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Doings at the Katahdin (Part 2)

Posted on Thu Jun 15th, 2023 @ 11:37pm by Survivor Calista Sutton & Survivor Killian Sutton

1,605 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Katahdin Inn and Suites, Millinocket, ME
Timeline: 26 AUG 2010 - 09:00 p.m.

She got onto her feet, started walking toward muffled sound, and before long, was climbing a short set of steps. Water streamed off her body as she rose out of the water, moving in a straight line. The screams drew her on. Screams and the scents that came with life ... and sustenance ... and she was hungry. Very hungry.

Andy, back on patrol with his regular partner, had been called to the Inn by a shots fired report. The dispatcher, Mel, was fielding calls as fast as he could and doing triage. Weapons fire was always right there at the top of the list. He'd managed to get a couple hours of sleep, what his wife called a power nap, and what he called "nowhere-near-enough".

They came in at main reception, which was empty, and heard the distinctive sounds of those ... things ... "Let's hope that backup gets here soon," he said and his partner favored him with a grim look. Their small department was stretched to the breaking point as it was.

"Right," Andy said. "It comes when it comes. Let's get to work, partner."

They decided to start with the pool area since that's where the folks who had gotten stranded after the pandemic announcement were housed. Largest group of people, most potential for problems. As they were about to move in, another car pulled up and, wonder of wonder, an ambulance. If we get out of this, Andy thought, Mel should get a medal.

After a small conference, triage in the lobby, move people outside, while Andy and his partner took the pool area, the other team, now equipped with a master key, would take the rooms. The rules were simple. Infected got shot, survivors got moved. Feeling a bit better, they split at the door, with Andy moving right. There were surprisingly few survivors but, as he had heard, the manager here had been reluctant to inconvenience his paying guests.

The pool area was in shambles. Chairs, tables, and all sorts of other debris was strewn across the floor. Anyone walking in could see that it all seemed to spread away from an epicenter. A small cot that had been situated on the far side of the room. The body that came flying from above had sent everything into chaos even before shots started ringing out.

At some point, Kara Sloane had barricaded herself in a side hall. Now, she looked over the scene wondering how many of those she'd known a mere hour ago were now dead. She felt numb, unable to process everything fully. The only thought that cut through the haze was a deep primal need to find some sort of weapon to defend herself with. And find it soon.

The process went slowly but it went. Survivors were being moved out and dispersed among the safe locations they had found. Andy was moving through the area now, calling out as he went. "Millinocket Police Department. Show yourselves. It's safe."

"D...don't shoot. We're in here," Kara said, rounding the corner around the internal fences around the pool with her hands up. "What's left of us at least. I think there are a few others who have taken refuge in the hallways around the pool area."

Pryde was knelt down, trying to console a crying child, upset with the current situation they now found themselves in. The priest patted the kid on the head "The Lord is always with us, through everything, good and bad, no need to tear." He smiled at the child, then peered to the parents, seeing the worry in their eyes as well. Once he heard the calling of the police department he spoke to the parents "There's our way out." He looked down to the child once more, "Let us go find the police, and we will all be safe."

Pryde stood up and continued to smile to the family as he ushered them to follow him to the voices of the police.

As the Pryde and the child appeared in the hall, Kara let out a brief sigh of relief, thankful that the young child hadn't been among those lost in the sudden violent uproar. She tried to give a comforting smile. "Are you both ok?"

"We're dividing people among the shelters we have available," Andy said to the group assembled. "If you'll be patient a moment, we'll get you all out of here and somewhere safer." He looked around the group and settled on the two who were standing apart from the others. "You and you," he said, pointing at Kara and the priest, "if you'll come with me, please."

"You're not going to get much argument from me," Kara said, keeping the rest of the thought internal. Though I'd gladly borrow one of those sidearms, if you don't mind.

Andy led them out to his patrol car and opened the rear door so that they could enter and waited for them to get settled inside.

As Kara settled into the back, the nagging reached the front of her mind. "I know this is a pretty silly thing to be asking from the back of a squad car, but I don't suppose there's any way you'd allow us to arm ourselves, is there? I appreciate the rescue, but this was the last 'safe' place we were directed to and that didn't exactly end up as a pretty pasture."

Andy paused in the act of closing the door and considered her question. "Tell you what. I'm going to take you to a friend of mine, Hale Stratton," he said. "Ask him to help you with that."

Kara felt an ironic smirk of amusement cross her face. "Small world. Mr. Stratton and I met last night actually. Under vaguely similar circumstances."

"Not surprised," Any answered. "He's been helping us out. At the moment, he's guarding a small group of settlers outside of town which is why I think you'll be safe there for the night. Be right back. Just got to make one last check."

Meanwhile in the Inn

What had seemed like hours was a fraction of that. Calista was still underneath the counter in the arms of her husband Killian experiencing the worst pain of her life. She cried silently and had shaken when the screams filtered up from the pool area.

After they had taken refuge, they waited. The shots that had come earlier didn't come any further, not yet at least.

There was a knock on the door that made Calista startle in her husband's arms.

"Police department," Andy said for about the thousandth time in the last twenty-four hours. "Open the door, please."

Killian looked over his wife. "I need to go answer this. I'll be right back."

She held on to him for a moment realizing that she needed to let him go, but pain coursed through her again and she coiled back on herself.

While he hated leaving her, he knew that he needed to answer that door. Kissing her on the forehead, he slid out from under the bathroom sink and went to the door, opening it after verifying that it was indeed a police officer standing on the other side of the door.

"Evening, officer. Is everyone all right down below?" he asked. "There were some shots, and screams of course."

"There was trouble but its safe for now," Andy said quietly. "We're clearing out the survivors and moving them to a better, more protected location."

"While that sounds nice, we cannot join right now. My wife is experiencing a miscarriage right now, probably triggered by the stress of everything that went down," Killian stated quietly. "Where is this more protected location? We can make our way there to meet you folks once she's capable of being vertical."

"Understood," Andy said as he shifted slightly from one foot to the other. "But its not safe here. Keep the door locked, the lights off, and stay quiet. Life attracts them if you know what I mean." He paused for a moment before turning. "I can try and get an ambulance out to you but the way things are now, I don't see it happening."

He fished in his pocket and pulled out a business card with his name and phone number on it. "Call me when you're ready to go. If I can, I'll give you safe escort. They're out at Twin Pines on the lake."

Killian took the offered business card and pocketed it. "I appreciate the thought. We should be okay and we'll keep the power off while we let things go. If we need help, we'll call or make our way for Emergency on our own. We have a map in the car that we can use as necessary. Right now our hope is to ride 'this'," Killian said gesturing around his abdomen, "out before trying to make our way home. If not, we'll make our way for Twin Pines. I appreciate your thoughtfulness all things considered."

"Be safe," Andy said. The words felt ... inadequate ... but then, what could he say? The world was falling apart and he didn't honestly have much hope to offer. He nodded politely and walked away, hoping they made it, hoping everyone did, all evidence to the contrary.

He left the Inn and its occupants to their fate and headed back to the cruiser; he dropped into the driver's seat, smothering a yawn as he did so. One last stop and then he could go home. Check on his wife and kids. Maybe do a bit of praying while he was at it.


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