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Seeds of love planted in the barn

Posted on Mon Oct 21st, 2024 @ 1:40am by Survivor Reuben Baptiste & Survivor Thea Matthews

2,459 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: The Road Ahead
Location: The Barn, Hale’s homestead

With her duties done Thea had made her way across to the barn to Reuben as she promised. Reaching the barn door she gently opened it, “It’s just me” she called out just so as Reuben and Kenny would know who it was. I promised I’d come over to you when I was done.”

Kenny jumped up from where he had been lying watching Reuben and looked towards Thea, tail wagging. Reuben looked up from where he had been placing the fuel and smiled "So the beautiful lady keeps the promise. Welcome to El granero de Stratton, one very dangerous structure. In this corner we have items that do not tolerate heat or flame, in fact will accelerate a fire. Caddy corner near where you are resides items designed to cause lead poisoning in living creatures. Now you mix the items here..." Reuben taps one of the fuel tanks with the broom "...with a flame and allow it to get to the items there..." here he pointed to the stack of ammo " get a very interesting reaction." Here Reuben has a faded smile and a distant look in his eyes. Shaking his head "A big boom with lead flying all over the place." He then looks at Thea and again smiles what a beautiful woman, she is the very image of a mother to be. Too damn bad her husband didn't make it. He looked at Thea, "I plan on asking Hale if myself, Kenny and my sister can sleep in the barn. Act as an inside guard force and also ensure no accidents. I am going to strenuously recommend he allow you to sleep in the cabin" one could tell how serious Reuben was about that last suggestion. "So beautiful lady, why the concern over me?" the amber hue of his eyes showing through the octagon frame eyeglasses with light blue tint gradually going to deep purple he wore indoors or when it was dark.

Thea offered a smile as she gave Kenny a fuss before walking over to Reuben. “You have been nothing but kind and caring toward me since I joined this group, and seeing you earlier...” she paused. “I’ve been on my own since before I knew I was pregnant, we tried for a while with no success and then I lost Andrew. I thought I’d lost everything until I found out I was finally expecting, and I know Andrew wouldn’t want me to be alone.”

Reuben smiled at Thea, "My grandmother, mother and sisters would all line up and beat me to with in an inch of my life if I was not kind and considerate, especially to a lady who is pregnant." He paused for a second, a far off look gliding across his face, before speaking, "I apologize for earlier, I was lost in deep thought and just reacted." Again he looked ashamed at what had happened. Then he looked at her again, "I am truly sorry for your loss. It must have been difficult. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to about it, I'm here. Just one thing though, next time you see me like I was, let Kenny do the heavy lifting, he knows how to handle me." he said a shy smile flitting across his face. "Or if need be I can always lend Kenny to you for comfort during your times of pain. Right buddy." Kenny just wagged his tail.

Thea smiled warmly. “I’ll let Kenny do his job next time” She gave Kenny a gentle head scratch as she spoke. “Just when I thought life was getting better, all this...craziness broke out and I ended up having to find a safe hideaway for myself. I was just lucky to be in the store the same time as Vienna and the others, otherwise I’d still be on my own.”

Reuben was quiet for a few seconds, if one was watching they could see from his facial expressions that he appeared to be having an internal debate, finally he looked at Thea and studied her for a few seconds and gave a small, shy smile. "I sort of know what you are talking about. My last mission in the Air Force resulted in my being medically retired. I decided to go Millinocket, Maine to visit some old friends after I was officially released from the Air Force. It just so happened I arrived as the Trails End Festival and just when the virus got a good foothold. My one friend was from Millinocket and he and his family fled to his great grandfather and family land. His family through the generations built an incredible fallout shelter on it. He offered for me and Kenny to come along but I declined. Instead I decided to see if I could find an old childhood flame and lover. She had moved to Millinocket to work as an outdoor adventure guide. Had no luck, but ran into Hale and his friends; in Bangor, Maine. A few days later and the government decided to bomb it into oblivion. Well here I am now, talking to a beautiful lady, who seems to want to learn more about me, I am truly flattered."

Thea blushed. “Me...beautiful?” She shook her head. “I feel anything but beautiful. I know they say women bloom during pregnancy, but that’s certainly not how it makes you feel. Don’t get me wrong, I love being pregnant and I’m not one of these women who counts every calorie as she eats, but there are times the weight gain gets to you.”

Reuben smiled as he watched Thea blush at being called beautiful. She truly was, even CeeCee said that she found her attractive. He thought back to the conversations he had with his sister since they met up, and her admonition to go slow, as they were both lost. “Well I do not think you have too much weight, in fact probably underweight for a pregnant woman. Tell you what you can have half my provisions from when we eat, and Kenny and I will eat the other half. Need to ensure you stay healthy and strong for your baby. As for your beauty, you are very beautiful, I think that Andrew thought you beautiful also, otherwise he would not have wanted you to be the mother of his child.” He looked at her again with a small childish smirk “After all, men love to pass on the one parasitic disease they cannot catch themselves to beautiful women, pregnancy.”

Thea offered the warmest, biggest smile yet. “I think Andy would have liked you, and Kenny.” She gave Kenny a quick fuss. “You really think I’m underweight?” She frowned worried what that might mean for her baby. “I don’t expect you to give up your food for me, there’s enough to go around so I could always request a little extra.”

