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Arrival Time

Posted on Mon Apr 17th, 2023 @ 3:14am by Survivor Calista Sutton & Survivor Killian Sutton

632 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Way We Were
Location: Millinocket, ME
Timeline: August 24, 2010

"Do you think she's going to be surprised?" Calista asked her husband Killian who was behind the wheel driving their car from Tennessee.

"Oh I bet she will be," he commented.

They had been driving for the last day or so to get up to Maine. It was a nice vacation that they were finally able to enjoy after the recession had hit them hard, even though it had hit her friend harder than it had hit them. They had been able to adjust their lives and continue on.

Calista was originally tentative to get pregnant; now that she was, she had gotten quite excited for it. "What do you think? Maybe two? I know we both were only children. While I was growing up, my parents made our place the place to be. It didn't fix me being completely lonely and needing to self entertain as a kid. Yeah I had friends, but it wasn't the same as having a sibling."

Killian was pensive for a moment, and then replied, "I didn't have siblings growing up. My friends did, and I always thought that it would have been nice to have a brother or sister."

"We can play it by ear to see how many we actually end up with. I'm definitely game for the little squish to have at least one sibling." Calista smiled, warmed by their conversation. They had just found out about the pregnancy about two weeks before hand. While her morning sickness was manageable, it was more like an all day sickness. It would come and go as it seemed to on a more willy-nilly basis than anything.

Most of the rest of the drive was seemingly quick, and they made it to the Katahdin Inn & Suites.

"Room with two full beds," Calista stated. "Reservation is under Sutton."

"This says you'll have three?" the receptionist stated looking between the two of them.

"Yes, she's going to meet us here later today or tomorrow. She's on the trail and I think she reserved a place for the past couple of nights at a B&B in town?" Calista responded with a tentative answer. She hadn't been able to get ahold of Savannah for the last couple of days. That was common with her though. Savannah usually kept her phone off for a couple of days at a time as the solar charge station she had was enough to keep her going for the last six months on the trail to keep in touch. "I haven't touched base with her today yet to see if she made it into town yet or not."

"Are you here for the festival?"

"Yes, looking forward to seeing the lovely festival I've heard about. I heard there's live music and vendors," Calista stated.

"There is; you should enjoy it. Let me grab a brochure."

Killian signed the paperwork and handed over his credit card for the room when the desk clerk returned. "Three keys should be good." They were planning on spending the three days at the festival and then head back to Tennessee where Savannah was going to stay with them until she could figure out what she wanted to do with her life.

The desk clerk handed them over. "You're on the third floor, take the elevator over there. The pool is open during hours. Since you don't have any kids, you shouldn't have any concerns. If the kids get rowdy, just let whoever is at the desk know. Continental breakfast is served between seven and ten."

"Thanks!" Calista stated as she pocketed her key. She had her backpack on and a rolling suitcase that had both of their clothes was held behind Killian. He put his wallet back in his pocket, and Calista shifted her knit purse on her shoulder.


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