Good Morning Bangor!
Posted on Sun Apr 16th, 2023 @ 5:28am by
"Good morning, Bangor! It's 8 a.m. and I'm Steve Cadson. To my right is my co-host, the lovely Melanie Blake." Young and polished, in an expensive gray suit with a purple-gray paisley tie, Steve turned to his equally polished co-anchor and smiled warmly. "What interesting tidbit do you bring us this morning?"
"Well, Steve," Melanie answered, "I have an odd one for you." She wore her blonde curls piled high on her head and her blue eyes were sparkling as her voice dropped to a suitably mysterious tone. "Residents have been reporting zombie sightings on Main Street, over by the Antique Marketplace."
"Zombies," Steve repeated. He frowned slightly and then brightened. "Now I know that new zombie movie is premiering this weekend." He turned toward the camera. "For those of you who missed the show yesterday, 'Dead Come Calling' is directed by the Scarlotti Brothers and written by a former Bangor local, Miles Banyon. Could this be ... related?"
"The police agree with you," Melanie answered. "Reports indicate that these zombies are aggressive and very realistic." She laughed slightly as she spread her hands. "Well, as realistic as you can be because we all know that zombies aren't real. Anyways, the police are saying that they are all actors, and this is some kind of publicity stunt."
"Well, Bangor," Steve said, smiling for the camera, "here's your chance. Send us some pictures of these zombies and we'll air the best ones tomorrow."
"Best picture wins a pair of free tickets to the premiere," Melanie added. "So get your cameras out and go zombie hunting."
"But not right now," Steve said. "We have Edward Reid up next with the weather and traffic report. So grab your coffee and settle in. We'll be right back after the break."
Category: General News