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Flown from the Gym

Posted on Sun Jan 21st, 2024 @ 3:35am by Killian Sutton & Calista Sutton

731 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Millinocket Airport
Timeline: August 30th, 1200 (noon)

Calista was still trying to drink the calming tea that Killian had managed to find for her. They had run from the High School to the airport after everything had gone crazy. The officials had told them that transport was hopefully coming for them in the next couple of days and that they were standing by.

There was more rigorous screening trying to get into the airport than what they had seen at the high school. Cal figured it was probably to do with exactly that. The Airport was more of a final staging ground, last chance stand in Millinocket with whatever was going on happening.

People hadn't outright said it but to her, this seemed just like the Dawn of the Dead and they were zombies. While she had wanted to say something, she was the last one to say anything. She didn't want to think that her best friend was one of those mindless creatures, even though she knew that it was that case.

Her hands still trembled as she tried to take a sip. She looked over to her husband as he looked through what little they had left with them. "How bad is it?" she asked him quietly.

They had been positioned in tents along the tarmac as this was a tiny airport compared to most metropolitan airports that serviced international destinations. The weather thankfully, while chill, wasn't cold yet, and snow was not on the immediate horizon.

Killian looked over to her, grimacing as he replied, "it doesn't look good. We lost the other bag of provisions that we had, and some of our extra gear. We're down to pretty much our backpacks, and we lost some of our camping stuff in the shuffle."

"We should have just left it all in the car," she sighed.

"Cal, you know that the car would have been just broken into," he said, not wanting to address the fact that their car was still in the high school parking lot. There hadn't been time to get into the car, nor was there going to be a way for them to get out of that parking lot with how many people were actively fleeing the situation that had started to unfold there at the High School. He knew that he would never look at a Gymnasium again.

"Do we still have at least some bare necessities?" she asked, almost tearful how crappy this had been starting to turn out.

He shrugged, trying to hide the forlorn look on his face. "We have some. We'll have to find ourselves more once we get on the airplane that is supposed to arrive soon, sometime-ish soon I guess."

She closed her eyes and looked up at the canvas roof on their tent, and just sighed. "This is so fucked up," she commented.

"I know."

"Knock, Knock, hope your decent and all," a gruff voice said on the outside of the open tent flap. "I got some more people to stage here with you."

They already had two others that were in the large tent with them, and now there was a small family filtering in through the door. Calista had ignored the stupid comment from the officer that had showed the family into the tent.

The guard continued speaking, "you'll need to have the kids share a cot, but that's all the room we have right now. We're still trying to secure more temporary staging due to the recent events."

Cal looked at Killian. After the guard left, the area and the family started coming in, she whispered barely audible, "recent events my ass..." It was enough that he could hear it but not the family with the young kids. She wasn't in the mood to handle dealing with other people and just set the mug down and laid back down.

Killian leaned in and kissed the exposed part of her neck above the scarf that she was wearing behind her ear. "Get some rest. I'll see if I can't find out more information." His hand found hers and she squeezed it gently. He knew that it had been so much on her the past couple of days, especially with everything going on and how they seemed to have jumped out of the frying pan into the fire, and now hopefully they had been able to break free of said fire.


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