Journal Date: September 10, 2010
Posted on Mon Aug 26th, 2024 @ 2:17am by
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Journal Date: September 10, 2010
At least I think it is. Been a long and lonely trip back east since I departed from CeeBee and her beau. Not sure how father is going to react to him when they get to the homestead, if they get to the homestead, which I am sure CeeBee will accomplish. CeeBee’s beau is a skinny ass nerd, hell the Wyoming winds would most likely bowl him over. His one saving grace in my eyes, he was studying Pre-veterinary Medicine before the SHTF. All well last father requested on the portable Ham radio was for me to get CeeBee to the border of Iowa then high tail it to the Northeast, a place called Millinocket, Maine, using Reuben’s emergency route plan, to find his happy little butt. So here I am, riding Charlette along Illinoi's rail lines after helping CeeBee and Daryl across the rail bridge in Hamilton. While the 2009 Can-Am Spyder SE5 is not really designed for off roading Charlette has done well. Following the rail lines has been safer than any other route, less of the “Zombie-Infected”. I have run down my supplies, and I am getting low on food, I have therefore decided to risk leaving the Amtrack line I was following along the Des Plains River and start heading east. I am not thrilled being this close to Chicago and potential dangers, so I plan to go cross country and follow 95th street till I hit Highway 45. There I will assess the risk of travelling through Hickory Hills. The bonus to this is I’ll be in Cook County Forest Preserve, with water and potential to hunt.