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Things that go Bump

Posted on Mon Mar 18th, 2024 @ 12:22am by Survivor Killian Sutton & Survivor Calista Sutton

818 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Outside Bangor, Farmhouse
Timeline: 4 September 2010 - 8:35 p.m.

Calista was going through the cabinets in the blind darkness trying to see if she could find something that wasn't rotten like there was on the countertops or the fridge that was now barred closed with the chair. Most of the things she was finding in the small kitchen was dishes and cups.

While it would have worked to get something in a quick pinch if someone or something made it into the house since they were airing it out, it wasn't what she was wanting. "Have you found the pantry yet?" she asked, as she closed that cabinet and went to start going through another one.

Looking over to his the dim figure of his wife, Killian shook his head even though he knew she wasn't looking. "No. I haven't found anything useful. Are you okay in the kitchen while I go see if I can find a lamp or a flashlight or anything that we might be able to use for light?"

"Yeah, I got heavy mugs in here I can grab in a pinch," she said.

The drawers were less than useful as there were utensils. Under the sink was what she expected it to be, though there were more plastic bags than she had thought were possible jammed in there. "You know, if we needed plastic bags for anything, we'd won the lottery," she joked dryly.

"Ha ha," Killian chuckled and walked back out towards the living room. From what he knew of farmhouses and older homes, there usually was a table near the front door or in the hallway that might have an oil lamp. That would be the best thing they could find that night. However, he'd settle for a match, a lighter, a flashlight or anything else like that.

While Calista had some remorse about going through and rummaging through someone's home looking for food and anything useful, the stench showed them that it was well abandoned and that helped ease her guilt if a little bit. Now it was down to trying to find food, and getting something, anything in that they could eat. She finally opened a cabinet and out rolled a couple of tin cans. "Eee!" she squeed when she found the food. She had been through the silverware drawers, and the utensils but hadn't found anything that resembled a can opener.

Her fingers deftly went over the countertop slowly trying to make sure that she didn't get her fingers back in the rotting food on the counter as she tried looking for a can opener.

As the food tins settled on the counter. Killian popped back in. "You okay?" he asked, leaning on both hands in the door way peering into the darkness. The thing about losing the power this long, their eyes were finally able to get some night vision allowing them to see what they needed to.

"I found food," she said, "but nothing that I can see to open it with. I'm trying to find a can opener."

At that moment, that was when Killian realized that there was something that looked like it could have been a flashlight on the top of the fridge as he looked over the shorter figure of his wife hunched over the counters, seemingly frantic looking for a can opener.

He strode with purpose over to the top of the fridge and grabbed the flashlight off of it, and turned it on. It flickered and then came to life. "Bingo."

He shown the light over the counter surface, revealing the rotting food and the strewn items over the surface. While it wasn't relatively dirty withstanding the rotting food, it was cluttered like it seemed the rest of the house was. There was no can opener on the counters per se. "Sugah, I think you're out of luck." He pointed at the tin cans and they were cat food.

She groaned and went back to the cabinet, now that they had a flashlight, though it was dimming to see if she could find more food that wasn't for the feline variety.

"And even more out of luck, it looks like they have an automatic can opener." The flashlight started to flicker.

Calista groaned again. "Go find something else, batteries maybe?"

The flashlight started dimming at Killian moved back to the living room area to see if he could find an lamp or something else that they could use. As he made it to the living room, he found something that looked like an oil lamp. There was no way to turn it on yet, he needed to find flame.

Popping out of the kitchen, she looked at him. "Anything?"

"I found the lamp but no way to light it yet."

Just then, a bump came from upstairs, and they both turned to look that way. The flashlight flickered and went dark as they heard whatever it was happen again.


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