Medical Checkups
Posted on Fri Aug 4th, 2023 @ 9:52pm by Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor Killian Sutton & Survivor René Rouen
1,374 words; about a 7 minute read
Bangor or Bust
Location: Trout Mountain Cabin, Twin Pines at NEOC, Millinocket, ME
Timeline: 27 August 2010 - 8:00 a.m.
Vic walked into the room that had been set aside and prepared to be a makeshift infirmary and double checked all of her equipment that was already inside and then stepped outside to her Armada that was parked by the cabin and retrieved the final bit of equipment; which in this case was a simple field testing kit for antibodies which she brought inside and set up before walking outside and calling Jasper to her side and looking around to ensure that there wasn't too many people out there.
René was walking passed the cabin, a shovel in hand as he headed towards a small building by the main office building. He acknowledged Victoire with a wave of his free hand. "Bon jour Medecin Oloffson."
Vic smiled at him and raised a brow as she spotted the shovel, tilting her head slightly. "Bonjour René; où vas-tu?"
René gestured to the maintenance shed. "I buried the bodies of the three Soulless you and Capitan Stratton dispatched last night. Just returning the shovel to the shed."
Vienna had woken up feeling a little rough, the age old saying of having a head like a lead balloon, or full of cotton wool. Her sinuses were bunged up too. It always caught a cold when she let herself get down in the dumps, she just hoped it wouldn’t mean she’d be put in solitary away from everyone else. Heading downstairs she headed outside for some fresh air.
Standing outside Vienna felt a sneeze coming on, before she had a chance to stifle it she sneezed loudly.
Vic stepped out of the infirmary and called to Vienna. "Sounds like you are facing some sinus issues; I have a small supply of medicine in my kit that might help bring you some relief... I can also get a baseline for you and ensure you are otherwise healthy in the process"
Vienna smiled politely and nodded. “I was half expecting to put in instant quarantine.” She pulled out a tissue and wiped her nose. “This happens when I let myself get down in the dumps, my defenses go down with my mood and I end up with a cold.”
René paused and looked over to Vienna. He returned to the porch. "Are you okay?" He had thought their conversation earlier would have improved her mood.
“I’m okay” Vienna nodded and offered a smile. “I’m just worried about my family, you know that.”
"Fortunately for you I have been in my field for a very long time and can tell the difference then!" she gave a soft smile and then motioned to the infirmary. "I hope that you aren't afraid of needles; I have a gentle touch but all of the medicine I currently carry is in shot form; its certain to give your immune system a boost though" She flashed René a reassuring smile and then stepped after Vienna.
“Needles don’t bother me” Vienna offered a polite smile. “Got used to having vaccinations with all the childhood ones we have growing up. Do what you need to do.”
René saw that Vienna was in good hands. He gave Vienna and Victoire a smile as he resumed his walk to the shed. "Back in a few minutes."
Vienna watched René go. “Be careful René” with that she headed inside with Victoire. “Where would you like me to be?”
Victoire indicated the bed in the room and turned toward her medical kit. "You can make yourself comfortable on the bed; the sheets can be cleaned but since you aren't bleeding or leaking anywhere I think they'll be alright." She took a trio of small vials from a hardcase in her pack and inserted a single needle into two of them; creating a light yellow-green serum and then capped the needle and set it aside for a moment while she fetched a second syringe and drew from the last vial before returning the vials to their storage compartment with a small smile and then capped that syringe and turned back to Vienna.
"Alright; so I have a little bit of a Vitamin cocktail in the first syringe here; its primarily vitamins B, D, and K and then some steroids; the second syringe is a semi-new antiviral medication that has been in testing in Norway for a little while and shows good results as a broad-spectrum treatment for Viruses, its only 2 cc's of that whereas the vitamins and steroids are a full syringe to help boost your immune system." She paused and brought the syringes over to the bedside table, setting them back down and looking to Vienna as she prepped for the first one. "It'll be a couple of small pinches and then you'll be all set!"
Vienna nodded. “Understood. Please carry on.”
René returned to the cabin and wandered to the kitchen..He knocked on the door to the makeshift infirmary he had helped put together the night before.
Vienna looked towards the door as she heard the knock, it proved a useful distraction while she had her jabs done.
Vic was quick and the jabs were hardly felt and then she too glanced at the door. "Alright, all set Vienna, with some luck that should help clear your cold up in record time..." she paused and thought for a moment before pulling out a prescription pad and jotting down the name of a medication as well as a couple days worth of it and signing the script before handing it to her. "...this is in case we manage to catch a pharmacy on the way out of town or to Bangor." She gave Vienna a wink and then turned fully to face René.
"Vienna appears to be in excellent health, if perhaps a little troubled by something but there is no evidence of bites and Jasper there..." she motioned to the Shepherd in the corner of the room who was curled up and sleeping. "...isn't reacting so she has no smell of the virus about her. If you would like I can grab a quick once over on you."
Rene was relieved to heat that Vienna was being given a clean bill of health. He stepped further into the room and glanced at Victoire. "Oui. If just to get it out of the way." He took a seat as Victoire readied to perform the exam.
Vic gave him a smile and cleaned up the needles while he seated himself and then smiled as she turned. "Roll up your sleeves and pant legs if you would please, do you have any places that are bothering you?"
Rene complied with Victoire’s instructions as he shook his head. He was more than 3000 miles from home. "I am physically fit."
Her medical examination was quick and she only physically touched a couple of places, mostly to check his flexion on the joints. Once she took a step back she nodded. “Looks like you are in good health, René. Do your best to stay that way, no?
"Bien sûr." René stood up and rolled down his pant legs and sleeves. He glanced at Victoire and nodded.
[em]Outside the Katahdin Inn[/em]
Killian had spent the last half an hour making his way out of the hotel. While they had a good place away from the stairs and the main hallway, there were things that he would have never thought that he could fathom. He was quiet by nature, and this was the time to definitely be quiet. There were some noises throughout the hotel, but most of the people had left the night before when the police had come after the disturbance at the pool.
They had either fortunately or maybe it was unfortunately, stayed back at the hotel so that Calista could heal and recover from what she was going through. While he had allowed for a moment last night holding his wife, he now had his emotions locked down doing what they needed to see this through.
He figured with the way that the street was with only a couple of random people either walking around or sulking around that he would be able to make it to the store and back within the half an hour.