Connecting in the Bangor Safe Zone
Posted on Fri Feb 2nd, 2024 @ 2:03am by Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor Killian Sutton & Survivor René Rouen
2,211 words; about a 11 minute read
Bangor or Bust
Location: Bangor Safe Zone, Bangor, Maine
Timeline: 30 August 2010 - 06:00 a.m.
Victoire woke early and went for a run with Jasper, ending it at whatever fortifications had been constructed to keep a barrier between the living and the dead and she called up to the guards. “Hoy! How goes the watch?”
"Nothing we can't handle," the guard said as he shared a glance with one of the other guards. "Nothing to worry about, ma'am."
"Glad to hear it; No injuries this shift?" She called back up to the guard.
"Odd question for a civvie," he said as he smothered a yawn. "Haven't heard of any. The patrols have been trying to clear out the areas closest to the barricades so that the scavenging teams can make another run. They're due back in another hour or so. Might be something then."
She climbed up to the guard and eyed him, ensuring that she positioned herself so that she could see his rank. "Its not such an odd question for a doctor though, now is it sergeant?"
The guard moved at once to stand in front of her, blocking line of sight for whomever was out there with a rifle. "No, ma'am. Not all the dangers are dead," he said. "We've had some problems with rifle fire as well. Best to stay low."
She instinctively took the crouched position behind the fortification and smiled to the guard. “At ease, Sergeant. I like to come check on the guards on duty before I clock in for my shifts at the hospital when I’m working in conditions like this… I find that it boosts morale. But I also came here for another purpose.” She looked down the line of the Sergeants men and took a quick headcount before looking back to him. “How many of your men know basic medic skills?”
The whole 'boost the morale' comment brought a quirk to his lips but her question was what drew a response. "I'm studying Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, or, I was until this broke out. So, I know the basics but I'm not a medical doctor. I don't know about the rest but I doubt these guys know much more than basic resuscitation techniques, if that."
“I’d like you to find time for your team here to filter into the hospital for some basic field medicine training as you have the opportunity; even if it’s only for a few days it might keep some of you alive if something dire happens.” She smiled; and then looked at the Sergeant. “Oh… and if you can try not to give up on those studies entirely; we’ll need people who can do that sort of thing”
"Studies," he said, shaking his head. "Bought the books but I doubt I'll be sitting in a classroom any time soon. Still, I'll pass the word along about training and all. We're short-staffed but, you never know ...
She gave a soft a chuckle and nodded at his comment about the classroom. “Aye; those days do seem a foreign thing now… I’ve got to get to the Hospital.” She carefully made her way back down and sprinted back toward the first her lodgings and then the Hospital.
The guard nodded and returned to his duties, a sad and thoughtful expression on his face, as he considered what might have been. It's never going to be the same, he thought, and we'll all be lucky to make it through the next month.
[Vienna and Rene]
In their shared home Vienna had started off the night in her own room, but having woken from a nightmare she’d quietly moved into René’s room. Not wanting to wake him she’d slid into the opposite side of his bed hoping he wouldn’t mind when he woke up in the morning.
René had woken up about 6am and the first thing he realized was that there was a warm body nestled into his side. He glanced at the arm across his chest and looked to see Vienna sleeping. He was relieved to find her in flannel pajamas, but he also realized he was only in a t-shirt and under wear.
Fortunately, René had dropped his pants next to the bed and slowly retrieved them. He moved inch by inch and got his pants back on before she woke up. No small feat considering. He lay there quietly for a time and pondered her reaction when she woke up.
Vienna slowly stirred, rolling on her other side she opened her eyes suddenly realizing where she was. “Ohh...René!” She blushed. “I hope you don’t mind? I...had a nightmare, and I didn’t want to disturb you.”
René nodded as he turned his head to look at Vienna. He gave her a small smile and sat up in the bed. "What is it Americans say? It's all good. I suppose we should get something to eat and then see how we can be of assistance here in the Safe Zone. Perhaps head to school. There may not be classes, but it will probably be used for part of the government relief efforts."
Vienna nodded as she got out of the bed. “I’ll go wash and change, and meet you downstairs.” She smiled warmly as she headed for her room.
[Millinocket High School Gymnasium]
It was quiet this morning. The smell of brewing coffee wafted throughout the gymnasium. While Calista had been able to sleep, she felt stiff and needed to get her body moving. Hot coffee definitely seemed like a treat that both of them would enjoy before they decided to stay or head off.
After stretching her very stiff body, she got up and moved over to the bathroom to get moving. She had only been in there for a couple of minutes. Though they were on a water boil notice since the power was out, there was enough head pressure that allowed them water for flushing. She finished getting quickly cleaned up and made her way back to the Gymnasium.
She had grabbed a scalding caffeinated beverage and though she had dealt with morning sickness recently triggered by the strong smell of black coffee, this time, it smelt like comfort in a paper cup. She sipped one and had another one for her husband Killian.
