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Leaving for a Grand Adventure

Posted on Sun Apr 16th, 2023 @ 4:24am by Survivor René Rouen

752 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Way We Were
Location: Paris, France
Timeline: Friday, 11am AUG 6, 2010

Rene was in the back seat of the auto with his sister Amelie. Up front sat Pierre and Gabrielle, his parents. He was going to the airport for his departure for a year's school in the United States.

Some of the ride Rene spent looking at the landmarks around Paris. Places he would not see for the next year. He was going to miss the Salle D'armes Coudurier fencing academy where he learned French dueling style from his father who was the senior instructor. There was also the Louvre Museum which always fascinated him with the rich historical culture of France.

Rene turned his focus back to his family in the car. "Pere (father) you will send my equipment so I can keep up my practicing won't you?"

Pierre glanced in the rear view my and chuckled as he nodded. "I put it in the trunk. We are going to send it off after we get you to the aerodrome. You should have it by the end of the week."

Gabrielle turned to look at Rene. "And tomorrow I will be sending your outfit you wear to the Renaissance Fair. I understand that Americans have a fondness for such events."

Rene smiled happily. He loved his family dearly and was going to miss them tremendously, but a chance to study in the United States was important to him. "Merci mama et papa."

Amelie turned to her brother with a shake of her head. "You slip in to French now. After making us speak English all week so you can practice."

Rene chuckled as he glanced at Amelie. He had indeed insisted the family speak English the last week. "What is it the Americans say.... My bad."

Gabrielle smiled at her son. "You can practice your fencing and other hobbies, but do not neglect your studies. I will be writing your host family soon that if you don’t keep your marks up, you are to be grounded until proof you are improving."

Rene grew serious for a moment. "Of course mother. Studies and chores before hobbies."

Pierre glanced at his wife for a moment. "Rene has always been a responsible young man. He will do fine." He looked in the rear view mirror once again. "When you return next summer you will be old enough to compete in the European tournaments in Vienna. How does that sound."

"I look forward to competing."

Amelie smirked as she looked forward to her parents. "Maybe Rene will meet a beautiful Hollywood movie star and forget all about us."

Rene shook his head and smiled. "Hollywood would is in California. I am going to school in Maine, I will be thousands of miles away from those Hollywood stars."

Pierre quirked an eyebrow. "Remember son. You will be in a foreign country. Treat those around you with courtesy and respect, the same as you treat your mother, sister and I. You do that and you will be fine. I expect you will have friends in no time."

Rene listened attentively to his father. "I will father. I swear."

Pierre pulled the car into the airport drop off lane and a minute later they were parked. The Rouen family got out and walked to the back of the car to get Rene's two suitcases.

Pierre shook Rene's hand. "You are a fine young man. Just continue to be so." Rene nodded as he gave his father's hand a firm shake. "Of course father."

Gabrielle held her son close, her eyes a bit misty. Her son had never left to be away so long and she was already missing Rene. "I love you Rene. Always remember that." "I love you to mother. I will call and write every week to let you know how I am doing."

Amelie stood ab arms length away. She gave him a gentle nudge in the shoulder. "Just so you know. I am going to ride your bicycle while you're gone." Rene grinned for a moment before pulling a slightly resisting Amelie in to a hug. I am going to miss you Amelie." Amelie relented and hugged her brother back. "And I you dear brother."

Rene gathered his suitcases and started to head into the airport terminal. He glanced back to watch his family get back into the car. He realized a great opportunity and adventure lay before him, but his heart would always belong to France and his family.

Rene entered the airport, not realizing he would never see his family ever again.


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