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The Trip West: Rest Stop

Posted on Wed Aug 14th, 2024 @ 2:14am by Survivor René Rouen & Survivor Calista Sutton & Survivor Killian Sutton & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor Reuben Baptiste & Survivor Timothy Reynolds & Survivor Ragnar Jørgensen & Survivor Timothy Cotton & Group Leader Serena Reynolds M.D. & Survivor Thea Matthews & Survivor Chloe Rouen & Survivor Kimberley Hathaway & Survivor Edward Harrison Jr & Survivor Joshua MacCallan & Survivor Kelly Cardona

2,381 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: The Road Ahead
Location: Oneida Lake, New York (About 295 Miles Later)
Timeline: September 7, 2010 - 9:00 p.m.

The spot was isolated, little more than a gravel parking lot with a couple of picnic benches and a battered metal grill, on the shores of the lake. The vehicles backed in, one after the other, because Portsmouth had been a lesson for all of them. And after the events of earlier, it was as though nature had offered them a reprieve, a chance to relax, to catch their collective breaths.

TJ hadn't said much as the survivors and left the gun shop en masse like a scalded dog. He was glad and relieved everyone was alright and out of that situation. He gently squeezed Kelly's hand and offered her a smile. " You okay?" He asked softly. Before adding, "Note to self, Let's not do that again." He grew quiet again as the group pulled into what could generously be called a rest stop. One thing was certain, there were none of the undead in sight.

Kelly had nodded as TJ had asked her if she was okay, truth be told she’d seen the reanimated dead too many times in the makeshift military hospital she’d worked as everything had gone to hell in a hurry. She was glad for the chance to stop and take a rest break, to breath some fresh air.

In the Blazer, Serena took a breath and put it in park as she watched the other vehicles and gave everyone room to move if needed. She looked at Timothy and said "This is just crazy" her voice was a whisper.

In the backseat, PJ babbled happily as he 'read' a book and played with his toys.

Reaching over with his left hand, Timothy took hold of Serena's right hand, giving it a loving squeeze. "I know. Unfortunately, I think it's now our new normal. If nature doesn't burn out the virus somehow, I think we are going to be stuck with fighting to survive the rest of our lives." He paused a couple heavy beats, then continued.

"Rena, I need you to promise me something. If something happens, and I start to those things...put me down quickly. While I know I'll already be gone, I don't want you to see me like that. Nor do I want to do anything to hurt you or PJ. Promise me, baby!"

She nodded. "Promise," she said in a whisper. "But the same goes." Neither wanted to think about their child turning. That thought was banished from their minds.

Timothy nodded wordlessly. He then reached out and hugged his wife and best friend in the world. He knew that, together, they would do everything possible, to keep Patrick safe from any harm. "I love you," he said softly. "I love you both."

She hugged him back and whispered her own words. Then she drew back and smiled faintly. "We should get moving and help."

Kimberly climbed slowly out of her SUV and stretched her arms above her head as she kept close to the open door. She looked around.

Joshua parked his truck beside Kimberly's SUV and considered the teardrop camper that he had attached to it. Being alone in the truck with its half cab, meant he could move stuff to the truck without using the camper. The camper had sentimental value though. Serena herself had purchased it for him. He climbed out and as everyone else climbed out, he began to unload the camper and began storing his belongings in the truck. His bedding was rolled up and placed in the half cab along with the supplies and personal belongings under the seats and on the floor of the passenger side of the Truck's cab. It didn't take long for the camper to be empty. He didn't however, unhitch it. He just felt better as he stowed a box of personal papers, and if needed they could cut it loose.

Vienna pulled in, parking up alongside the others. “Not bad driving considering I don’t even have a license yet!” She offered René, Henri and Chloé a wry smile.

Henri chuckled as he loosened his seat belt and returned Vienna’s wry smile with one of his own. "You did fine Miss Quinn." He glanced over his shoulder to his grandchildren in the back seat. "Come along little ones. We'll find out what Monsieur Stratton wants us to do."

René nodded and opened his door. He swung his legs out before reaching into the rear cargo area for his crutches and finally exited the vehicle to stand next to Vienna on the driver's side.

Vienna nodded at Henri’s suggestion, she hadn’t had chance to speak to René yet about whether his grandfather would approve of their relationship. Hell she hadn’t even talked with her own brother about it yet. She just hoped things wouldn’t become complicated.

Chloé slid from the car in silence.

Thea had fallen asleep during the drive sure in the knowledge that she was safe with Reuben and Kenny. The exertion of events had frayed her nerves somewhat so sleeping it off was a good thing.

Reuben sighed quietly when the vehicle stopped. He had Kenny's head on his thigh and he stroked his head. Seeing Thea was asleep he again quietly opened the door and coached Kenny to follow him. Once out, he knelt down and removed Kenny's vest. Whispering "Okay boy run about some and stretch those legs." Seeing Kenny eye the lake he smiled, "I guess a quick swim won't hurt you. Be quick and quiet. When I call you return immediately." With that Kenny ran down to the lake sniffing and marking as dog's are won't to due. Reuben laid Kenny's vest on the seat and gently closed the door so Thea would not be alarmed and wake up. He wanted to talk to Hale to see what they got at the store and just what the hell had happened to attract their unwanted guest, plus he needed more ammo.

Thea stirred slightly as she felt the motion of the car, opening her eyes for a brief few moments.

Ragnar let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding and looked at the sword he was still holding in front of him resting lightly resting on the floor, as he had not been able to get it completely clean on the drive, and then glanced to Thea. “How are you holding up? Hopefully well?”

Thea gave Ragnar a weary nod of her head. “Just tired.” With that she closed her eyes again, the stresses of earlier being worked off in her slumber.

