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Journal Date: September 13, 2010

Posted on Fri Sep 27th, 2024 @ 2:13am by Catalina   Baptiste

290 words; about a 1 minute read

Journal Date: September 13, 2010?

Well found Sandwich, he deviated from his emergency escape route and hookup with a group of survivors. Not sure about the group but they appear to be decent folks. The leader, Hale Stratton, is very similar to Sandwich; dark, brooding and all military. I suspect there is more under the man other than being a Major in the Rangers. I cannot quite sure what it is yet; but never mind that. Sandwich has decided to continue travelling with the group, so I am tagging along as well. He states he will decide what to do after the winter and into mid spring, when the travelling will be better. I suspect it is for another reason, a woman named Thea. She is very attractive, gets my juices running, but she is also very pregnant with a child, another man's child. Funny thing though Sandwich seems to defer to her and protect her. I have only seen him do that with a few other women; the women in our family and Autumn. He will willing give up food and other items to her; and food to Kenny as well. He gave her his sleeping bag and now uses an improvised bed roll, similar to when we are riding herd on the cattle. I have tried to pry information out of him regarding Thea, and he just smirks at me and tells me to mind my own business or that I am seeing something that isn't there; but I know him and I know better. I am still getting a feel for the others in the group as well. Well I am exhausted and have guard duty soon. Will attempt to write more when I can.


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