still grill and cook for us. We could check in with her more often. We could even move her friends here. Of course, she may not want to move but we can worry about that once we decided what we do. Also, we can still use this as an emergency location or a storage site. We could rotate two or three Infernals to stay here and make sure that what we leave behind stays safe and secure." Dodger stopped, feeling he had rambled on. "I think it is a good idea Dante."
"If we stay in the hotel," Dante corrected, "we wouldn't be exposed at all. Could still use our usual underground routes to move around. So there's that. I don't like the idea of leaving anyone down here on guard duty though. Maybe, to stop by and check but if we do this, we'll all sleep up in the hotel. Safer."
Dodger sat quietly as Dante rebuffed his suggestion. "Dante, it was just a suggestion keeping a couple of Infernals to stay for guard duty. If you don't like it, we don't do it. Simple as that. Besides, I said it was a good idea. I'm all for it. When do you want to do this? The move I mean. Going to see Aunitie?"
"I think we'll do it whether she wants to come or not but I think she will, once we make it clear that her friends will be in the same building and she won't be so alone anymore," Dante said. "I see the way she looks out the window sometimes. She misses them." There was a part of him that resisted the idea, bringing adults into their orbit, with their ideas and rules and notions about how things would be. In the end though, the Infernals would choose for themselves. If they'd rather be regular kids, with the adults, that was good. He'd move on, maybe keep an eye out for them. "I just don't think the tunnels are going to stay safe and once the 'adults' find them, well, we're all at risk, you know?"
"I think it needs to be put to Auntie like that. Let her see that she really is alone. That with her friends with her she can do so much more. Not to mention her living conditions would be so much better." Dodger replied and continued. "As far as the tunnels, they are going to get compromised Dante, It is just a matter of when and not if. I think it would be best if we moved before we moved because we had to. Safer as well, no one getting hurt needlessly." He looked at Dante, "We move now, we can get it done before winter is here and we're not forced to move Auntie or her friends. Doesn't make is seem so urgent. You know?" He finished looking over at Dante.
"That's a good idea," Dante said. "No sense in everyone getting scared when they don't have to be. So, we'll let them know tonight. Make out as how it's an adventure and all ... and once we know what we have, we'll talk to Auntie and her friends."
He watched the younger kids for a bit. They'd invented their own games over the years, ones that fit better in the darkened tunnels in which they lived, but it was getting late now and they were settling in around the fire. Story time would be starting soon and a last talk about the events of the day.
Dante watched and after awhile spoke again. "But there will be rules," he said. "They'll get a floor to themselves, to live as they'd like, same as before. But no interference with us and how they do things. Once that starts, I'm gone."
Dodger nodded, "Exactly, yes a grand adventure. The little ones will eat it up. They will be totally up for this and totally supportive." He paused for a moment then continued. "I think Auntie will like the idea as well. She may need some convincing, but I think she will come around once everything is explained how it will better for her and her friends."
Dodger looked at the leader of the Infernals. "Dante, don't talk like that, it isn't funny. We need you. You're the glue that holds all this together." Dodger said waving his hands about. "Everyone looks up to you. Everyone from the little ones to the older Infernals. You know how to organize and plan. I learn something from you every day," Dodger stressed.
"Thanks. You're a good friend," Dante said, "but ... adults, well they ideas about things should be. Schools and proper bedtimes and eating your vegetables. They can't help themselves. They'll want to interfere. Change things and I won't stop them if they do. Every Infernal chooses for themselves whether they want to belong or not. If they choose to let the adults in, well, then I'm leaving." He shrugged. "No hard feelings and I'll show where I'll be if you need me. Got my eye on this boarded up church not far from here that I think will make a good home."
"Dante, Adults have their ideas and those are their ideas not ours. Personally, I don't like veggies. Well, I like carrots and string beans and I'm not one for any set bedtime. I do think all the Infernals need to know how to read and write. But that's it. If they can read, they can avoid possible danger or dangerous places. Plus, if we just take some of Auntie's friends, Auntie will tell them what and how we are. She'll clue them to not try and push their ideas and rules on us." Dodger looked away for a moment and then back at Dante. "If you leave, I'm leaving as well. Can I come and stay with you? Then people can say we both got religion if we stay in a church." He laughed at his joke.
Dante chuckled. "Of course, you can come and any of the others that don't want to go back." He shrugged. "It's just not me. Never going to be me."
Dodger heaved a sigh of relief. "Thanks Dante." He said gratefully and then added, "Don't talk about leaving anymore. If it comes to that, it comes and I'll go with you, but we don't need to talk about it."
"As long as you know," Dante said. "So you're not surprised if it happens. But for now, let's go talk to the Infernals. Let them know what's coming."
Dodger nodded, "I won't be surprised. I promise. You have told me. Now know more talk about it." he looked down at the other Infernals sitting around laughing, talking or playing some games. "As you said, let's go talk to the Infernals."