Brutal Slaying in Downtown Bangor
Posted on Sun Apr 16th, 2023 @ 9:45am by
Edited on Sun Apr 16th, 2023 @ 9:57am
Tyler Haines was the victim of what is believed to be a brutal animal attack that occurred in the early morning hours of April 24th in downtown Bangor. He was rushed to the hospital suffering life-threatening injuries and is reported to have died in route. Bangor Police are investigating but have no suspects at the current time.
Tyler was an engineering student at the University of Maine in Orono and is believe to have been in Bangor trying to get photographs of the so-called zombies as reported by the local morning show, Good Morning, Bangor on WABI-TV. Tyler is survived by his parents, Maureen and Allen Haines, and his younger brother, Richard.
Officials at WABI-TV expressed their sadness over the tragic death of Mr. Haines but pointed out that there is no evidence that the two incidents are in any way related.
Category: General News