
My first week in America

Posted on Thu Apr 20th, 2023 @ 7:27am by Survivor René Rouen

148 words; about a 1 minute read

Dearest Mother and Father,

Well, I have made it through my first week in America. I am staying with the Quinn family in a nice home just in the city limits of Bangor, Maine. Monsignor and Madame Quinn have a teenage aged daughter in the same grade and she will be showing me around when school starts next week.

Yes, Amelie, she is quite pretty and no, nothing is happening between us. I'm not even sure she is happy I am staying here. I get the feeling she misses her brother who left for university before my arrival and doesn't like that I am staying in his old room.

I picked up school supplies today and I am ready for courses to start tomorrow. I will keep this missive short, but next week I will include details about my first week in school.

Love always,
Your son René



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