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Off on a Road Trip

Posted on Mon Apr 17th, 2023 @ 3:13am by Survivor Killian Sutton & Survivor Calista Sutton

503 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Way We Were
Location: La Vergne, TN
Timeline: August 23rd, 2010

Killian and Calista were finishing getting the house situated to leave for their vacation. Calista had her lists and had them packed the day before. They figured they would leave early today and drive most of the day and then stop at some point to continue on to Millinocket. While he wasn't looking for them to get a roommate, he knew that Savannah and Calista were close friends from college.

He had finished doing up the guest room and organizing all of their stuff into the other bedroom. Calista's touches were all throughout the guest room for Savannah, enough that he figured Savannah would like it considering how long she had been on the trail.

Everything was locked up in their safe and he had verified that the workshop in the shed was locked up as well. While he worked most of the time as his boss's shop, he still had some stuff here. He worked on things here and there for their friends.

After double checking that the computers were disconnected and in their closet, he was satisfied that the house was good to go for them to be gone for about a week. Two days of traveling on both ends, and then three two four days in Millinocket. While they had some of the mountains in Tennessee, he was looking forward to seeing Maine. It was a place that he had never been before, and had hopes that it was like his time in Nevada with the mountains in the summer.

He loaded the car and Calista came out with the backpack and cooler that she put on their backseat with drinks and snacks. "Alright, door's locked, and I unplugged the unnecessary things. System is armed."

Nodding, he tossed the light jacket that Calista had in her hands to him on top of the suitcase in the trunk of their sedan. "I filled up yesterday and we're good to go. I figure we will stop in Connecticut so we can get through New York quickly."

She held up the printed directions. "Directions, and I was thinking that'd be a good idea. Getting the more done today will be better for tomorrow. I haven't heard from Savannah yet. She said she was going to get a B&B for tonight and maybe tomorrow too in case we don't make it in time." She opened the back seat door again after she realized that she had forgotten the backpack on her back.

"Got your meds?" he asked.

"Yes, and I took one of those puke bag things from the doctor's office in case we get into a position that we can't pull over," she said with a weak smile. Morning sickness was getting to her a bit.

"Good. Let's go," he said as he got in to the car, and verified the mirrors were in the right position. "Ready?"

"Yup. The faster we get there the faster I get out of the car," she joked lightly.

Killian smiled. "To the highway we go."


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