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Questionable Safe Haven

Posted on Fri Jan 19th, 2024 @ 8:32pm by Survivor Reuben Baptiste
Edited on on Sat Jan 20th, 2024 @ 3:19am

1,066 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Safe Zone; Bangor, Maine
Timeline: 30 August 2010 - 11:00 (11:00 a.m.)

The police officer named Rich spoke up "Boss, H.Q, says to secure any weapons he may have, search him, get an official government I.D. if he has one. Once done they should have a Humvee here Ricky tick to take him to Hayford Park. Then he becomes Lieutenant Harris's issue."
The lead officer looked at Reuben "Okay son, I want you to get up real slow and take three steps back with your hands in the air over your head, away from your backpack and axe. Understand." Reuben smiled and replied "Sure do. Just have your friends take it easy with those pea shooters please." With that he slowly got up and did as he had been instructed. He watched as one of the men in fatigues moved forward swiftly and picked up his backpack and survival axe, then backing away, rifle aimed at him the whole time. Then the police officer named Rich slowly stepped forward towards him "That dog of yours doesn't bite, does he?" Reuben sighed "He is my service dog, helps with my peripheral vision, photophobia and PTSD issues. I am sure if I said to attack, he would, to protect me, but he won't. otherwise." The officer nodded "Okay I am going to approach you and your dog. Do you have any weapons on you?" "Does a Leatherman multi-Tool count?" asked Rueben. "Yes, it does, where is it?" asked the officer. "In a case attached to my rigger belt on my right side." The officer nodded and finished approaching. "Going to pat you down and take your Leatherman." Rueben nodded and the police officer proceeded. As he hit each pocket on his DCU blouse he asked what was in it. Reuben informed him and the officer would verify and move on. Once done he stepped back with the Leatherman.
"Have any official government I.D.?" asked officer Rich. "Sure do, which one do you want; my Wyoming Drivers Licenses, my U.S. Military Retiree card, or my VA medical card?" Hearing Reuben mention his Military Retiree card the lead officer spoke up, "Get his Military I.D. card, Lieutenant Harris and those in H.Q. will want to see it and most likely speak with him." Reuben looked at the officer in front of him "You know which pocket I keep my wallet in. I am going to slowly reach up and remove the wallet and get the requested I.D." Officer Rich nodded. Reuben retrieved his wallet and produced the I.D. card that was requested. He handed it over. "Is there anything in your dog's saddle bags?" Officer Rich inquired. "Nothing but his food and water dishes, collapsable, a tennis ball and a chew rope. I'll remove them, and let you put them with my backpack. I prefer to leave his vest and leas on." replied Reuben. Officer Rich replied "Okay, bit nice and easy when you do." Baptiste went slow and easy, again reassuring Kenny as he removed and handed over the saddle bags. As that was completed a Humvee pulled up and three soldiers got out.
Officer Rich looked at Reuben "Your ride is here. You most likely will get everything back once the brass confirms you're not a threat. Good Luck." The Soldier that had been riding shotgun walked up to Reuben and Officer Rich "I'm Staff Sergeant Christain, please follow me." with that he turned and began walking back to the Humvee. Reuben shrugged and followed, Kenny by his side, like a shadow.

When they got to the Humvee Staff Sergeant Christain opened the rear door behind the driver "Please get in sir." he stated in a firm voice. Reuben climbed into the seat and Kenny jumped up in his lap. Meanwhile the rear hatch opened and one of the soldiers placed Reuben and Kenny's bags in the back, then closed the hatch. Staff Sergeant Christian and his small team got back in the vehicle themselves. Kenny began to gently lick Reuben's right hand, which had a slight tremble in it. Memories of the last time he was in a Humvee, albeit an up armored one. "Okay Bautista, let's roll." stated Staff Sergeant Christain as he turned to look at Reuben. "You okay sir?" he inquired as he saw that Reuben had gone pale and was beginning to sweat. "Yea, just had a flash back to the last time I was in a Humvee in the same seat position." replied Reuben. Unable to see Reuben's eyes, Staff Sergeant Christian missed the stark and far off stare he had, also known as the thousand-yard stare. "Well sir we will be at H.Q. soon enough." with that Christain turned back and got on the radio, informing them they were coming in. Next to Reuben was a young black private," You were in the service sir?" he inquired. Reuben looked at him and smiled "Yes, what my appearance doesn't give it away?" he said in a light voice. The young private shook his head "Didn't mean no disrespect sir." Again, Reuben smiled "None taken. Did two tours in Afghanistan and one in Iraq. Insurgents in Iraq managed to ding me, but the Taliban in Afghanistan got me." he replied tapping the right side of his head and the special eyeglasses.
As Reuben tapped his head and eye wear the Humvee pulled up to an improvised checkpoint that led into a park. Two soldiers stepped up to the Humvee, one on each side, Christain and Bautista dropped their respective windows and the soldiers outside peered in, the one on the right spoke "No wounded or possible infected?" The Staff Sergeant responded, "Nope, just a package for Lieutenant Harris." The soldier nodded "Okay let them through." with that the drove forward.
Soon they pulled up to an area designated for refugee sorting. "Kill the engine and wait here." instructed Staff Sergeant to Bautista. "Private Olds grab Mister Baptiste gear and follow us. Mister Baptiste please follow me." With that the three, along with Kenny disembarked the Humvee. Staff Sergeant Christain led the way past several disheveled people standing in line over to a very harried Second Lieutenant sitting on top of a picnic table in Hayford Park working on some type of list.
If this is considered a safe zone, wonder what the rest of the nation is like. thought Reuben, as he looked about.


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