Handing it over to him, she sipped her coffee again before asking him. "What's the plan?" she asked, nearly in a whisper. They didn't know these people and while there seemed to be safety in numbers, she was still triggered by what had happened at the hotel.
"I figure we would get breakfast and then see what the day held," he commented cryptically. Neither of them wanted to be here any longer than they needed to be, but neither of them knew a good way that they could make since the others had mentioned the roads were blocked to Bangor.
Callista was going to mention something when there was a commotion on the other side of the gymnasium, under the pushed back bleachers. Screams echoed.
Killian grabbed a hold of her arm protectively holding her close to him as the guards rushed forwards with their guns drawn to see what was going on. As a shot rang out, echoing through the room, people started screaming and clamoring away.
Both of them dropped their coffees, grabbing one bag each, and as the commotion and more shots rang out in the large room, the rest was left behind in the kerfuffle.
Once she and René had headed out, Vienna had made the decision to lend a hand where she could. Knowing the hospital was close by she headed there, almost hoping to find her mother although she knew that would be a long shot.
Arriving there she made her way through what survivors were there, seeing a friendly face she headed over to Victoire. “Excuse me, erm...can I be of help?”
Vic looked up and smiled "Actually Vienna; your arrival comes at a very opportune moment. We are short on nurses and you are just right for the job, if you don't mind helping me out on some of the harder cases that come in, that is"
Vienna offered a smile. “I’d love to, I’ll do anything I can to help. I’ve spent some time here before so I know my way around the place.”
René had hung back, partially in an effort to glance about and see if he could spot Mrs. Quinn, mostly just to not be in the way. It had been ages since his last visit to a hospital and he was not particularly fond of them.
Vic grinned and handed Vienna a pair of patient files. “These two have not been triaged as of yet but they were my next stop; I think I can trust to do the triage and bring me the files back with your notes as to how you think they should be seen to.”
She spotted René and raised a brow but left him to his own devices for now, knowing that if he wanted to he would approach for a task of his own.
Vienna smiled and nodded as she took the files, before following Vic's gaze to René. She offered René a warm smile before heading for the two patients Vic wanted her to see.
René nodded his head towards Vienna in return. He waited a moment to approach Vic until after Vienna had left to see her assigned patients. He pulled out a photograph of the Quinn family. "Mrs. Quinn is a nurse. I am hoping you've seen her here this morning."
Vic took a look at the photo and raised a brow as she thought. “I believe that she is taking her lunch currently, René. Try in the back area of the larger tent. If anybody asks just tell them you have my permission to be there.”
René exited the building and made his way to the olive green large tent at the far end of the parking lot. He checked the chow line of military and civilian health workers and failed to find Deanna Quinn. He started to check the tables when a familiar voice called out to him.
“René!? Is that you?” Deanna Quinn rushed across to René, offering a brief hug. “I’m so happy to see you! Is Vienna with you?” She looked around for her daughter worried where she might be.
René was visibly relieved to see Deanna alive and well. He briefly hugged her back before stepping back. "Vienna is helping out in the hospital. We arrived in Bangor last night and were assigned housing by the duty officer of the Safe Zone."
“Thank heavens she’s safe! That you’re both safe!” Deanna smiled. “I’ve been here since all this started, I haven’t even been home yet. Have you been to the house?”
René nodded slowly. "We did make it to the house, but...."
He started to speak, but couldn't find the words. He removed the envelope in his pocket, the one Deanna's husband had been clutching when Vienna and René had found the body. He handed the envelope to Deanna.
Deanna gave René a Teary eyed look as she took the envelope from him. The fact that there was dried blood on the envelope, gave her a good idea just what had happened. “I...I’ this...later, thank you.” She put it safely in her pocket. “Vienna....I need to....see Vienna!”
René nodded and gestured in the direction of the hospital. "She is in the ER assisting Doctor Olaffson. One of the people who brought us back from Millinocket. She was performing a triage evaluation on a couple of patients when I came looking for you." He led Deanna back to the hospital. He paused in the ER lobby and pointed to Vienna taking notes as she spoke with a patient.
Vienna finished up, turning she suddenly realized just who was behind her. She stood for a moment in sheer shock, having thought her mother was most likely dead. Moments later she was hugging her mother for dear life. “Mum!! I were gone!!”
Deanna shook her head as she gave her daughter a long comforting hug. “No sweetheart...I’ve been here most of the time. I’m just glad you’re safe!” She carried on hugging Vienna offering René a nod of thanks.
“But...the house...Dad!!” Vienna looked at her mother the tears running down her cheeks saying it all.
Deanna simply nodded, she couldn’t afford to break down, not here and not now, she’d have time to grieve later. “I know...I have to...finish helping here. We’ll all talk later, you carry on with helping your friends okay?” She gently hugged Vienna again. “René...Thank you.” She walked across to René giving him a hug too. “I’m very proud of you both, and I’ll be telling your parents that too.”
René returned Deanna's hug. There was no need to inform her that overseas calls were nigh impossible at the moment. He could only hope his family was somewhere safe. He could only hope and pray they were.