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Adventures of Grocery Shopping

Posted on Tue Apr 25th, 2023 @ 6:05am by Survivor Calista Sutton & Survivor Killian Sutton

531 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Katahdin Inn & Suites
Timeline: August 25, 2010 1330

They had been back at the hotel now for a little bit and yet, Savannah was still getting worse. Callista was worried about her friend, and watching over her like a hawk. "She's not getting better," she commented to her husband, Killian.

"It's the flu," he commented in reply as he was reading through his book with his feet propped up on the bed next to Callista. "Or do you think that it's whatever this pandemic is that we have heard rumblings of when we got food this morning at the store?"

"I mean maybe?" she asked tentatively. "I'm honestly not sure. Right now, it's a flu, right? Let's treat it like that until otherwise."

Callista got up again and went to sit on the edge of the bed that Savannah was currently asleep in. Callista held the back of her hand to her forehead. "Sugar Butt, she's really burning up."

She wished that she had a thermometer with her so that she could figure out how high was high. She and Killian were both on the belief that you don't go to the ER for the flu unless the temperature goes higher than 104 Degrees Fahrenheit. It was just going to need to burn itself out.

Killian put down his book across his chest and looked at her. "Do you want me to go to the store?" he asked. "It's just across the street and I can go see if we can get what we need from there without having to go to the Pharmacy proper. I remember seeing a pharmacy in there."

Thinking for a moment, Callista weighed her options. She was worried about her friend. She wished that she could just take her to the ER to see if she had whatever this virus thing was that was going around, but then again, that meant that they probably had it too. "You're right. I think we need to get some supplies for her to survive through the night. If not, we'll need to be prepared to take her to the hospital."

He put the bookmark into his book and set it on the night stand close to the window. "Okay, Sugar Tits. I'll go get her some stuff. I'll get some extra things for us in case this turns into lockdown. Even though we don't watch the news, we might need to in order to determine what we need to do."

"There's so much useless information on there. I agree though, with all that said." She stood up and leaned up to kiss her husband as he stood next to her. "Keep your phone handy and call me if you need anything. I'll turn the tv on and see what I can find out while you're out. Be safe, okay?"

"I will. Just everything for the flu, and what's your latest craving?" he asked lovingly as he pulled her closer to him by putting his hands on his hips.

She thought for a moment. "How about some cheesy bread, or something that we can nuke in the microwave?" she asked.

"That I can do." He leaned down and kissed her again. "I'll be back as soon as I can."


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