Posted on Fri Apr 21st, 2023 @ 9:31pm by Survivor Killian Sutton & Survivor Calista Sutton
750 words; about a 4 minute read
Bangor or Bust
Location: B&B outside of Millinocket
Timeline: August 25, 2010 12:30 pm
Calista still hadn't heard from Savannah and was starting to get worried. They had gone to the festival for the morning rounds, but it was over shadowed by the nagging wondering what was going on with her friend, and then the news that there was some type of infection running around.
Neither Calista or Killian were newsbodies, and they kept themselves away from it. It was too much doom and gloom they said over the years, and usually there was nothing note worthy for them to be paying attention to. However, with everything that was seemingly going on, it made Calista worry so much more about her friend and why she hadn't gotten in touch with her.
As they were sitting in the park eating picnic style, Calista's phone rang showing Savannah's number. Calista quickly unlocked her phone and answered. "Hey, we've been worried wondering where you are."
"I'm sorry," the voice coughed in the background. "I don't feel good and I think I came down with the flu. Can you come get me? I'm at -"
Calista pulled the phone away for a moment to talk to Killian. "She said she's sick," she whispered. "We need to go get her." She then turned her attention to the phone call again. "Yah, Sav, send me where you want to get us and we'll come get you. We'll get you some meds and fluids and you should be right as rain again soon." The phone call abruptly ended. "That was weird," Calista said.
Looking back to Calista, Killian said, "well if she has the flu, it probably took her everything to call you to come get her. I'm surprised they haven't kicked her out of her lodging yet if she was that overdue."
Calista simply shrugged. "I'm going to need you to handle her though. I don't want to get too close to her that I get the flu. The flu this early on in pregnancy isn't a good thing."
"Like I'd let you get sick," Killian sniped back playfully.
They had packed their things and made it to the bed and breakfast where she was staying at, and knocked on the door, but there was no answer. Killian had already gotten a key from the person at the desk downstairs and opened up the door to find the room pretty pitch black and body odor was up there.
Savannah laid under the blankets shivering. "I'm sorry," she whispered as Calista went to open the blackout curtains and the window. Her morning sickness started to well up from deep within.
Calista looked over to her now that the sunlight was coming into the room. "It's okay. You got sick. You haven't been around people that much for the last six months, so your immune system is probably going crazy. I smell you didn't toss your clothes yet."
"No chance," Savannah weakly answered.
Killian quickly grabbed the pile of stinking clothes and shoved them into a plastic bag making it smell so much better in the room.
"My pack is good though," Savannah answered as she threw the covers off and tried to sit up. "Went to trail party last night cause I didn't want you to worry about me after your drive. Met a guy, made out, think got me sick. He was weird; definitely tripping out on something. He even tried to bite me." Savannah's words were clipped like she was struggling with a headache as she was talking.
"You okay?" Killian asked. Savannah simply nodded and then both Calista and Killian rolled their eyes at Savannah's comment about them not worrying about her after a long drive. Everything else about it, really was just typical Savannah. "Well, we're here now, and lets get you out of here before they start charging you more money you don't have."
Calista grabbed Savannah's pack, and Killian grabbed the bag of clothes and went to help Savannah up from the position on the bed. "You're running a heck of a fever."
"Figures," Savannah commented as she leaned against him.
"Do you think we should take you to the hospital?" Calista asked. "You don't look good, Sav. You're so pale and clammy."
"No insurance; I be fine with sleep and fluids."
"Fine, but if you get worse, I'm dragging you down there and you can file indigent later. Let's get you to the car," Calista said as she did a once over of the room to make sure that there was nothing left behind.