Moving Day
Posted on Fri Aug 16th, 2024 @ 12:26am by Survivor John ("Dodger") Smith & Survivor Amythyst & Survivor George Brooks
1,580 words; about a 8 minute read
The Road Ahead
Location: Beneath the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, Manhattan
Timeline: September 8, 2010 - 05:00 a.m.
Moving Day started same as any other day. They slept, ate, worked, and played underground in a network of railroad tunnels using boxcars as dorms and bathrooms. Dante woke up slowly, reluctant to leave the warmth and comfort of his dreams, reluctant to leave what had been his home for years before the Infernals. He could barely remember a time when he woke up with sunlight streaming through a window or been able to look at the stars as he struggled to fall asleep. This was the home he had built for himself, the safety he had worked so hard to achieve, and today, he was going to abandon it for something better.
He yawned and rolled over slowly, searching for sleeping Infernals because there were always a couple buried in sleeping bags, the ones he kept on hand for just that reason, taking comfort in community. They liked sleeping near each other, drawing comfort and peace from the sounds of life around them, relaxed breathing, the soft rustle of material as someone changed position, even, a rumbling snore. It meant that they weren't alone. It meant that they had family they could count on.
He got dressed and woke them, one by one, then headed out into the tunnels to check the route. Something he preferred to do alone. He escorted Amy out of the tunnels and paused on the street to say good-bye."Well, this is where I leave you," Dante said. "Take care of yourself."
Amy gave him a nod. "Thank you Dante. Take care of yourself and your family." She slung her backpack onto her back and headed off down the street to a nearby alley. There was a soft clunk as she pulled down a ladder from a fire escape and began to climb. She had been planning during the night.
Dante watched her go, one last bit of care about her welfare, and then shrugged it off. She'd made her choice. So be it. Time to get back to work.
See post: New Kid on the Block
6:40 a.m.
Dante led George through the tunnels back to Track 61, once an underground entrance to the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel and now, four boxcars on a section of unused, forgotten track. In the hour and forty minutes he'd been gone, the Infernals had set up an oatmeal breakfast around the campfire. After they ate, Dante would assign everyone rooms and then the bigger part of the job would begin. Getting Old Auntie and her friends moved in to the Jane Hotel. In deference to age an dexterity, they would take the second floor while the Infernals would take the fifth floor. Privately, Dante liked the idea of having a buffer between them.
"George," Dante said, "I'd like to introduce you to Dodger. Dodger this is George, our newest member."
After finishing his punishment, Dodger had taken off the clothes he wore, took a shower to get the smell off him and out of his nose and redressed into cleaner clothes and then went back to the rest of the Infernals. He didn't see Dante or Amy so, shrugging his shoulders, he got the Infernals to work setting up breakfast and readying their gear for the move.
He was now watching everyone eat when he heard Dante's voice, turning he saw Dante with a new kid. As Dante made the introductions, Dodger thrust out his right hand, "Pleased to meet you, George. Welcome to the Infernals."
George took the offered hand, smiling politely. "Thanks. I'm glad Dante found me. Wasn't sure where I was gonna go next out there."
The kids were sitting around the fire, waiting over bowls of oatmeal, for the rest to sit down. "George, Dodger, go ahead and get your food. That's one of the rules," Dante said for George's benefit. "Youngest get their food first, oldest gets his food last. But everyone eats together."
George nodded, then moved over to where the food was being served. After grabbing a bowl and a spoon, he found a seat, nodding and saying hello to the other kids who greeted him. He then waited.
Dodger watched as George got a bowl and spoon and sat down mingling with the other Infernals. Dodger was next as he got a bowl and spoon and as he sat down was greeted by a chorus of hellos from the other Infernals. He waited for Dante to get his bowl and sit down. He knew what today was just as all the Infernals did and he was anxious to get started.
After Dodger, came Dante and once he'd gotten his bowl and sat down, the Infernals attacked their food. Dante not so much. He'd never had a good appetite at the best of times and there were days when food just didn't have an appeal. Instead, he cleared his throat and addressed the group. "Today's moving day," he said as he reached for his cup of tea because for him, no day started without a hot cup of something. "Now as you all know, the Waldorf isn't going to work. There's a gang moving into the area and I don't think we'll be safe here much longer. The new place is in the West Village. It's not close but all of the food has been moved in and it comes with blankets and towels and even toilet paper. We're taking the top floor. It's all laid out differently than we're used to ... the rooms are small but we'll have the first floor as well, plenty of sofas and tables to eat at."
He saw the looks that passed around the table and tried to look reassuring. "None of the doors lock and you'll be able to move around however much you like. It'll be an adjustment but we can do it and in the end, I think you'll like the improvements."
Dante had one of the larger rooms and slept alone, mostly that was because he handled problems with the Infernals and took care of the more fragile ones. That required privacy. It was the one luxury he allowed himself and even then, he shared it with the group.
"Everyone has clean sheets and blankets," Dante continued. "There are buckets of water in the bathrooms that you can use for bathing and filling the supply tank for the toilet. If you aren't sure how to do it, find me and I'll go over it with you. And because we're going to try not using the compost toilets, that goes off the punishment list ... for now."
"Find your room, put your stuff away and then report to me. We're helping Old Auntie and her friends move in on the second floor." A murmur rose around the group because everyone knew how well Old Auntie could cook. "And yes, her and her friends want to help out with meals but we'll see. Any questions?"
Dodger listened attentively as Dante informed the Infernals of their room assignments. He nodded to George when Dante announced they would be sharing a room or suite. A bed, clean sheets and blankets and water! It was a dream come true.
His ears perked up at the mention of Auntie and her friends. The Infernals would help her and her friends move and best of all, they wouldn't have to travel blocks for one of Auntie's meals. She would be a couple of floors below them. He took a couple of spoonfuls of his oatmeal and was ready to put his stuff away and then get down to the business of moving Auntie and her friends into their new home.
As the younger ones were eating, George felt it was okay if he started as well. As he did, he listened to what Dante said, giving Dodger a nod when he heard they would be roommates. When Dante asked if there were any questions, the good student in him raised his hand and waited to be called on.
"What's on your mind, George," Dante asked. Most of them just waited until he caught their eye, all the bad years in their lives getting in the way of them just speaking their mind.
"How soon after we move in, do you want me to start teaching everyone what I learned in martial arts?"
"How about the day after," Dante said. "We'll take the day to get everyone settled in and then, you can start working with anyone who wants to learn. Maybe small sessions at first until they get used to the change in routine but I'm guessing, they'll all be interested."
"Count me in for some of that George." Dodger popped up eagerly. He was eager to learn anything that would help him protect him and the Infernals better for sometimes you just didn't have a baseball bat when you needed it.
George nodded, first to Dante, then to the rest of the Infernals, as they responded as well. "Just know, I'm no official Sensai. I didn't achieve my black belt yet. However, I can show everyone what I've learned over the years, both open hand and with weapons."
"You're sixteen," Dante said. "No one expects you to be Bruce Lee but you're helping us stay safer on the streets, no matter what comes at them. Besides, I teach street fighting as well. Between the two, we'll be fine."
Dante let them finish eating and then rose from his spot. "Alright Infernals, let's get to work."