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Confessions and Complications

Posted on Fri Apr 21st, 2023 @ 4:09pm by René Rouen & Vienna Quinn

1,355 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Small pier on Millinocket Stream below the fairgrounds
Timeline: 25 August 2010 - 12pm

René sat on the edge of the small fishing dock looking up and down stream. He was feeling rather confused and unsure of himself. Jordan had been right about having feelings for Vienna while living in the Quinn home.

René was attracted to Vienna, but it would be hard not to be. She was easily one of the prettiest girls in school. The same could be said for Courtney, but there was something about Courtney that seemed...not quite right. She seemed the type that could find and then lose interest in a boy too easily. These were the thoughts going through his head when the sound of familiar footsteps approached along the dock.

Vienna had spotted René sitting all alone on the dock, making her way along the small pier to him she offered a warm smile. “Hey, mind if I join you?”

René looked up at Vienna. Her head was eclipsing the sun and her hair was like a golden halo about her face. "Je vous en prie." He realized he had spoken in his native French and repeated himself in English as he gestured to the dock space next to him. "Please do."

“Thank you” Vienna smiled as she sat down next to René. “You know when you first came to stay with us I thought you were so annoying! You were so polite to my parents, but now I’ve come to realise that I was being unfair.” She paused. “Can we start over? Start out as we should have?”

René returned Vienna's smile and nodded as he held her gaze. "I would like that." His smile grew as he reached out his right hand. "Hello there my name is René Jean Rouen. I'm from Paris, France. And your name is?"

Vienna grinned as she gently gripped René’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you René, I’m Vienna Aurora Quinn.” She giggled as they shook hands.

Rene laughed with her as his smile continued to grow. He gave her hand a firm handshake. "It is a deep pleasure and honor to make your acquaintance Vienna Aurora Quinn. If I may ask, what is it you like to do?"

“Well I enjoy archery, gymnastics, and cheerleading. I also enjoy going camping, and on hunting trips with my father.”

Rene nodded graciously as he subconsciously continued to hold her hand. "Those are intriguing hobbies. I would love to have you show me them sometime."

Vienna was perfectly happy holding René’s hand. It felt so natural. “I’d like that, how about you? What is it you like to do?”

René shrugged as if his hobbies would be boring in comparison. "Well, I hold a red glove in savate. I believe you Americans call it French Kickboxing. I am a pretty good guitar player and yes I do know contemporary songs from American artists. Though my true passion is for fencing. I have won my regional championships the last three years and placed fifth, third and second at nationals."

“Really?” Vienna gave René a wide eyed look. “That’s wonderful, congratulations René. Do you think you could teach me sometime? I’d like to learn some kickboxing for self defence, and fencing sounds fun as well.”

René nodded. "I would enjoy teaching you fencing, alas I am not sure I am particularly qualified to teach you savate. It has six ranks and I am in the lower of the two intermediate ranks. I would recommend you seek out a better instructor if you want to learn self defence." He glanced above at the wooded countryside with a small mountain on the horizon. "You have a beautiful country here Vienna. Perhaps not as beautiful as you, but it could certainly rival my own country."

Vienna blushed. “Thank you René, you’re very kind.” She suddenly realised she was still holding his hand, but she was in no rush to let go either. “I didn’t mean to put you in an awkward position earlier, I just...” She paused. “I like you René, more than I like anyone here. Everyone expects me to go to homecoming with the most popular guy in school, just because I’m a popular girl. I don’t want to go to homecoming with him, I would very much like to go with you. If you are willing?”

René sighed, his smile slowly fading. "I would like to, but...Jordan is right. I am living with your family. It could become awkward and I wouldn't want to do something to betray your parents trust in me."

Vienna nodded. “I guess I can see your point. I might not bother going, Jordan will be expecting me to hang around him all night just so we can be entered for the homecoming King and Queen.” She sighed. “I didn’t choose to be the girl every guy wants to hang out with.”

René shook his head. "No, you should go. It could be fun."

Vienna shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know René.”

René thought for moment, trying to come up with a more compelling argument to convince her to go. "Will you go if I go, not together of course. Just do me one favor?"

Vienna paused to think about it. “Maybe...” She gave him a curious look as he mentioned the favour. “What would that be?”

René gave a small, hopeful smile. "Save one slow dance for me?"

Vienna couldn’t help but smile. “I’d like that. You know mum and dad have been trying to get me a find a boyfriend for ages. They might be happier if it’s someone they know and like, someone like you.”

René considered Vienna's words carefully. He desperately wanted to believe her. He felt a sudden urge to believe her. He started to lean closer, but stopped. 'What if they weren't happier,' he thought.

Vienna leant closer, she’d been hoping that René would see her in a romantic light.

René could sense Vienna did want him to kiss her by how she began to lean in. He closed the gap until their lips were a fraction of an inch apart.

Vienna was just ready to kiss René, she smiled as she looked into his eyes before a sudden shout made her pull back.

"Hey! What are you damn kids doing on my dock!?"

René backed his head suddenly and glanced at the fellow paddling a canoe towards them. He immediately jumped up, pulling Vienna to her feet. Both took off at a run as the man shouted at them to get off his property. Rene stopped once they were back on the fair grounds and sighed heavily.

“Hey...” Vienna smiled. “Don’t be too downhearted, at least we both know how we feel about each other now.”

René nodded slowly as he took a deep breath. He let it out in a long sigh. "True, but...we should probably talk to your mother and father when we get home tonight. I wouldn’t feel right about us exploring these feelings until we discussed matters with them."

Vienna nodded in agreement. “Mais oui!” She smiled. “I said that right didn’t I? It does mean obviously in your language doesn’t it?” She grinned. “Maybe I should just have said “Oui.”

René smiled. "You pronounced it correctly." His expression changed slightly as he heard a slight change. More to the point, it was what he didn't hear. The music had stopped and a middle-aged man was taking the stage. "Something is happening. We should go check it out."

Vienna nodded. “I agree, it could be important.”

René stepped up to the back of the crowd and listened to the Mayor speak. The announcement was how all state and interstate roads were being closed until further notice. Only state or federal traffic specifically sanctioned would be allowed authorized travel until further notice. René turned to Vienna. "We need to find Madame Turner and get a hold of your parents. We may not be going home today."

Vienna nodded in agreement. “The sooner we let my parents know the better.”


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