Not far from where they were parked was a small stand of trees; not many but Hale walked that way anyways, his gaze trained on the ground as he picked up bits of wood, what his Dad had always called dead and down, remembering those early lessons back home. About how nature provided if you knew where to look. Course, nature in that case was a bit more abundant than a few trees set back from the lake but still. He found enough to get a fire going. Enough to make a pot of coffee, possibly heat up something to eat for the group. Maybe two-three hours worth at best. Enough.

He walked back slowly, watching the ground, lost in thought and when he got back to the grill, really a metal box stuck on a pole with a metal rack on top, he dumped the load of wood beside it. He laid out the fire, kindling, small bits and a couple of larger pieces, an act he'd performed hundreds if not thousands of times growing up off grid. Townies had thought his parents were nuts for their choices but now? Now, the whole world had to learn those same skills, at least until society reasserted itself.

Once he got the fire going and the grate set back into place, he turned toward Serena. "Maybe we could make a pot of coffee? Heat up something to eat?"

Serena nodded. "Agreed. How long do we have here?" She asked curiously. "Because we could have a meal rather than a quick bite." She began pulling out the meat she had cooked the night before, which was wrapped in aluminum foil.

"The fire will last two-three hours at most," Hale said. "So, yes, plenty of time for a meal and better. Everyone gets a chance to stretch and relax before we get going again."

Serena nodded and as she began to pull out some more things, Kimberly came over to help.

Reuben walked over to Hale and Serena. "Thea is asleep. Think this little trip and her pregnancy took it out of her. I let Kenny run loose for now, hope you all don't mind the smell of wet dog. Hell we may even get lucky and he'll bring us back a fish or two." smiled Reuben. "So have to ask, what happened to the tactical situation? Also please tell me you got some nine millimeter ammo, I am down to three rounds."

Serena glanced towards the car where Thea was. "I will check on her soon."

Josh came past, PJ in his baby harness. "Stealing the kid to teach him about how great his uncle is" He said to his sister as he passed.

She flipped him the bird.

Hale nodded to Serena but addressed his answer to Reuben. "Someone forgot to use their indoor voice and drew the attention of the whole blasted mob. I honestly don't know what we hauled out of there but I know we got ammo. C'mon, let's go do an inventory."

Reuben winced at that and sighed inwardly, civilians, what are you going to do. he thought. "Sure lets go through the the goods and help determine what is useful for which individual. Though I am definitely getting the impression, as the old saying goes and my instructors would say 'SILENCE IS THE GOLDEN RULE. NOT HEARD OR SEEN, NOT DEAD.' Guess it definitely applies now." With that he began to walk over to where the weapons were. He stopped and smiled at Thea.

With Kimberly, Serena began to heat water for tea and coffee while warming the wrapped meat beside the fire.

“Anything I can do to help?” Kelly offered a warm smile as she joined Kimberly and Serena.

Serena gave the woman a smile. "In the back of the Blazer is a pot, can you get it? As we have time I can make a stew."

“Sure, I’ll be right back” Kelly smiled as she headed off to the Blazer.

It didn’t take long before Kelly was back with the pot as requested. “There you go.” She placed the pot in-front of Serena. “I understand that you’re a doctor?”

"Thank you. Yes. Trauma Specialist, Clarksville.. Well was." Serena said as she put the meat and some water in the pot. She added the vegetables she had cooked the night before as well. "But now I am just like everyone else. Surviving." She gave Kelly a smile.

“I’m a nurse, military trained.” Kelly offered a melancholy smile. “I’ve seen more patients of this...disease, than I’d care to count. It’s a ruthless killer. Any injuries of any sort will need to be carefully monitored, any infection can allow the disease in, not to mention scratches, and bites.”

Serena nodded. "We might need to start doing checks. Some people are likely to hide things if they think they will be killed or left behind."

Kelly nodded. “That’s true, people are afraid and who can blame them. I’m just glad I met all of you.” She smiled warmly.

Opening her eyes again Thea stretched a little before checking how her hair looked in the visor mirror. Running her fingers through it to tidy it up she opened the door and stepped out, looking around for Reuben. Seeing him over by Serena she made her way over.

“Hey” she offered a polite smile to everyone, then looked at Reuben. “Sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.”

"Hello," he replied. "Don't worry about it. I believe pretty much all of us understand that you need more rest, being pregnant and all." he smiled. "Can you do me a favor though, keep an eye on my mangey mutt, he will stay down by the lake all day if we let him, Oh and if he should return, must warn everyone, he loves to share. He will shake himself silly to get everyone wet." With that Reuben smiled again, and walked towards the truck.

Thea had nodded as Reuben had asked her to watch out for Kenny, she smiled as she watched Reuben head to help the others before looking around to see if Kenny was anywhere in sight.

Ragnar had posted up near the fire and was finishing cleaning his blade while he listened to the others. At the mention of an inventory of the weapons he tilted his head “do ya’ll need an extra hand?”

Kenny came running back up to the grill, were the fire was, something flipping in his mouth and water was running off his fur. It would appear to anyone looking at him that he had something mischievous in his mind. As he got closer the thing in his mouth had stopped squirming, and one could see it was a fish of some type.

Thea grinned as she saw one very soggy Kenny. “Kenny..sit.” She smiled as the clever dog actually did as she asked. “Good boy! Now...drop it, drop the fish.” She slowly approached with her hand open hoping Kenny would give her the fish without giving her a bath.

Kennny sat as Thea had commanded, water thick on his fur and a look of pure mischief and joy in his eyes. He lowered his head as if to drop the fish, waiting for the right second to stand up and shake the water off him. All around him water flew, the fire hissing when small droplets hit it. He quickly moved away from the group and ran straight for Reuben.

To Be Continued in "The Trip West: Rest Stop (Part 2)


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