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Do we really have to?

Posted on Tue Apr 18th, 2023 @ 12:57am by Vienna Quinn

548 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Various

Piling into the car for a road trip to the airport wasn’t Vienna’s idea of a good afternoon, getting stuck in airport traffic whilst trying to get there to pick up an exchange student.

“Do we really all need to go Dad?” Vienna gave her dad the sweet daddy’s girl smile, that normally got her out of most chores.

“Don’t be giving your father that look Vienna!” Her mother gave her ‘the look’ the one that said, ‘don’t even think about it!’

“Fine...Whatever!” Vienna nodded as she reluctantly got into the back seat. All she knew about the exchange student they were picking up, was that he was French, and that he’d be staying with them for a little while. He’d be using her brother’s old room now that he wasn’t living at home anymore.

“So what’s the name of this exchange student again?” Vienna looked at her mother.

“It’s Rene, René Rouen. He’s 17, and funnily enough his birthday is just 3 days before yours.” Deanna smiled. “From what I’ve read about him he seems a nice young man, so I expect you to make him welcome.”

“Naturally!” Vienna nodded. “What happens to our hiking trip though? Dad and I were supposed to be going hiking together this weekend.”

“We’ll have to see about that one Vi” Her father offered a smile. “Everyone ready to go? Can’t keep our guest waiting at the airport.”

Setting off it wasn’t long before trouble started before they’d even left the drive, the car stubbornly refused to start. Luckily for them her father was a mechanic, it saved on having to call one out.

(Twenty minutes later)

“Okay let’s try that one again shall we?” Her father hopped in and turned the key, breathing a sigh of relief as the car started. “Airport here we come.”

“Joy!” Vienna sighed as she picked up her phone and started browsing, she had the chance for some time out at the local mall with some friends, but this trip had blown that out of the water. It wasn’t like she did a lot of girly shopping, but she did enjoy spending time with her friends.

She had to wonder just what this Rene was going to be like, she’d never met anyone from France before. She’d taken French at school, but not really used it in conversation. She just hoped Rene spoke at least some English.

“Are you all ready for the school trip?” Deanna looked around at her daughter curiously.

“As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess I’ll be expected to look after Rene?”

“He’s probably quite capable of looking after himself Vi” Her father smiled. “Just make sure he knows where he’s going, this is all going to be new to him, he’s part of our family while he’s here.”

Vienna nodded. “Okay, but don’t expect me to drag him along with the girls when I go shopping! I doubt they’d appreciate it very much.”

“Who knows Vi” Her mother grinned. “He may prove to be popular with your friends.”

Vienna rolled her eyes, no doubt she’d find out soon enough.



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