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Family catch up time

Posted on Sun Sep 29th, 2024 @ 3:13am by Catalina   Baptiste
Edited on Sun Sep 29th, 2024 @ 3:21am

539 words; about a 3 minute read

Reuben talked with Catalina when she had joined with him in helping the group. During the stops for the evening on the way to Hale's property Catalina filled him in on how the ranch and family were doing. Apparently their father was quick to realize the situation and started the process of fortifying the ranch, He had the hands bring the cattle in closer for the rest of the year and would decide in mid spring what to do about how to safely graze them. He and the hands also began working on the barb wire around the ranch.
Reuben had chuckled at that announcement, "That is one hell of a project to do." His sister smiled "Yep, one reason I am glad to be here with you, otherwise Father would have me out there supervising that task." "Well CeeCee you are the best at handling that task, the hands seem to work well for you and jump to when you give an order to them. You my dear sister are a cattle whisper as well as a ranch hand whisperer." CeeCee just snorted, "Think it is only just because the ranch hands want to get into my pants. If only the knew the truth about me." she said with a smirking laugh. Reuben laughed with her, "I see you are still remaining in the closet." he stated flatly. "You should just come out and tell everyone. It would make it easier on you, and you could date openly." laughed Catalina "Don't think I'll be dating much here in the near future."
Then she began questioning Reuben about the group they were travelling with. Reuben ran down what he knew of everyone. "Ok Sandwich what is the deal with Hale, there is more than him being a soldier and leader, I get the feeling he is hiding something." Reuben sighed, his sister was like a dog with a bone when something intrigued her. "Leave things be CeeCee, I'm sure if he thought it relevant he would tell us. So for my sake let it go." Catalina sighed and made a pouting motion with her lips "Okay, sure what ever you want Sandwich." Then like a bolting rabbit she switched to Reuben and Thea, "So what is the deal with you and that pregnant lady, Thea?" Reuben was very quiet as he reflected on that question. He did find her very attractive, but there was more to it than that. He was still sorting his feelings on the subject of Thea. "Not much to tell. She is pregnant and is in need of assistance. I provided it." Catalina laughed at that, "Sure Sandwich, I know better. You defer to her like you do Mother, Grandmother, CeeDee and me. Hell, you even gave her your sleeping bag with bevy sack. I think there is more to what you two have. Also think you should take it slowly, you and her both need some happiness, but seem lost right now." Reuben snorted, "I think you are just reading to much into Thea and I." Catalina giggled and said "Get some rest big brother. Plan to do some reading, writing and reflection." With that statement she pulled out her Bible and began reading.


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