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The Mother-In-Law Apartment

Posted on Wed Feb 14th, 2024 @ 4:45pm by Survivor Alonzo Blazevic & Survivor Reuben Baptiste

1,971 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Bangor Safe Zone, Bangor, Maine
Timeline: 30 August 2010 - 1130 a.m.

Harris sighed. Maybe the hundredth of the day. More and more of the dead by the day. Less and less resources for the living. By his personal estimation, they had maybe two weeks before the shortages became a problem. As it was, they'd be on canned vegetables and soups, rice and dried beans by tomorrow. A month before they were out entirely.

He sighed again. And all that meant he, Harris, would be under fire from a frightened civilian population who didn't understand deprivation and doing without in the same way that the military did.

Their only hope at this point was the Major who showed up this morning with a plan to organize supply runs. Lead them actually. Some of the locals had pinpointed stores and warehouses on the map and Stratton planned to take a truck out this afternoon. Between now and then, every spare hand was working on reinforcing the
gates because the dead, well, they were drawn to sounds of any kind. They'd learned that the hard way.

He sat on top of a picnic table in Hayford Park working on a shopping list for the Major though, in reality, he'd take anything remotely edible at this point. If it was all they could fine, everyone could dine on canned corn and rice for the foreseeable. And if they had questions, well, they could take 'em up with the dead.

He sighed again.

Staff Sergeant Christain walked up to the lieutenant and snapped a salute off "Sir, I have brought a mister Baptiste from check point Oscar Whisky. Was told to bring him over to you." He then handed over Reuben's Military Retiree Identification card. As the staff sergeant was reporting Private Olds set down Reuben's backpack, survival axe and Kenny's saddle bags.

Reuben studied the Lieutenant and spoke up "Look a little frazzled Lt. What are you working on?" He knew that the lieutenant wouldn't like being called LT., but hell Reuben was retired from the Air Force and most likely had more time in service in his big right toe than this lieutenant, hell probably the staff sergeant and private as well.

Harris returned Christian's salute and said, "Thanks. You two can go back to your duties, I've got it from here." He watched them walk away and turned his attention to the newcomer. "Logistics," he said. "Which is why they brought you to me." His gaze took in the details provided on the card before passing it back. "If you're willing to help out, I have a place I can put you and the dog in right now."

Reuben chuckled, "Sure, I'll help where I can. Not sure what you expect me to do, but I am in. Just one thing, I'm looking for someone, how would I get that information?"

"We're trying to maintain a record of people coming through here. Not sure how up-to-date it is but you're welcome to check when you report for work tomorrow. In the meantime, let me show you where you're going to staying."

Reuben smiled "Okay. give me a second." Reuben reached down and attached Kenny's saddle bags. He then reached over and attached the survival axe to its sheath on his backpack. He flipped his backpack over his shoulders. "Lead the way sir."

[Short While Later]

The house with a detached garage wasn't far from the park. Other than pointing out the supply depot, where food could be obtained, Harris had remained silent and didn't start speaking again until they reached the property. "Major Stratton is quartered here. In the main house, I mean, along with two others. But there's an apartment over the garage." He gestured toward a set of stairs on the side. "More of a studio apartment. There's water to get you started and a camp stove. There will be some basic supplies but for the most part, you'll need to visit the supply depot." He handed over the keys. "If you want to drop off your gear, we'll go by the main house and introduce you."

Reuben took the keys, "Be back in a minute." He led Kenny up the stairs and entered the apartment. The lieutenant was correct it was a small studio apartment, just a little larger than the room he had at the Baxter Park Inn, in Millinocket. There was a small kitchenette, similar to what one would find in upscale hotel with a kitchenette. There was a full-sized captain's bed. In the right-hand corner, a small love seat couch and chair. He saw a door in the left corner, next to the kitchenette, that lead into an efficiency bathroom. Setting his pack down he knelt next to Kenney "Well boy, welcome to our new temporary home. Let's get the saddle packs off and go meet this major." With that he took Kenney's saddle bags off, leaving only his service animal vest on. They went back down the stairs. "It will work for us. Bonus it is easily defensible should it come to that. Lead the way to the major." Reuben stated to the young lieutenant.

Harris walked over to the front door and knocked; most likely, the Major wouldn't be there but he hoped that one of the other two would be. Not for the first time or even the tenth time did he wish that his cellphone still worked.

The infected individuals were known by a plethora of names, but the knocking dead or cordial corpses were not one of them. Someone knocking on the door was mildly concerning, but definitely not the flesh tearing terror that Alonzo was trying to avoid. He had instructed Eathan to stay in his room as Alonzo retrieved is compact
Ruger LCR revolver.