Kenny soaked up the attention that Thea was giving him. Reuben paused removed his glasses and wiped his sweat and dust streaked face with his shemagh. Placing his glasses back, once again making his intense amber hued eyes disappear. He looked Thea up and down again my God she is beautiful and doesn't truly realize it he thought. He spoke softly, almost shyly, "Well I am just an old meteorologist tech the Air Force couldn't use anymore, but my lady you are not as round as other females I have seen this far into your pregnancy. I would get with Doc Reynolds in private and have her do a thorough exam. I am not saying that Doc Quinn couldn't do just as well of a job, but I would be lying if I said the thought of him examining you doesn't make me jealous." He sucked in some breath hoping he didn't make a mistake with that last statement, after all he had no claim to her.
"I am also serious about you having half my meals. People like Hale and myself are used to the stressful and disjointed in the world, we are adaptable. The teenagers are always a resilient bunch, little buggers. I imagine the current situation is taking a toll on the rest of the adults that are not military trained. In your case, the disjointed and stress is harder on you. You also have a growing life that adds to the pressures on you. Reason I say to take mine is it will head off any potential resentment that others may or may not feel about you getting extra portions."

Thea nodded Reuben made a lot of sense. “Alright I accept your kind offer of extra portions, but only as long as you don’t go hungry.” She offered a warm smile grateful for Reuben’s concern. “I’ll also talk to Doctor Reynolds, she did say she wanted to examine me anyway.” She paused for a brief moment. “Reuben would you consider being my birth partner? I don’t have anyone else, and I don’t want to be alone when the time eventually comes.”

Reuben was gobsmacked. His mind was racing wildly with all kinds of thoughts at once. Never had it crossed his mind, okay a small part of his mind, he corrected would he have ever thought to be asked to be Thea’s birth partner. Realizing he must look strange just standing there, he spoke up, his voice cracking just a little “Yea sure…I mean yes I would be honored to be your birth partner.” Blushing like a school boy with a crush he spoke some more “Just promise me you will not crush my hand or the family jewels. My buddy told me his wife nearly did both to him during her giving birth to their children, don’t think that would feel at all good to me.” He said mischief playing across his face.

Thea grinned before bursting out in full blown laughter. It felt good to laugh after so long. “I’m... sorry! That just...conjures up such a picture!” She calmed down practically beaming a smile at Reuben before doing something that even surprised herself, she stepped up to Reuben giving him a hug. “Thank you Reuben for taking care of me.”

Thea's action of hugging him startled Reuben, and for just the briefest; a few seconds at the most, he stood there stiff as a rod. However the feel of Thea's body against his, and her scent made Reuben respond in kind. He gently hugged her back. "You are most certainly welcome beautiful lady. It is and will always be a pleasure to take care of you, until you no longer require my services."

Thea smiled as she finally let go giving Reuben a good long look. “I don’t count your kindness and caring as a service, and besides what woman in her right mind would ever want to let you go?” She offered a warmer smile.

Reuben turned bright red and was at a loss for words. Finally he stepped away and cleared his throat, "Might be a good idea to return to the others, wouldn't want them to gossip." he said very quietly, not trusting himself and his feelings toward Thea. He was feeling like a high school male all jacked up on hormones and hoping she would date him.

Thea nodded her smile fading a little. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to embarrass you, I just...” She paused realizing that maybe she needed to have a hard think before starting something, she didn’t want to hurt Reuben. “Maybe I should go...”

Reuben nodded and smiled "You do not need to apologize to me. It's just been a long time since I have had the attention of a beautiful woman and it caught me by surprise. Just remember to swing by to me when we eat, I want to ensure you have enough for yourself and the little one growing in you. I am extremely honored to be chosen as your birth partner." He again gave Thea a smile that seemed to light up his whole face.

Thea smiled a much happier smile seeing Reuben smiling as well. “I’ll come back later when we eat, spend some time with you if that’s alright?”

Reuben smiled even brighter if possible, "I would be delighted. May have to knock my nosey sister out, but small price to pay if I get to be with you for a little bit."

Thea couldn’t help but blush. “Maybe I should get to know your sister? She’ll be worried about you getting yourself involved with the pregnant lady” she grinned.

"You're pregnant? I didn't notice it." teased Reuben. He then made a a false face as if thinking about what Thea proposed. "I swear that Catalina thinks she is the oldest of the children my parents have, and she, for some reason she thinks of me as the 'baby' of the family. Her attitude is a lot like my mother's. Still she will not stop till she gets answers from me. She was such an introvert growing up, guess college changed her."

“She’s your big sister, she cares about you” Thea smiled warmly. “Maybe try giving her some honest answers and see if it works? Family dynamics can be awkward.”

Reuben chuckled "You misunderstood, I am the oldest of the children. I am eleven years her and, her twin sister Carsyn, their senior. Then the true baby of the family, Dalton, I am nineteen years his senior. Out of the twins Catalina is the oldest, by two minutes and forty-five seconds, as she likes to point out to her sister. So you see why I sometimes get annoyed with her. However, for you beautiful lady, I'll be a little more open with my sister."

Thea blushed at her silly mistake and Reuben’s compliment. “Thank you Reuben, I appreciate that. Anyway I guess I should be getting back, and let you get some rest.”

Again Reuben smiled, "Yes, I believe you should. Definitely will be having people talking if we are alone for to long. I will ensure the area selected for those sleeping in the barn is clean as I can get it, and a warm and snug. Who knows may get lucky and have a beautiful lady as one of the guest in the barn." with that he took his hat off and bowed toward her. Standing up straight he smiled. "Thank you."

Thea smiled the biggest smile yet. “My pleasure, I’ll be back you can count on it!”


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