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Report for June 2024

Posted on Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 12:23am by Hale Stratton

Hello, Survivors!

Player Statistics
New Players: 2
Departing Players: 0
Total Currently:
> 10 Main Characters
> 7 NPCs
> Calista and Killian Sutton on LOA until 17 JUL 24
> Reuben Baptiste - Unknown
Returning From LOA:
> Victoire Olaffson

NOTE: All players are represented on Discord except for Killian Sutton; however, his real-life spouse, Calista Sutton is on Discord so he'll be able to get information through her.

Total Posts for the Month: 45
Posts by User (Average): 4.5
Words by User (Average): 2295.5

Rules Adjustment

I'm appending the rules for character-creation to reflect the fact that the character has to be consistent with the time frame of the sim -- 2010 at present. You can't talk, for example, about having had COVID, for example, since that hadn't happened in 2010. Existing characters are not exempt from this rule.


"High Speed Survivor" goes to Phoenix Lalor, who writes Serena Reynods, for a total of 9 posts last month -- that equals Hale's count which is also 9.

Player of the Month is awarded to Johnathan2009, who writes Tim Reynolds, for his willingness to contribute real-world knowledge and by doing so, enhance the realism we bring to the time period. And also, for helping me remember to look at production dates on vehicles.

Current Events

With young children in the mix, the group's focus has shifted to setting up a community on Hale's land in Wisconsin. Having secured vehicles, the group is now going to drive South, towards Boston, and head west toward Wisconsin.

Hale has become the official leader of the group with Tim Reynolds acting as his second. Individuals will be evaluated and assigned jobs but everyone agrees that, Serena Reynolds (our doctor), Patrick Reynolds, 10 months old, and Thea Matthews who is five months pregnant will not participate in any encounters but instead, be ready to make a quick getaway.

Serena Reynolds has been asked to join the Logistics Committee with Ed being put in charge and Ethan to act as an assistant to Ed (for the time being).

The group is beginning to talk about how the settlement in Wisconsin will function and some rules have been suggested. Once they are confirmed, we'll add them to the sim site and new characters will have to go through that process to become members of the community.


> Stop outside of Augusta at Vienna's parents' cabin

> Stop in Augusta to try to secure more medical supplies where we'll run into a new player character (formerly Vic Olaffson) and Rene's sister, Chloe, (an NPC) who are being held by a group of raiders masquerading as National Guard

> Stop outside of Boston, at a truck stop, where we'll run into three NPCs -- Kimberley Hathaway, Josh McCallan and Lydia Dunham.

And Finally

I love the idea of setting up as a community once we are settled into cabins and are building our lives there. That will take some discussion, both in-character and out, but I think it will add real depth to our stories going forward.

And for those who were worried, while Vic may have died, her writer is still with us and is currently dreaming up another character that will most likely find at the Medical Center.

See you in the apocalypse,



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Category: Monthly Report to the Survivors

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