He loaded the weapon and proceeded to the door, looking out the peephole. If the person standing there was about to chew anyone's face off, it would have surprised Alonzo. He took a step back and opened the door, his revolver held at his side in his other hand.

"I can assure you, I've heard about the good news, but I'm not firm believer these days" he greeted the man. "Not interested" he added and was about to shut the door.

"I'm Lieutenant Harris," he said politely. He had perfected the smoothly polite attitude, bulletproof in the face of terrified civilians looking for someone to take it all out on, and he used that now. "I wanted to let you know that Master Sergeant Baptiste here is moving into the small apartment over the garage."

Alonzo kept the door from closing and opened it a bit more. "Oh?" The journalist looked intrigued. "The apartment over the garage you said? Will Sergeant Baptiste be there for long?" Alonzo had plenty of questions.

Reuben stood there, as Kenny took a seat next to his left side, and watched the exchange between the lieutenant man at the door. He immediately noticed a revolver in his hand. A little nervous, cannot blame him. Better to be cautious, then assume anywhere is 'safe' he thought. Reuben was still not sure what to make of this wildfire virus and turning people into 'undead', but nature did have some precedence in such things.

Reuben looked the man at the door over more completely, knowing his eyes where hidden by his eyeglasses and bonnie hat. The man was definitely not military by any stretch of the imagination. So that meant he was not the major. He decided to introduce himself. "Lieutenant Harris was a little incorrect, I am a retired Master Sargent. Taliban got me in the 'Stan and well knocked my head but good. So Uncle Sugar and the Air Force medically retired my sorry butt. Name is Reuben Wolff Baptiste, but just call me Reuben. This here..." here he indicated Kenny, "is my service and companion animal. His name is Kenneth Lee Baptiste, but just call him Kenny. As for how long I am staying, well depends on a few factors. I got goat roped into assisting this 'safe haven', which doesn't bother me. I am also looking for a friend. Last is how long this 'safe haven' remains safe."

"Well, now that you're both introduced, I've got to get back," Harris said. He nodded to both and headed back to the park where he had no doubt but that there were a hundred people who just had to talk to him immediately.

Reuben watched the lieutenant walk away then turned and looked at the man at the door, and then smiled "Lieutenant is definitely wrapped tight, guess the end of the world is causing him to have a bad day. So, my next question, plan to plug me with that revolver?"

"If necessary," Alonzo replied nonchalantly. "Don't give me a reason to and we won't ever have to know" he added. Alonzo had no intentions on harming the man. "You cannot be overly safe or suspicious these days. So, you'll forgive me if I greet anyone that shows up at my door with a friendly revolver."

"Nope, understand. I'm a bit paranoid myself, why the Air Force and VA got me Kenny, so I don't go off on the wrong person." replied Reuben in a humorous manner. "So, what can you tell me about our little slice of heaven in the end of the world scenario?"

Alonzo thought about what information was important. "If you want groceries, you'll want to find yourself someone to go with. I would not recommend braving that alone. It's a mad house and aggressive" stated the man. He wished that was joke but it really wasn't. "Beware of the Jell-O section. It's wild" he added. "That aside, it isn't too bad. We are apparently 'safe' here, but I would not invest too much faith into that."

"Thanks for that tad bit of advice. The lieutenant indicated there were some basic supplies as well as a camp stove, add that to what I have Kenny and I should be okay for today. What I am really needing is where one can find out if there is an individual within the safe zone. I am looking for a special lady friend of mine. The lieutenant was kind of vague on that."

"Hale," replied Alonzo. "The Major would know about that sort of stuff than I would. No rank, no uniform. I'm just an ordinary guy trying to survive in this new world" admitted Alonzo. "Lady friends aren't my expertise" he added.

He had them, but it had been a while. His mind was not on romance when all of this unfolded. It was just on chasing leads and following a good story he could find answers to. Then all of this happened.

Reuben nodded at him, "Well thank you for the information. Not too worried about grocery shopping with Kenny. Should see how fast people clear out when a hundred-pound canine growls and bares his teeth. If you should need some eggs let me know. I've a few I am willing to share."

"Thank you," Alonzo replied. He was of course skeptical of the kindness of others right now. He would try to improve upon that, but the world was not exactly ideal for trusting blindly. "If we have anything you can use, we'll be open to sharing."

Reuben nodded, "As R.E.M. song said 'It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.' A new reality for everyone. If we are going to survive it, we need to learn how to cooperate. Well, I am going to head on up to my new digs and try and get some sleep. Nice meeting you."

"I hope you find your new digs suitable" Alonzo said with a more polite nod. "A place like this isn't too bad."


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